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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Latest Posts by Author] Authors by Display NameLooking at the code, you invoke the ‘get_user_by’ function of WP.
From what I read elsewhere, that function does not allow ‘display_name’ as an argument – just ‘login,, email, ID, etc.Will meditate on the matter and may code my own plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Latest Posts by Author] Authors by Display NameThat is exactly what I want.
Many of my bloggers have “Display Name” = “Username” but some have different Display Names, since Username exposes Login name to hackers. If visitors can’t see the Username, they can’t search for their favorite authors.You might have an option on the code to chose which DB field is to be used, but I’m willing to tweak your code on my site as needed if you can tell me what to look for.
RaySForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clone] WP Cloned site takes on original site URLs & admin goneYou can manually do what WP Clone automates.
The WP Codex has instructions on moving WP installations, covering various combinations – same domain, different host; different domain, different host; different domain, different host. If the domain name changes, even if the clone is a subdirectory, the internal URLs need changing. Codex has instructions for this – the plugin does it under-the-covers.I’ve never had it fail unless the site is too big, which may be a host limitation on how long a script is allowed to run.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Who's Online] A week to too long to display usersNot really a PHP maven but been programming for 50 years, so I tweaked the code myself.
Users drop off after 20 minutes, only show ‘current’ for 10 minutes.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Latest Posts by Author] Tweak to show latest comment?I wanted to be able to track comments by a particular user. Ended up installng “Admin Commenters Comment Count” plugin which displays comments by user, but it’s a backend function. I’d prefer a widget I could shortcode on a frontend page, but it’s not a big deal. I have the functionality I need.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Category Excluder] posts are not shown as last postsAlso interested in a solution to this issue. Categories excluded via your excellent plugin are also excluded from WP’s default Recent Posts widget. The only way for a visitor to know of the existence of an excluded post is by selecting the specific category thread that contains it.
Via another plugin, I moved Recent Posts from a sidebar widget where space is limited to a page with plenty of space and I’d like to see all recent post regardless of category.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Latest Posts by Author] Usernames with blanks etcMy mistake – the problem with disabling Editors from editing Admin’s post was not your plugin but the Exec-PHP plugin which is needed to execute your shortcode via PHP within a page. Problem solved by promoting he two Editors involved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Author Category] Just seeking clarificationThank you. And just to let you know, this plugin has allowed me to duplicate a Drupal function in WP which a team of WP ‘experts’ were unable to do. Well done!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Email Template] Slow performanceI also see lot of CPU cycles for this plugin. Emails are rarely sent, I don’t see why it use so much CPU.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clone] Timeout zipping DBI just did a ‘DB only’ backup from s small site, then FTPd down the contents of the resulting WP-Clone folder built by the backup.
It contains the following:
specifying Options All -Indexesindex.html
completely emptyThe zipped copy of the database
There is no ‘prefix.txt’ file to serve as a model,
although I vaguely recall seeing one the first time I went through this process – think it specified ‘-wp’.The DB on my big site is in a folder called ‘bigsite_wp’ so I assume I need to build a prefix.txt specifying ‘bigsite_wp’.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clone] Timeout zipping DBDownloaded the source DB and zipped it on my PC, uploaded to another location and pointed the Restore to that zip filed.
Got following failoure:Error Message : Cannot read /home2/targetdomain/public_html/wp-content/wpclone-temp/mysql/database.sql
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Recent Posts Widget Extended] spacing between linksNot so far – and no response from the plugin author yet. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Importer] Timing out while importing XML from WordPress.comI had to break my exports down into 20+mb files on the export side and boost the allowed file sizes and timeout values on the import side, but I imported about 11 years of posts, about 56k posts.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Importer] Does not work with 3.8I imported to 3.8 successfully. May be issue with other plugins?
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Latest Posts by Author] Thanks and a questionYour plugin does exactly what I want. My only suggestion is you might add target=”_blank” to the links (optionally?)
There’s also an issue if the Username name is not the same as the DisplayName which visitors see, but there’s nhot much you can do about that.Problem with FP default is users don’t know an author’s ID, only his/her name. A generic WP search on author name returns not a list of posts, but all posts by the author or where the author commented or when someone referred to the author.
The problem I’m having is not with your plugin but with the plugin that lets me run PHP in a page: Exec-PHP works but prevents Editors from editing posts by Admins, since in theory, an Admin could include PHP and Editors would be able to to change/insert PHP, a big No No.
Right now I mirror the site (on a monthly basis) for both backup purposes and to have a way to test changes before taking them ‘live’. I may set my action= to a page on the mirror site, where the editing issue does not arise.
Thanks – and keep up the good work.
Have a great New Year.