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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Resize image in cirlceForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Resize image in cirlceHi – you have to read steps 1 & 2 above. Basically you need to create a child theme and then create a new functions.php in that Child theme with the changes docents above. Yeah it will definitely break if you just override the parent (existing) functions.php. I wouldn’t recommend modifying parent themes (although I guilty of doing so for testing, but I switch the changes back and then implement in a child theme). Hope that helps.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Feature image in circle is being squashedHi,
Please see Andrews comment on this thread. That should fix it. resolve the issue I worked with Andrew and this is what worked:
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Resize image in cirlceAlright, for anyone else actually following/reading this thread – In order to fix the skewed Feature Image when updating to Spun 2.02 here is what I did that fixed the issue. Thanks to Andrew Nevins for coming up with this and working with me for a few days to get it working!
1. Create a Child Theme or modify your existing child theme
2. Add or modify the following files content-home.php, functions.php, & style.css
3. In the content-home.php copy the parent content-home.php into your child theme and modify$spun_image = spun_get_image( get_the_ID());
$spun_image = spun_get_image( get_the_ID(), 'post-thumbnail');
4. In the functions.php add this
<?php add_image_size( 'post-thumbnail', 360, 360, true ); remove_action( 'wp_head', 'spun_options_styles', 1 ); function spun_child_options_styles() { if ( false == get_theme_mod( 'spun_grayscale', false ) ) : ?> <style type="text/css"> .blog .hentry a .attachment-post-thumbnail, .archive .hentry a .attachment-post-thumbnail, .search .hentry a .attachment-post-thumbnail { filter: grayscale(100%); -webkit-filter: grayscale(100%); -webkit-filter: grayscale(1); /* Older versions of webkit */ -moz-filter: grayscale(100%); -o-filter: grayscale(100%); -ms-filter: grayscale(100%); /* IE 10 */ filter: gray; /* IE 9 */ filter: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=\'\'><filter id=\'grayscale\'><feColorMatrix type=\'matrix\' values=\'0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0 0 0 1 0\'/></filter></svg>#grayscale"); /* Firefox */ } @media screen and ( max-width: 800px ) { /* Remove hover effects for touchscreens */ .blog .hentry a .attachment-post-thumbnail, .archive .hentry a .attachment-post-thumbnail, .search .hentry a .attachment-post-thumbnail { filter:none; -webkit-filter:none; -moz-filter:none; -o-filter:none; } } </style> <?php endif; if ( false == get_theme_mod( 'spun_opacity', false ) ) : ?> <style type="text/css"> .site-content #nav-below .nav-previous a, .site-content #nav-below .nav-next a, .site-content #image-navigation .nav-previous a, .site-content #image-navigation .nav-next a, .comment-navigation .nav-next, .comment-navigation .nav-previous, #infinite-handle span, .sidebar-link, a.comment-reply-link, a#cancel-comment-reply-link, .comments-link a,, button, html input[type="button"], input[type="reset"], input[type="submit"], .site-footer { opacity: .2; } .site-header, .entry-meta-wrapper, .comment-meta, .page-links, .page-links a { opacity: .3; } @media screen and ( max-width: 800px ) { /* Increase opacity for small screen sizes and touch screens */ .site-header, .site-content #nav-below .nav-previous a, .site-content #nav-below .nav-next a, .site-content #image-navigation .nav-previous a, .site-content #image-navigation .nav-next a, .comment-navigation .nav-next a, .comment-navigation .nav-previous a, #infinite-handle span, .sidebar-link, a.comment-reply-link, a#cancel-comment-reply-link, .site-footer, .comments-link a, .comment-meta, .entry-meta-wrapper,, .page-links, .page-links a { opacity: 1; } } </style> <?php endif; if ( false == get_theme_mod( 'spun_titles', false ) ) : ?> <style type="text/css"> .hentry .thumbnail-title { display: none; } </style> <?php endif; } add_action( 'wp_head', 'spun_child_options_styles', 1 ); ?>
5. In the style.css add this
@import url("../spun/style.css"); /* =Theme customization starts here -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* =Homepage ----------------------------------------------- */ .blog .hentry a .attachment-post-thumbnail, .archive .hentry a .attachment-post-thumbnail, .search .hentry a .attachment-post-thumbnail { border-radius: 180px; opacity: .8; transition: all .3s ease-in-out; -webkit-transition: all .3s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: all .3s ease-in-out; -o-transition: all .3s ease-in-out; -ms-transition: all .3s ease-in-out; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 1; }
That should do it, hopefully – it worked for me! Thanks
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Resize image in cirlceI think that totally worked…I tested with a new upload and post…Deleted the old one I used to test. Man, you are the man Andrew…Thanks so much for all your help – we can put this one to rest. I might make one more reply before I mark this closed just so that if anyone else wants to make the change they know how…because I have seen several people asking for the same exact fix ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Resize image in cirlceok, you are way fast, I wrote that before your previous comment, funny we are for sure on the same page…thanks! Testing…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Resize image in cirlceYup, that is actually pretty close to what i was just modifying, haha, you are quick…my only exception is I was going to rename the spun_options_styles() functions, but I don’t think I need to, because I am removing it, then just adding it back… let me try it
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Resize image in cirlceWhat you do most of the time is just copy the function from the parent theme and paste it into your Child Theme functions.php file.
