Into the database… Herm, okay. I’ll have a look at it. I’m bad with databases for some reason. This was a fantastico install the first time around, but I had done Moveable Type (ARGH!) before on several occasions, so I’m good with the files. Got to be to get that one installed.
And yeah… We were paying for it. We did make good on their money-back guarantee for the time that we were having so much difficulty. They guaranteed 99.99% uptime. Yeah… Right!
We’ve got too much stuff on our site to go with the free packages that some hosts offer, but thanks for mentioning it ?? We’d thought about it, but we’re just too big. We’re now with hostforweb and I couldn’t be happier. They’re great and helped us get everything moved, but that one problem is persistent. We’re having one with our forum software too. Looks like we’re going to have to redo all that. Reinstalling WP would be SO much easier than reinstalling and backing up everything in SMF.