Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problems Centering ItemActually now that I am looking at it, the add perfectly centered in the page. However, it looks very off center based on the left side bar. It ends up almost touching the side bar on the left while being very far from the right side of the page. It is also not centered with regard to the content/page text. So how to I center it in relationship to just the content area (the white area with text) rather than centering it to the entire web page (which includes the left side bar in orange)?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Inserting Adsense code above the title and excluding some pageI tried using the Google Adsense Plugin again and it was a disaster. I couldn’t get the ad in the location I wanted and I couldn’t show it on the correct pages. Given the poor reviews for the plug in I guessI shouldn’t be surprised
I’d really like to do it with code instead of a plug in. Any help would be much appreciated!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] Can't resize images that are inserted in pagesYes when I deactivated photon it started working right away. But if you do a search of the forum you will find other people with a similar problem needed different fixes. Unfortunately it sounds like multiple different issues can cause the same problem
The problem can only arise when you have a header image (otherwise the menu would not have anything to “jump” on top of). But as soon as I corrected the cache issue like Chrisdc1 suggested the issue went away. I haven’t been able to recreate the issue since then. If you are having the same issue as me I suggest following the setting suggested in the above link. If that doesn’t work you may be dealing with a different problem.
Good luck
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] Can't resize images that are inserted in pagesIn case anybody has a similar issue the post that helped me correct the problem is here
The fourteen extended plugin for some reason did not play nice with the photon feature of the Jetpack plugin. Once I disabled photon everything worked perfectly
marking this forum as resolved
Thank you so much!
I hadn’t changed any of the W3 Cache plugin settings after installing it. Based on your suggestion I found a bunch of articles and videos discussing how the plugin can be properly configured
I mainly followed this video to configure the settings and then cleared the minify cache. Now I can’t reproduce the problem so it looks like it is fixed
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fourteen Extended] max-width: 100% does not seem to scale properly?I was having trouble getting images inserted into content (just by clicking on the “add media” button) to be the full width of the page, but when I deactivated the photon feature in Jetpack it worked perfectly
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] Can't resize images that are inserted in pagesI think the issue may be linked to a plugin I am using called fourteen extended. I am going to instead post on that forum
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] Can't resize images that are inserted in pagesIf I insert a photo gallery slideshow it shows the images as being bigger the full width of the page, but I can’t show a regular image that I add through the add media button bigger than about 400 pixels. I’ve tried doing things like changing the media settings but nothing seems to work
Whenever I load the page using Shift F5 as Chris suggested above the problem cannot be reproduced. When I just click around to different links or use the refresh button I see the issue sporadically about half of the time. I’m pretty new to web design so I’m not sure what that points to, but I’m hoping somebody out there might be able to interpret that and point me in a new direction
Thanks in advance!
I deactivated all of my plugins and went back to the stock twenty fourteen theme and I still have this problem. I’m not sure what to do now
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] Line SpacingUsing the above method I quickly realized my problem was due to a plug in called WP-Edit
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] Line SpacingI am having similar problems. I did an internet search (that was not limited to the twenty fourteen theme) and found posts in other theme’s forums related to this topic so it does not seem uncommon. Most of the posts I found suggested that certain plugin are causing the problem and that it is best to deactivate them all and see if there is still an issue. Pasteing text in from Microsoft Word may also cause problems
Thanks so much for the suggestions. These are very good ideas to get started with.