Ah, Ok, so then I can just add
add_image_size( 'post-thumbnail', 360, 360, true );
right into my functions.php file? CoolIn your case you just want to modify the CSS bit inside the functions.php file?
Right, I just want to modify that css part in the function spun_options_styles(). I guess I remove that function in the child and then add a new function in the child to add everything back with the changes I want, but not sure that is advised
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Resize image in cirlceSo, it looks like you can just add this to your Child Theme functions.php file:
add_image_size( ‘post-thumbnail’, 360, 360, true );
And that will create a thumbnail for each uploaded image, by 360x360px, to the name of ‘post-thumbnail’ .
I just checked my upload folder and it looks like that ‘add_image_size’ function isn’t generating an additional 360×360 thumbnail. So all should be good.
Yeah, I tested that before (before I created the child theme and it worked). I think it works because
was meant to default thumbnails to a custom size andadd_image_size
is just to add another custom image…but somehow it is smart enough to know if you have bothset_post_thumbnail_size
, it only creates one image, perhaps because the image would have the same name…or I just don’t follow, LOL…either way I get it…so just addingadd_image_size( 'post-thumbnail', 360, 360, true );
I think would fix it along with.attachment-post-thumbnail
Question: Do you know HOW I actually modify the functions.php file though? That is one where I cannot just copy the whole file and modify. Do I have to add a function somehow?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Resize image in cirlceyou do need to modify functions.php, but when you say to modify ‘.attachment-home-post’, no you don’t need to edit the functions.php file for that. You can just add the correct CSS to your Child Theme style.css file.
Well, the reason I wanted to modify functions.php there is because there is a function being called for the gray overlay (before you hover over an image)
function spun_options_styles()
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Resize image in cirlceI think I understand and follow, but then if
This line in the functions.php file becomes irrelevant:
add_image_size( 'home-post', 360, 360, true )
;Don’t we need to either add back
?Also in the functions.php file, wouldn’t I need to replace anywhere it says
Maybe I don’t completely follow – I think I get where you are going with the redundancy of
add_image_size( 'home-post', 360, 360, true )
. but that would need to be replaced with something, wouldn’t it?
Yes, I think this would work…but I would still need to modify the functions.php file as well, just not the template-tags.php
In fact what would be even better than modifying the ‘template-tags.php’ file would be if you just changed the ‘content-home.php’ file that calls this spun_get_image function.
There all you’d need to do is change this:$spun_image = spun_get_image( get_the_ID() );
To this:
$spun_image = spun_get_image( get_the_ID(), ‘post-thumbnail’ );
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Resize image in cirlceI don’t think you want to do that. That line is going to be made redundant. The reason why you may want to edit that is to remove it completely.
I think I know how to remove it completely, but the reason I would want to REPLACE add_image_size( ‘home-post’, 360, 360, true ); WITH add_image_size( ‘post-thumbnail’, 360, 360, true ); Si because if I upload new pictures I want to also call them ‘post-thumbnail’, right?
Yes, if you’ve copied the whole file over then the same code should be there and you can just change that line.
Also, thanks, I didn’t know I could copy the whole template-tags.php file
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Resize image in cirlceCreate a new folder in your Child Theme and call it “inc”, then in that folder copy over the ‘template-tags.php’ file from the Spun Theme
Nah, I understand that…but what I don’t know how to do is to modify the actual function.
So then IN template-tags.php (inc/template-tags.php)
I want to REPLACEfunction spun_get_image( $id, $size = 'home-post' ) {
function spun_get_image( $id, $size = 'post-thumbnail' ) {
In functions.php I want to REPLACE
add_image_size( 'home-post', 360, 360, true );
WITHadd_image_size( 'post-thumbnail', 360, 360, true );
and also change anywhere functions.php lists.attachment-home-post
REPLACE with.attachment-post-thumbnail
That should fix it I think
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Resize image in cirlceOK, I setup the child, but a little stumped on how to edit the functions.php with the updates I wanted as well as the template-tags.php file…any help there? Thanks!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Spun] Resize image in cirlceIt doesn’t look like you’ve a Child Theme set up
Yeah, I was just testing it out…I will definitely setup a child theme first…I was just reading up on that. Thanks for the help thus far. It’s good practice not to mess with the parent, I agree…to be continued once I setup it up