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  • If you mean the lines above the menu/dropdowns, they’re actually created using an image file. You can see it in the stylesheet under “Main Navigation” in the “03. Headers” section, and the code looks like this…

    nav#main-nav > ul:before, nav#main-nav > ul:after  {
        content: '';
        width: 100%;
        height: 6px;
        display: block;
        background: url("images/border.png") repeat-x top left;

    You may notice that the image file (“images/border.png”) is called menu-border on your stylesheet – I replaced it with the double grey lines from the sidebar menu on mine. Unfortunately I’m not sure how to replace them with other pictures as I’ve actually got a thread about that very thing. If you delete that last line you can get rid of the grey lines, though. Hope that’s of some help.

    If you have a look at the extras.php file the colour arrays are all listed – you can change all of them at once that way, nice and easy!

    You’ll find it here

    * Output color scheme CSS in header
    function sugarspice_color_scheme() {
            $color = array(
                'green'     => '#97C379',
                'emerald'   => '#36AB8A',
                'mint'      => '#9ED6BB',
                'peach'     => '#EECCCC',
                'pink'      => '#F8AFB8',
                'red'       => '#F03B42',
                'violet'    => '#BB86B4',
                'babyblue'  => '#A7DBD8',
                'orange'    => '#F66B40',
                'yellow'    => '#fff568',

    and you can even see that I’ve changed the colour for the “peach” setting on mine to EECCCC – that should give you an idea of what you need to change.

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