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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better WordPress Minify] Plug in knocked out footers on all pagesI’m using Mod Rewrite Cache… Will that be the best approach? Any special settings you might suggest?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Better WordPress Minify] Plug in knocked out footers on all pagesLuckily I was able to correct the problem I was looking for help on.
Can you please let me know if your plug in works with SuperCache to improve overall performance? Or are they basically doing very similar things? Would you run them together?Thanks for your input! The plug in seems great but as I’m still a bit new to this I’d like to make sure I do what I can to speed up WP sites. Any suggestions on using your Better WordPress Minify with SuperCache?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Edge Suite] [Plugin: Edge Suite] Issues with WP Portfilio & page refreshAlso, any way to set teh animation numbers back to 0 or to “reassign” them? Just a thought…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Edge Suite] [Plugin: Edge Suite] Issues with WP Portfilio & page refreshHI Timm,
I read up on iframes and was able to do it manually but your new version would really make things easier. I’ll test it for you and let you know how it goes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Edge Suite] [Plugin: Edge Suite] Issues with WP Portfilio & page refreshHey Timm,
I spoke to soon. While things seem to be working perfectly now on IE9, the ipad has issues loading the portfolio content with the plug in running. I checked the console and it has the following JS error:
“undefined TypeEror:’undefined” is not a function”If you could figure out your iframe magic I’d really appreciate the help!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Edge Suite] [Plugin: Edge Suite] Issues with WP Portfilio & page refreshHi Timm,
Just to follow up with more info. I tried a couple of options in the Striking theme advanced tab – “disable colorbox” and “turn on shortcode support in comment”. With these turned on the portfolio seems to work nicely with the Edge Animation plug in. Any thoughts on that? The portfolio content now seems to refresh fine. I’m going to start loading in more video content today so it will be interesting to see if all goes well.
Please let me know if this helps answer any questions that might have been part of the issue….and thanks again for your plug in – Great work!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Edge Suite] [Plugin: Edge Suite] Issues with WP Portfilio & page refreshOK, I tried that and got some interesting results. None of the images load into the portfolio at the top of the page but the Edge Animation still works near the bottom. If I take the Edge Animation shortcode out, the portfolio works perfectly with all the images loading regardless of using the refresh page or navigating to the site from a different page or using the home button.
I did contact (Paul in the Striking Team) and they said they have 12,000 users with no issues like this on Portfolio so it must be an issue with one of my plug-ins… no real help there….
Any new thoughts? It would be fantistic if this would work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Edge Suite] [Plugin: Edge Suite] Issues with WP Portfilio & page refreshHi Timm,
This issue does not show up unless the Edge plug-in is active so I was hoping there might be some simple interaction between the two causing this. I could not find anything so far elsewhere on this.
I can have a friend look at this as well who’s a lot more HTML savy than I am. Any other suggestions to check out or is the post above what they would need to figure things out?Thanks for your help!
SteveForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Edge Suite] [Plugin: Edge Suite] Issues with WP Portfilio & page refreshDidn’t notice the code button…sorry about that!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Edge Suite] [Plugin: Edge Suite] Issues with WP Portfilio & page refreshI’m using the portfolio shortcode along with the Edge Animation shortcode on the WP HTML tab for the home page. Here’s what I have there:
<div class="alignleft"> [edge_animation id="12" left="0" top="-90"] </div> <div class="alignright" style="padding-top: 10px;"> [search textColor="#FFFEFC"]</div> [portfolio column="5" sortable="true" sortable_showText="Channel:" cat="waskulontech,nab-2012,nab-2013" advanceDesc="true" effect="icon" titleLinkable="true"]
How do I move the “JS stuff” up in the head secion? Should I be handling the shortcodes differently?
[Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button. As it stands, your code may now have been permanently damaged/corrupted by the forum’s parser.]
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Edge Suite] [Plugin: Edge Suite] Issues with WP Portfilio & page refreshStrangely enough, I just tried to replicate this and it’s not happening as often. Still if you try a few times you should see what I’m talking about… hopefully
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Edge Suite] [Plugin: Edge Suite] Issues with WP Portfilio & page refreshHi Timm,
You are the expert on this. I’d love it if you could try out and let me know what you think. Everything should load fine the first time. If you refresh the page you should see some issues with the portfolio items refreshing near the bottom of the screen. When it’s like that if you click on the home button the page loads again and everything is fine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Edge Suite] [Plugin: Edge Suite] Shortcode?Hi Timm,
Yes this would be very helpful. Please let me know if you do this!
Thanks again for your great work on this!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Edge Suite] [Plugin: Edge Suite] Shortcode?Hi Tim,
The preview works great now and the confilct seems to have gone away. I will try different options for the portfolio shortcode and let you know how things go but at the moment things seem to be working. I’ve set up a test page so you can take a look with one of the Adobe animations and portfolio working together. You can see it here:
Right now I only have 5 test videos in the portfolio (all under the NAB 2012 channel) and I’m working on an animation for the home page to replace a video place holder there etc. (you can link to the home page etc from the test). When I’m further along witht the site I’d welcome any suggestions:-) Ultimately the site will host hundreds of videos and I’ll have to add additional channels for them etc.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Edge Suite] [Plugin: Edge Suite] Shortcode?Tried some more tests placing the Edge Animation on a page created using the portfolio shortcode from the Striking Template. There seems to be a conflict that prevents the portfolio from completing and where the images should load into there are icons with spinning arrows.
If you like I can try more things to give you feedback, just let me know. Glad to help if I can.