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  • Folks I am throwing myself at your mercy…..

    – I have on my computer in a file on my desktop a GIF image I made that I want to use as the header on my site.
    – I made it the same size as the default header on my current WP site (
    – I uploaded it through Filezilla to my remote site
    – It is residing at (/…named personalheader.jpg

    The ‘Changing the header image’ section of the codex sez
    “ To change only the header image reference, open the header..php template file and look for…..

    #header {
    background: url (“<?php bloginfo ( ‘ stylesheet_directory) ?>/ images / kubrickheader.jpg”) no-repeat bottom center; }
    …..and “ to change the image file, replace “kubrickheader.jpg” with the name of the new graphic image you have uploaded to your site to replace it.

    When I replace kubrickheader.jpg with the graphic file named personalheader.jpg….and edit, no change takes place on my site though the editor sez it was successful.

    What am I not doing?

    — the graphic image is 740×192 pixels
    — I tried replacing stylesheet_directory with the url of the graphic file ((/……….no go
    — I changed the image to a jpg file and re-uploaded it… go
    — I refreshed the browser and checked the site… go

    Question: is (/ ) the correct place to upload the image on my remote site? Is this where WP looks for it?

    Question: Is this what the change should look like on the header.php page?

    #header { background: url(“<?php bloginfo(‘/stylesheet_directory’); ?>/images/personalheader.jpg”) no-repeat bottom center; }

    I have to admit I’m feeling a little stupid about this.
    looking for some guidance for a Newby

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