Shaun Brown
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Meta Box] Advanced formatting options for TIME PICKER not available?I noticed that…Not sure why certain options appear to be unavailable, kinda weird.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Meta Box] Advanced formatting options for TIME PICKER not available?Hey wudduyah know!? Thanks for that!
Any idea if theres another argument that can be passed to enable the controlType to be select instead as well??Thanks again for the tip!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Meta Box] Sort custom posts by meta box datetimeThis is a big request of mine as well! From what I gather the output needs to be UNIX timestamped but Im not clear on how to accomplish this.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Experiencing strange error and behaviour after updating to 3.5.1Apologies, I believe it sorted it out. Freaked out a little too quick I guess. Please feel free to delete this post.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP FullCalendar] Use custom fields as datesI too would greatly appreciate this functionality! This would be a crucial feature if its possible.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Move custom meta box above editorI managed to figure it out.
Here is my solution adapted from Troy’s script (thanks for the help!)// Move TinyMCE Editor to the bottom add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'action_add_meta_boxes', 0 ); function action_add_meta_boxes() { global $_wp_post_type_features; if (isset($_wp_post_type_features['currentevent']['editor']) && $_wp_post_type_features['currentevent']['editor']) { unset($_wp_post_type_features['currentevent']['editor']); add_meta_box( 'description_section', __('Description'), 'inner_custom_box', 'currentevent', 'normal', 'low' ); } add_action( 'admin_head', 'action_admin_head'); //white background } function action_admin_head() { ?> <style type="text/css"> .wp-editor-container{background-color:#fff;} </style> <?php } function inner_custom_box( $post ) { echo '<div class="wp-editor-wrap">'; //the_editor is deprecated in WP3.3, use instead: //wp_editor($post->post_content, 'content', array('dfw' => true, 'tabindex' => 1) ); the_editor($post->post_content); echo '</div>'; }
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Move custom meta box above editorI have ‘editor’ enabled in my supports, for future reference.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Move custom meta box above editorThanks so much! Where would I add my own custom post type to this script if you dont mind me asking? It seemed to work perfect for regular posts but my editor wouldnt appear on any CPT’s.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Move custom meta box above editorWorks great Troy! Just one question – my editors main div has changed its background color now from its default white to a gray color…any idea why, or how to get the default CSS back?? Thanks again for the solution!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image colors changing on resizeSame issue here. From what I found the only solution is to use a plugin, but Id like to avoid that if at all possible. Any way to simply not apply any compression just as Eric mentioned?
Are you using PayPal’s Sandbox for testing?…and if are, have you navigated down to “Error Logging & Debugging” and ticked the “Use PayPal Sandbox” radio button? Testing will not work without doing this and you will get that error.
Thanks but your formatting is entirely different from what I want.
I actually sorted out how to add the target=”_blank” but couldnt figure out how to add the link description to the function so I left it out.<?php $bookmarks = get_bookmarks( array( 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'category_name' => 'reviews' )); // Loop through each bookmark and print formatted output foreach ( $bookmarks as $bm ) { printf( '<a class="wordpress_sidebar_links" href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>', $bm->link_url, __($bm->link_name) ); } ?>
Sooo….even stranger,
seems to work just fine when testing with MAMP, however as soon as its server side and uploaded to the real site it still highlights both pages when viewing the Blog.Just need a push in the right direction, anybody?
In case anybodies actually reading this…
I ran into a small problem within_category()
….as soon as I posted something in both my “blog” & “media” categories which both have their own respective pages both links became highlighted in my navigation simultaneously ?? Not sure how to remedy that so I removedin_category()
all together. Anybody have experience dealing with this sort of thing on a hard-coded image sprite menu?It just dawned on me though that I’m not exactly sure if I will need a different conditional for something like child pages of the static pages?….