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Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Changing the domain nameThis isn’t a WordPress question. However, I’ll point you in the right direction. Read Are you on Google?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: site doesn't come up in google searchThis isn’t really a WordPress question, but I’ll give you some pointers.
You can check if your site is indexed by searching for in Google. Your site isn’t.
Read Are you on Google? for advice on how to get indexed.
At the end of the article, it recommends having a Sitemap for your site. If you install the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin this will create an XML Sitemap for your site.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sitemap ProblemThe error occurs because you’ve got HTML code which shouldn’t be there at the beginning of the sitemap.xml, and this makes the XML invalid.
The HTML code is this part:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html><head> </head><body> <br> <br> </body></html>
However, I’m not sure why the HTML code is there.
Do you have a cache plugin activated in your WordPress instance?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to remove unwanted ads on my blog and wordpress dashboard?Is your blog hosted on
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: problems enabling shortcode in textwidgetOne solution is to put the HTML code for the Twitter follow button into a page, post or text widget. It’s not quite as neat as plugin and shortcode, but it works (tested on WordPress 4.0).
Get Twitter follow button code
1. Browse to
2. Set Button options as required
3. Copy HTML code from right hand sideTo add Twitter follow button to existing page
1. Browse to your WordPress admin site
2. Click Pages
3. Click page you want to put twitter button into
4. Click Text tab
5. Paste HTML code where you want the button
6. Click Update button
Your Twitter follow button should appear on the page.To add Twitter follow button to existing post
1. Browse to your WordPress admin site
2. Click Posts
3. Click post you want to put twitter button into
4. Click Text tab
5. Paste HTML code where you want the button
6. Click Update button
Your Twitter follow button should appear on the post.To add Twitter follow button to the sidebar
1. Browse to your WordPress admin site
2. Click Appearance > Widgets
3. Drag a Text widget to the Sidebar
4. Paste HTML code into main text box on widget
5. Click Save button
Your Twitter follow button should appear on the sidebar.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: problems enabling shortcode in textwidgetThe link you included for the Twitter Follow Button was for the service.
To do the same in your self hosted site, you would need to have the Twitter Follow Button WordPress plugin installed. I’ve provided the instructions to install the plugin below.
Installing the plugin:
1. Go to your WordPress admin site
2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New
3. Search for Twitter Follow Button
4. Click Install Now button
5. Click OK to install
6. Click Activate Plugin to activateOnce the plugin is installed, you don’t need to do any other configuration, you just need to put the short code into a page or text widget.
However, having tested it on WordPress 4.0, I don’t think the plugin is working correctly. The configuration options in the short code e.g. screen_name or show_screen_name don’t work. Instead the button just shows the plugin authors screen name and follower count.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: insert website link with preview imageAssuming instead you want a preview image of a web site to be displayed by default without user having to hover over a link, you can do that with the ShrinkTheWeb (STW) Website Previews Plugin.
Step 1 – Register for a ShrinkTheWeb account:
1. Register at 2 – Install the WordPress plugin:
1. Go to your WordPress admin site
2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New
3. Search for ShrinkTheWeb
4. Click Install Now button
5. Click OK to install
6. Click Activate Plugin to activateStep 3 – Configure the WordPress plugin:
1. Click Shrink The Web bottom of WordPress admin menu on left hand side
2. Copy Access Key from your ShrinkTheWeb Lobby page into Access Key Id field
3. Copy Secret Key from your ShrinkTheWeb Lobby page into Secret Key Id field
4. Click Save ALL Settings buttonStep 4 – Add web site preview to WordPress page
Non-hyperlinked preview of a web site
Include this in your page, replace the URL with the one you want the preview of:
Hyperlinked preview of a web site
Include this in your page, replacing both URLs with the one you want the preview of:
<a href="">[thumb][/thumb]</a>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: insert website link with preview imageAssuming you want a preview image of the web site to appear when you hover over the hyperlink in your WordPress page, you can do that with the ThumbSniper WordPress plugin.
Instructions to install the plugin:
1. Go to your WordPress admin site
2. Navigate to Plugins > Add New
3. Search for ThumbSniper
4. Click Install Now button
5. Click OK to install
6. Click Activate Plugin to activateNow, all external hyperlinks on your WordPress site will show a preview when you hover over the hyperlinks.