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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [DynPicWaterMark] [Plugin: DynPicWaterMark] Dont workThere are other options we can explore as well. I can give you access to my test enviroment so you can compare your setup with a working version. Can you e-mail me at [email protected] and we’ll continue the conversation there.
I might also add more debug info to the trace.log in case some of the php functions don’t return the desired result. I am determined to crack this since it is the only plugin of its type that offers great flexibility without altering images and as such should be of interest to a great manay photographers and artists who wish to protect their work from image piracy.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [DynPicWaterMark] [Plugin: DynPicWaterMark] Dont workOK, do you have a trace.log file in the plugins folder? Take a look at that. There may be some clues there. Have you tried this with the default template? Do you have other plugins installed? Do you get the plugin options when uploading a new image (that verifies that the plugin is being called)? Do you use the default WP plugins folder structure? What version of WP are you running?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [DynPicWaterMark] [Plugin: DynPicWaterMark] Dont workOK, as promised, I might have something for you. My own version of the plugin is too customised for my site so I went back to the original plugin to see if I could fix that. Rafael should be commended for doing an excellent job but there were a few areas that needed tidying up to make it more robust and more generic. I’ve spent a few hours this weekend working on it.
Now, I’m no WordPress or php expert but I’ve created a version 1.2 of the plugin which you may download from Let me know a) when you have downloaded it (so I can remove the link until we have given it a good test), and b) how you get on when you try it. I have tested it under a fresh install of WordPress 3.2.1 and it looks good to me (apart from one minor incompatibility with IE – see the readme.txt file). I have also made one or two enhancements to it.
As soon as we have something that works, I will finalise it, write up some better documentation for it, and upload it to the WordPress plugins area for others to use.
Good luck!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Making a plugin available for downloadExcellent. That is what I am after and despite searching for it I couldn’t find it (it’s easy to find when you know the page exists and what keywords to use).
Many thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [DynPicWaterMark] [Plugin: DynPicWaterMark] Dont workIt should just work. That’s the whole purpose of this plug-in – the watermarks are generated dynamically so your original pics remain unmodified. This means you can readily update the watermark whenever you want. That’s why I was determined to fix it myself if nobody else could.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [DynPicWaterMark] [Plugin: DynPicWaterMark] Dont workYes, I got it working for my site by tweaking bits and pieces. I planned to fix it up to make it more generic for any site but I’ve been too busy. I could take a look at doing this at the weekend. Could somebody advise me of the best way of posting a patched version of this?
If anybody wants to see it working, go to and click on an image.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I move my media to a new domain?OK, fixed it. If only the Import/Export routines would make it clearer that they can copy media as well. My procedure was this. Ignore all the instructions that talk about changing site URLs in the Dashboard – this only messes things up. Simply Export everything “as is”. Don’t touch the exported file – leave that alone. Go to WP on new domain and Import this file and check the option to Get file attachments. It may take a few moments but everything (apart from a little tweaking) then appears to work. There is intelligence built into the Import/Export routines – the confusion is caused by it not making it clear that it can handle the media and numerous other Web pages describing more complex ways of migrating to a new domain.
The only other thing I had to do was to run the Velvet Blues Update URLs plugin to rename any URLs embedded in posts as Permalinks and then fine-tune the menus and plugins.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [DynPicWaterMark] [Plugin: DynPicWaterMark] Dont workI would like to use this but also can’t get it to work. I think it is a great idea and there doesn’t seem to be anything else like it. So, I’ve been going through the plug-in code and I have found two issues so far:
- If you have an absolute upload path set in WP and this isn’t identical to what’s embedded in the page as the image URL, this will cause problems (it did for me). Solution for me was to remove the WP upload path and use the WP default which then resulted in the right paths being used for the images.
- Some calculations appear to be missing from the code. After adding some extra code, I have managed to get this to work in WP 3.2.1. However, some other calculations may be suspect as they are based on the uploaded image size and not on the displayed image size. I need to do some more work on this.
Essentially, my feel is that there isn’t any fundamental reason why, with a little work, we can’t get this to work in WP 3.2.1. It’s a clever bit of coding by the original author but as it stands it doesn’t work for all combinations of settable options. If you do get it to work, then you are lucky in that the code handles the combination of options you have chosen.
I shall continue to work on this and see if I can post a workable version at some stage. I’ve never developed a WP plugin before (and neither am I a PHP expert) so I am having to learn as I go along but it’s been an interesting few hours so far!
BTW, I have an e-mail address for the plugin owner and have sent him an e-mail. Maybe he can help too.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HungryFEED] Header and footer custom templatesYes, I can see that I could hard code it and that’s not a problem but I’d want more control over the formatting of the title/description header – I wouldn’t want both my hard-coded title with link AND the HungryFEED title, hence I’d still need more control over the main title/description block and come back to greater flexibility in the plugin to give me more options to control this.
I could try and fudge it by setting the text colour of the HungryFEED description to be the same as the background colour and text height to be 0px in the CSS section but this wouldn’t be the most elegant solution.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HungryFEED] Header and footer custom templatesOK, I can do that. I was going to have several feeds on one page but once I’ve coded it, it’s not going to change in a hurry. I’ll tinker with the CSS to format the feed title and description but it would have been nice to be able to put a link onto the feed title to link to the originating page (the page that the RSS feed relates to).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [HungryFEED] Embed image thumbnails with HungryFEED?The images aren’t in the description tag if that’s what you mean though they are part of the item block. I’ll wait till you have the update ready and see if I can work with that.
Thanks, David
It seems to have done something even though the error message is still showing. The sitemap files are no longer empty (I copied empty files to my server) but they aren’t correct either. What I have done, and this appears to have worked, is to generate the initial xml files elsewhere (I used, upload these and then the plugin appears to work (and the error message goes away). I will check the files on a regular basis to ensure that they are getting updated correctly.
I have the same problem – the files exist and are writeable (777) but still it complains. :o(
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Contact Form 7] Customisation of field coloursOK. I figured this one out. I just popped the following into stylesheet.css:
input { background: #EEEEEE; }
Hope that’s of use to somebody else.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to Add Comments to PagesMany thanks – I’ll try that.