Steve D
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ajaxify Wordpress Site(AWS)] 404 not found after ajax content loadHi Manish,
Thanks for taking a look at this. Like I said, it’s not a major problem, but it’s got me stumped. The ajax container ID is “#content” and menu container class is “menu-primary-container” in the AWS settings.
The link is here.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Main Nav RefinementForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page scroll to id] Length error in minified jsOkay,
After removing the mPS2id-target class from the target div, the error persisted, making me think it was something in the plugin settings. After unchecking the “Prevent other scripts from handling plugin’s links (if possible)” option in Advanced Settings, which I had checked while trying to resolve this, did the problem go away.
It’s all good – marked as “resolved”.
Thanks Malihu!
- This reply was modified 8 years ago by Steve D.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page scroll to id] Length error in minified jsThanks for your quick response!
I coded the link and target in html via “text” edit mode, after using shortcodes at one point. The reason being that I wanted to include the svg in the “a” tag. As you pointed out, the “rel” parameter is anomalous – I either forgot to take it out or inadvertently rolled back to a previous version, nevertheless, I removed it completely since I’d already specified the required classes. Even after removing the rel parameter and clearing cache, I get the same length error.
Here is the link (after removing rel):
<a id="scroll-down" class="ps2id mPS2id-clicked" href="#published-articles" title="Scroll down to Published Articles">civilian journalist <svg class="icon icon-arrow-right rotate-90" aria-hidden="true" role="img"> <use href="#icon-arrow-right" xlink:href="#icon-arrow-right"></use> </svg></a>
… and here is the target:
<div id="published-articles" class="mPS2id-target"></div>
Like I’d mentioned previously, it does work, I’d just like to figure out exactly what the error is.
Thanks for your time!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Network Latest Posts] Display latest n posts, regardless of blog IDOkay, solved my own dilemma. There’s an option I overlooked. Disregard this!
Status: resolved
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Seventeen] Get the image caption out of the excerpt!It was a plugin. Sorry!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Amazon Product in a Post Plugin] handshake fail – TLS fatal alertI set this back to “not resolved” because I’m still getting the same error in the server error log in addition to a new one which is as follows:
PHP Warning: simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, ‘<‘ not found in /hermes/bosnaweb28a/b1458/ipg.fusionculinairecom/ on line 1239I did remedy the problem with the product displaying in the post by setting fopen to “On”, however there seems to be more to this.
- This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Steve D. Reason: spelling
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Amazon Product in a Post Plugin] handshake fail – TLS fatal alertSetting fopen to “On” in php.ini resolved the problem.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Optimizer] Convert to pre-customizer?Version 2.2 is still working well for me – I’ll continue with it for the time being.
I’ll set this to resolved.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Optimizer] Convert to pre-customizer?For example, when I open a widget to edit in the front page widgets section, the cursor won’t let go of it and drags it around. Right clicking will remedy this, but it’s just a little tedious.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Optimizer] Convert to pre-customizer?Updating to 0.3.0, which no longer uses the optimizer-options of the previous version, steps on a lot of customization that I had put in place. Also, the customizer behaves in a wonky fashion in chrome (my browser of choice) as well as firefox and ie (browser of NOT of my choice). I downloaded 0.2.2 from the web site and activated it, and it solved much of my problems. As long as 0.2.2 remains compatible with the current version of wordpress, I would rather stay with it.
An example of the change of “look and feel” is the animation and background image in the “welcome” section of the front page. Also, my products disappeared in the “post” section of the front page. My site is here which I’ve reverted to 0.2.2 as the 0.3.0 version it is here.
BTW – I love this theme.
Thanks for your quick response!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Optimizer] Implementing WP Search MUI believe I’ve resolved the issue by copying the “template_parts” folder into my child theme folder, and copying the 2 post format templates into it. I then renamed them to search… instead of post…, and changed the search.php in my child folder to call template_parts with “search” instead of “post”. It appears to be working, however, I like your functions approach as well, it’s probably cleaner.
I will tinker around with your idea in addition to what I’ve done, but I’ll go ahead and mark this as resolved.
Thanks for looking into it, you’ve been a great help!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Optimizer] Implementing WP Search MUI’m using the Optimizer theme for my main site “landing page” of a network install, with navigation to all the sub-sites from it. One of the features I need, is a network wide search for all sub-sites.
I have a plugin called “wp-search-mu”, which resides in the “mu-plugins” folder in wp-content, it’s a “must use” plugin, as opposed to “inactive”, “active”, etc… It is for adding global, network wide capability to your search. In the search.php, I would normally insert 2 lines of code, 1 after the while instruction, and the other before the endwhile instruction, as such:
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : // Checks if any posts were found. ?> <?php while ( have_posts() ) : // Begins the loop through found posts. ?> <?php switch_to_blog($post->blog_id); ?> <?php the_post(); // Loads the post data. ?> <?php hybrid_get_content_template(); // Loads the content/*.php template. ?> <?php restore_current_blog(); ?> <?php endwhile; // End found posts loop. ?>
Optimizer wp-search.php is using “template_part”, and I cannot find the module that contains “the loop” for processing search records. I could change-up the wp-search.php module, but would rather keep it in line with the structure of the theme. I hope I am explaining my question adequately.
Thanks for the prompt response!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Images Lazyload and Slideshow] Binding lightbox on Infinite ScrollI got it!
For anyone who may need this in the future:
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) { // Trigger image lazyload and reinit fancybox $( document.body ).on( 'post-load', function () { window._lazyimgs = $("img.ls_lazyimg"); $("a[href*='uploads']").addClass("fancyboxsingle"); $("a.fancyboxsingle").fancybox(); }); });
Insert this script in a .js module and include in the header. Works for the “Images Lazyload and Slideshow” plugin and it’s fancybox with Jetpack Infinite Scroll.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Portfolio Press] Thumbnails acting up in Porfolio Press themeI thought it might have had something to do with some plugins I had used to optimize images and recently disabled.
Your quick response put me on the right track. Looking at my child theme, I copied the templates folder over, don’t know why, perhaps thinking I needed to use them to insert ads. Nevertheless, by merely deleting the templates folder out of the child theme folder, the problem is solved.
See, all I needed was an extra set of eyes!
Thanks Devin!