Forum Replies Created
Thanks for the prompt reply, Bill.
I see. But appears that just adding custom post statuses names to that array allows your plugin to handle them, so for ‘LH Archived Post Status’ plugin adding ‘archive’ (its custom post status) solves the matter –
$available = array( ‘publish’, ‘pending’, ‘draft’, ‘auto-draft’, ‘future’, ‘private’, ‘inherit’, ‘trash’, ‘any’, ‘archive’ );
So if you wish you can update this string in your plugin next version. And until you make general support of custom post statuses (or may be instead of that) you can just add to this array custom statuses of popular plugins – so your plugin will support them all.
> May be just adding ‘archive’ to that array can help?
Yes!! ??
In addition
Got an answer from ‘DPS’ plugin author on my question on custom post statuses support –—-quote—-
Unfortunately no, this plugin does not currently work with custom post statuses. See here:’d be happy to consider a patch from the other plugin author to support custom post statuses. Since I haven’t worked with custom statuses, I’m not sure the best method to validate them.
—unquote—So if you have any practical code decision that can be suggested – suppose, it can be applied in ‘DPS’ new version. If you have time and wish for that, of course.
May be just adding ‘archive’ to that array can help? ??
Meanwhile can not explain to myself how that plugin did listing for ‘archive’ posts in your case since looks like it works with fixed limited quantity of standard WP statuses stated in its code. Hmm…
Mode is standard: archived posts can be read publicly.
Have additionally checked at SQL-database (‘wp_posts’ table, ‘post_status’ field): statuses for archived posts are ‘archive’, as should be.
So may be that is an issue in WP 4.6 version related to custom statuses. When have chance to check on latest – will do.
Strange, Peter, but this does not work for me (checking on WP 4.6, your plugin ver. 2.15, Display Posts Shortcode ver. 2.8.0).
[display-posts posts_per_page=”100″ post_status=”archive”]
Display Posts Shortcode (‘DPS’) plugin catches standard WP statuses well (Draft, Trash etc.), but does not recognize status ‘archive’: in output page it shows all available posts or pages. It reacts like this on any nonexistent status at post_status=”” – like ‘qwerty’ or something.
Since DPS plugin seems to work well (at least looks so) there is may be some kind of discrepancy in ‘archive’ status announcement at WP environment?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Hide Post] How to Hide Custom Post Type (Product Page)@katharinemills – you must be mean to keep it available in archive feeds?
Can not say whether that is possible (posts look excluded from all feeds), but please do not hesitate to ask this question at ‘LH Archived Post Status’ plugin support area: that plugin author is targeted on dialog with users, and as I know right now he is working on plugin new version – so he can probably include this functionality. Or may be he can explain how that can be done.
Thank you for this update. As for word doubling – may be it is a kind of WP bug that already fixed in newer versions, but when I have chance to test plugin on WP 4.7+ – will do that. As for 2nd matter – what can I say, may be until that is fixed somehow worth to mention that in plugin FAQ. Anyway, thanks for your attention to this. Plugin works, and in general that is enough.
In addition
Checked for Pages.Page (being published) can be turned to Archived just with choosing Archive as status menu and pressing Update (even with today’s date). Same ‘Archived Archived’ word doubling.
When page is archived already, Save Draft button updates it not changing status, Publish returns it to published status (if ‘Archived on:’ date is today or cleared), but when date is any past date page remains archived.
And so on with Draft status etc. So behavior is almost same. May be it is exactly same (‘today’ for me now is already ‘tomorrow’ for GMT zero time, so may be that depends).
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: ["SEO-HEADERS-Easy" Protocol HTTP 1.1] Plugin that really does this. At last.Thanks, did not find it. Will try on next WP installation.
Some plugin page visitors can probably be scared with numerous warnings like ‘it can cause’, ‘may crash’, and ‘may break’. It can of course, but they will probably decide better not to touch this functionality at all. ??
Checked on another WP 4.6 installation, behavior is same:
All Archived posts (checking on custom post type, but there shouldn’t be difference, I think) are with this strange ‘Archived Archived’ status (where first word ‘Archived’ acts like a link (finger on mouse hover) but on click nothing happens).
Plus another issues in dealing with already Archived post: looks like there is a problem in turning Archived posts back to Published:
-So we have already Archived post (its ‘Archive:’ date is somewhere in the past).
-In this mode we have two buttons: Save Draft and Publish. Both buttons do same: they update post, leaving it Archived.
-Trying to turn post to Draft then: at pull-down menu changing status to Draft (status turns to ‘Draft Archived’ (two words again)), then pressing Publish: post remains Archived.
-again changing status to Draft, pressing Save Draft, and post becomes Draft (one word in status; date at ‘Archive:’ is unchanged).
-in this Draft mode pressing Save Draft button just updates post, not changing status.
-pressing Publish: post becomes Archived again.And only manual clean of ‘Archive:’ date in this ‘semi-Draft’ mode and pressing Publish returns post to Published (‘Archive:’ date becomes ‘never’).
Not sure most of users who will face this will successfully pass this challenge, so this definitely worth to be checked.
If you have no way to check this on custom post types and you see that with your ‘regular’ posts nothing like this happens, will check this with my regular posts/pages as well.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LH Archived Post Status] Possible to archive directly from draft?UPD: Hmm, looks like there is a way of archiving post from draft directly without publishing and any code hacks. In Draft mode just set ‘Archived:’ date to any past date and press Publish. Instead of publishing post will become archived. Pretty unexplainable, but it works.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LH Archived Post Status] Possible to archive directly from draft?to @tobivreal:
You mean lh-archived-post-status.php file here, right? Looks like this your ‘hack’ is for one of previous plugin versions. May be you know how to do that for ver. 2.15? Lack of this possibility (Draft->Archived) is inconvenient for me as well, with all respect to plugin author policy: at online store have to turn a bunch of outdated products from Draft to Archived, avoiding publishing them again even for a short time.
UPD: Solved this with ‘LH Archived Post Status’ plugin.
UPD: For this task can recommend ‘LH Archived Post Status’ plugin –
Works as required.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Hide Post] How to Hide Custom Post Type (Product Page)For this task can recommend ‘LH Archived Post Status’ plugin ( ). Works as required.