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  • Thread Starter starssurfer


    Oh mem a lot of errors

    Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/admin/web/ on line 583

    Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/admin/web/ on line 598

    Notice: Constant AMPFORWP_MAIN_PLUGIN_DIR already defined in /home/admin/web/ on line 22

    Warning: require_once(/home/admin/web/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/admin/web/ on line 27

    Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/home/admin/web/’ (include_path=’.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php’) in /home/admin/web/ on line 27

    Thread Starter starssurfer


    Thanks Lancecarr & Mohammed Kaledi

    I already sent an e-mail to team magazine3

    I”m thinking stoping whit AMP, everytime update plugin…. all my fix things goes away


    Ok, Ahmed

    I’ll send now!


    New update only shows codes on homepage and no run the menu (AMP)

    Can be can be seen here


    Thread Starter starssurfer


    Thank you Grank, I’ll try your sugestions


    Aurelio Martuscelli

    Thread Starter starssurfer


    Realmente pode ser perigoso, mas minha Host o fez sem nenhum comentário a respeito, além disso uso dois plugins Wordfence All in one Security, que dificultam ataques. Nenhum site está imune a ataques.

    O jeito ent?o, é fazer a dica que o Matthew deu acima, dá trabalho mas é a única forma possível para conseguir fazer o update 4.6 funcionar sem erros.


    Try downloading WordPress again, access your server via SFTP or FTP, or a file manager in your hosting account’s control panel, and delete then replace your copies of everything except the wp-config.php file and the /wp-content/ directory with fresh copies from the download. This will effectively replace all of your core files without damaging your content and settings.

    Some uploaders tend to be unreliable when overwriting files, so don’t forget to delete the original files before replacing them.


    Ou, quem sabe mudar de hospedagem!

    Boa sorte nas escolhas e que tudo dê certo.



    Thread Starter starssurfer


    I think you speak portuguese

    Sim, nesse caso é hospedagem compartilhada. Mas, mesmo assim, eles habilitaram a fun??o.

    Eu enviei essa mensagem para minha Host:

    “Hoje chegou nova vers?o do wordpress (4.6) mas ao tentar fazer o update (o que fazia tranquilamente) apresentou um erro.

    Usando o suporte do, o webmaster me disse que poderia ser da Hospedagem, veja a dica:


    Curl n?o é realmente novo para WordPress 4.6, e tem sido usado por muitas vers?es. O sistema de pedidos classe é nova, mas Curl existia em vers?es anteriores da API HTTP.

    Ent?o, se você só come?ou a receber esta mensagem, ent?o é provável que o sua Host desativou Curl recentemente por algum motivo.

    Além disso, a nova classe Requests_Transport_cURL, de fato, verifica se há function_exists (‘curl_exec’) antes de tentar usá-lo, de modo que parece provável que sua host está usando suhosin ou algum outro meio de desabilitar fun??es que n?o cause PHP para relatar corretamente essa fun??o como desativado.

    Ent?o, provavelmente você vai querer perguntar à sua Hosting sobre ele.


    Por favor, verifique se isso é fato e, se for o caso, habilite essa fun??o, pois meu site está com inúmeros problemas de configura??es.”

    Resposta da Host

    Olá Aurelio, boa noite!

    Habilitamos os recursos informado na sua conta. Você pode conferir através do endere?o:

    Por favor, fa?a um novo teste de atualiza??o. Se apresentar algum erro, envie-nos o print da tela para verificarmos.

    Boa sorte!


    Thread Starter starssurfer


    Hello friends

    In fact, the problem was with my Hosting. I asked them to qualify function_exists (‘curl_exec’) and solved the problem.

    Thank you Matthew and Samuel Wood (Otto)

    Aurelio – starssurfer

    Thread Starter starssurfer


    Hello James

    Thanks for tips

    I put other theme and now working.



    I’m also having the same problem and it has been over a week since the problem was identified and reviewed here. I bought today and I could not install

    Hello friend

    Try this

    Hope help you


    Hello Brandon

    The statistics do not seem to work. Or are out of sync. For over three hours the numbers are about the same.

    Thank U

    Thread Starter starssurfer


    Many times thank you, friend.

    Now I will study the options you provided me and then if I have more questions, I ask for help again, through another ticket.


    Thread Starter starssurfer


    I do not know exactly where to find the css section. wp-admin? cpanel?
    If wp-admin, where?
    if cpanel, where /

    I’m sorry I have little idea, but I strive to learn from those who know.

    thank you very much

    Thread Starter starssurfer


    I’ll try, then keep you updated about the status

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