Thanks for the rapid response! WordPress MU looks like great stuff, but for my needs it would be massive overkill and, most importantly, it would perceptually split the website into entirely different member sites, which isn’t what I need.
To go back to my earlier example, Moe, Larry (and all visitors) experience the exact same website upon visiting with the singular exception that logged in members such as Moe and Larry have their own personalized, “member area page” containing their own private documents, news updates, etc.
To help you further visualize why I want it, a generic model would be the construction business. I’m building a contractor site with sub-contractor access. Moe and Larry are subcontractors. They each need to access their own documents but they don’t need to see each other’s. A virtual in-box in effect.
Have I outstepped the bounds of any “out of the box” WordPress solution here?
Again, any help is sincerely appreciated!