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Hier zwei Beispiele, die mit der entsprechenden Meldung nicht durchgehen:
Beide haben deutlich über 2000 relevante Zeichen.
Was mir eben aufgefallen ist: Der Filter “/Z?hlmarke, die gemeldet werden k?nnen”, im WP-Worthy-Artikelbereich ergibt keinen Artikel als Resultat. Es sollten aber mehrere Hundert (auch laut VG Metis) infrage kommen.
ThomasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Popular Posts] Content tags stopped workingMessage sent via contact form.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Popular Posts] Content tags stopped workingDo you happen to offer custom services? I’d be interested in having our broken feature fixed or newly set up.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Popular Posts] Content tags stopped workingUnfortunately, we’re using a caching plugin disabling Ajax is not an option.
Any suggestion how to render a WPP list in pure HTML in order to copy and paste it somewhere else? That’s probably an edge case but maybe useful for others as well.
The use case is to manually create a “Most Popular Posts of the Week” post in the needed HTML layout. The original function worked fine for that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Popular Posts] Content tags stopped workingToo bad, until now it has been working fine. We used it to create HTML code for a post list to copy and insert into a post as a static list.
Would it still be possible to get the HTML code instead the rendered WPP list? I’m not really sure what changed so that it doesn’t work anymore as before.
Right, it already works – thanks!
ThomasI contacted the developer of the ColumnFilterWidgets plugin. He was surprised it’s still working, it seems the plugin ist not a priority for him anymore an.
Maybe you could consider at some point integrating DataTables “Individual column searching” instead:
Thanks for the CSS hint.
Regarding the filters: Yes, I’m referring to the the ColumnFilterWidgets extension. Will TablePress work with custom DataTables JS code? I’ll try to find a solution in their forums then. In case there’s a standardized way: Do you have an (unrelated) example of how to add multiple, more complex custom commands in the table settings?
Then it’s probably a theme specific issue… Anyway, I fixed it for me!
ThomasGreat, will order the premium version then – please keep us up to date!
One more thing: I noticed that with sorting disabled for some columns the cells with sorting enabled have slightly less height. position:relative seems to be responsible for that. I have “fixed” it with adding the CSS sorting icon to all columns and hiding it via assigning the icon the same color as the cell background. Unfortunately I can’t provide a link to an example, but it’s definitely position:relative that’s causing this. It’s a small problem, just wanted to inform you about it…
Thanks, that works! I noticed though: When using the table settings, the first column needs to be addressed as “0”. The block settings on the other hand require “1” for the first column.
BTW: I found the ColumnFilterWidgets plugin feature only after a Google search. It seems not all available extensions are listed on your website. For me, ColumnFilterWidgets is what will make me use TablePress…
Will TablePress 2.0 have a premium plan or do you still prefer donations?
ThomasHi Hector,
Thanks, that’ll work!
ThomasThanks for looking into this!
Ideally, the WPP output would provide the following HTML with the “one-half” and “one-half first” classes depending on odd/even post items:
<main class="content"> <article class="post entry one-half first"> </article> <article class="post entry one-half"> </article> <article class="post entry one-half first"> </article> <article class="post entry one-half"> </article> <article class="post entry one-half first"> </article> <article class="post entry one-half"> </article> ... </main>
Achieving a column layout is really easy that way via using these CSS values:
.one-half { float: left; margin-left: 2.564102564102564%; width: 48.717948717948715%; } .first { clear: both; margin-left: 0; }
ThomasHi Hector,
Thanks for the speedy reply! li item column layouts can look weird in older browsers, unfortunately I have to support some of them. Also, I’d prefer to use the same CSS for all my column layouts.
I’m trying to find a PHP solution, currently I just don’t seem to be able to figure something out. I’m trying to implement this post_class filter for WPP queries/loops as well:
add_filter( 'post_class', 'genesis_sample_archive_column_layout_post_class' ); function genesis_sample_archive_column_layout_post_class( $classes ) { global $wp_query; if( ! $wp_query->is_main_query() ) return $classes; $classes[] = 'one-half'; if( 0 == $wp_query->current_post % 2 ) $classes[] = 'first'; return $classes; }
ThomasForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Popular Posts] Older images gone in WPP wp-content folderThat looks perfect – thanks!