I want to encrypt user’s sensitive data, so things like the name (first and last), and the mail address mainly. But, those data are used by WordPress for the core’s login feature right?
You must encrypt only after this is done.
Yep, that’s my point, I’m looking for a way to do it very properly, without having to hack the WordPress core code, otherwise each WordPress’ update will erase my modifications…
Data that WP does use is not expected to be encrypted, so you must find a hook to decrypt the data before WP tries to use it.
Hmmmm, that is actually my problem, I need to encrypt those data for privacy respect purposes…
EDIT: so, just to be clear, is there a hook that would allow me to encrypt and decrypt the users’ data before / after Word Process starts reading / writing them? I’ve searched a lot on the Internet without being able to find any solution… =/