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  • Plugin Author strictly-software


    what is this supposed to mean?

    Plugin Author strictly-software


    So you changed the location of the sitemap in the admin section by changing the “Main Sitemap Options” e.g the URL and Path to reflect this and it still doesn’t work?

    Plugin Author strictly-software


    I am not sure what you are doing to cause this problem as no-one else has managed to have a problem with verifying their accounts (that I know). I do know that the error messages you are reporting are because the account name you have entered doesn’t match the authorised twitter account username so maybe you haven’t verified the twitter account correctly or you waited too long before entering the PIN code that Twitter gave you?

    I don’t know how you are getting a load of underscores _______ back? Or is that supposed to represent something else?

    I would suggest deleting the accounts in the plugin admin area and then try re-adding them and then re-verifying.

    If that doesn’t work try uninstalling the plugin and re-installing.

    If that doesn’t work I would suggest seeing if any other plugins are causing the problem by disabling them one by one as sometimes plugins collide with each other.

    Plugin Author strictly-software


    Feel free to look at the source code and let me know if you manage to sort it out for your needs.

    The only reason I created any of my plugins was to resolve issues with existing plugins and I don’t think I am using a single plugin on any of my sites that hasn’t been modified so I suppose that’s the whole point of giving your code away for free so that end users can make of it what they will.

    The code that gets all the permalink structures is in a method called GetSitePermalinks() and this is only called once before any building. Each page, post or category will then have the appropriate parts used within permalink structures e.g %category% %id% replaced during the SQL construction.

    The issue with 301 redirects should now be fixed and was due to posts not correctly taking into consideration the value for $wp_rewrite->use_trailing_slashes and therefore not having a trailing slash added (if the site specifies it). With a trailing slash added to all permalinks there shouldn’t be any redirects going on.

    Plugin Author strictly-software


    Hi Mark

    If the user enters multiple posts or pages in each language that have their own URL’s wouldn’t that create multiple records in the wp_posts table e.g one record for each language?

    If that is the case and there are multiple records in that table then this plugin should work without requiring any changes.

    I have tried to avoid wordpress functions for obtaining my data as I found from examining the other sitemap plugins who do rely on such methods as wp_list_pages that the performance bottlenecks come around due to lots of wordpress function calls being called multiple times that could only be called once.

    Therefore I access the underlying tables directly to obtain lists of pages and posts. Check out my plugin homepage for more details >

    Without knowing more about how this WPML plugin saves its data in the wordpress database I won’t know if any work needs to be done or not. Have you actually tried my sitemap plugin with WPML already?

    Plugin Author strictly-software


    Good to hear

    Plugin Author strictly-software


    Well you will have to give me more details that as I have just gone to a site and it was working.

    Do you get the pop up asking you “Are you sure you want to remove this account”?

    Are you getting Javascript Errors? What are they?

    Is it a new account or an account you have verified?

    What version of the plugin are you using?

    Have you tried uninstalling this other tweet plugin to see if that is causing issues with it?

    Have you tried installing the most recent version of the plugin?

    What browser are you using?

    And any other details that would help me replicate the issue.

    Plugin Author strictly-software


    Without debugging WordPresses own code there is no way to find out what the issue is.

    If the articles contained English characters e.g only A-Z or a-z then it should be fine so just make sure you replace those letters with whatever you feel corresponds to them. Remember just because ? look a bit like a doesn’t mean that its logically equivalent and you could make nonsensical terms up by doing that.

    Plugin Author strictly-software


    As I said those functions were only working on a local test page I created that I ran from WAMP on my PC (see code at bottom of post)

    When I tried to update the plugin code on WordPress it didn’t make any difference therefore I suspect they are doing some decoding / encoding of their own along the line somewhere which is causing the problem.

    Here is the test page I created which I was running on my local PC through WAMPServer. As you can see (or should do as I do) the final array of collected names which is what gets passed to wordpress to be saved as tags is correct in that all the UTF-8 characters are contained.

    e.g the following test page when run locally returns this array

    Array ( [0] => Patrick Lagacé [1] => Québec [2] => ??è [3] => ??? [4] => Patrick Lagacé [5] => ??è Exemple [6] => Patrick Lagacé Québec [7] => ?é? èep Québec )

    So the answer lies in debugging WordPress’s own code to work out where the issue is.

    I don’t know how out of date the test code is to the actually plugin class code but the only point of it was to replicate the actions of my plugin without having to load up WordPress code etc. The main functions that would need updating to the plugin are those I listed above.

    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "\\strictly-autotags\\trunk\\strictlyautotagfuncs.php");
    class StrictlyAutoTags{
    	* look for new tags by searching for Acronyms and names
    	* @access protected
    	* @var bool
    	protected $autodiscover; 
    	* treat tags found in the post title as important and automatically add them to the post
    	* @access protected
    	* @var bool
    	protected $ranktitle; 
    	* The maxiumum number of tags to add to a post
    	* @access protected
    	* @var integer
    	protected $maxtags; 
    	* The percentage of content that is allowed to be capitalised when auto discovering new tags
    	* @access protected
    	* @var integer
    	protected $ignorepercentage;
    	* The list of noise words to use
    	* @access protected
    	* @var string
    	protected $noisewords;
    	* This setting determines how nested tags are handled e.g New York, New York City, New York City Fire Department all contain "New York"
    	* AUTOTAG_BOTH = all 3 terms will be tagged
    	* AUTOTAG_SHORT= the shortest version "New York" will be tagged and the others dicarded
    	* AUTOTAG_LONG = the longest version "New York City Fire Department" will be tagged and the others dicarded
    	protected $nestedtags;
    	* The default list of noise words to use
    	* @access protected
    	* @var string
    	protected $defaultnoisewords = "about|after|a|all|also|an|and|another|any|are|as|at|be|because|been|before|being|between|both|but|by|came|can|come|could|did|do|each|even|for|from|further|furthermore|get|got|had|has|have|he|her|here|hi|him|himself|how|however|i|ii|if|in|indeed|into|is|it|its|just|like|made|many|may|me|might|more|moreover|most|much|must|my|never|not|now|of|ok|on|only|or|other|our|out|over|put|said|same|see|she|should|since|some|still|such|take|than|that|the|their|them|then|there|therefore|these|they|this|those|through|thus|to|too|under|up|very|was|way|we|well|were|what|when|where|which|while|who|will|why|with|would|you|your|yes|no|today|yesterday|tomorrow"; 
    	* Holds a regular expression for checking whether a word is a noise word
    	* @access protected
    	* @var string
    	protected $isnoisewordregex;
    	* Holds a regular expression for removing noise words from a string of words
    	* @access protected
    	* @var string
    	protected $removenoisewordsregex;
    	public function __construct(){
    		// set up values for config options e.g autodiscover, ranktitle, maxtags
    		$this->autodiscover		= true;
    		$this->ranktitle		= true;
    		$this->rankspecial		= true;
    		$this->maxtags			= 8;
    		$this->ignorepercentage	= 80;
    		$this->noisewords		= $this->defaultnoisewords;
    		$this->nestedtags		= AUTOTAG_BOTH;
    		// create some regular expressions required by the parser
    		// create regex to identify a noise word
    		$this->isnoisewordregex		= "/^(?:" . $this->noisewords . ")$/i";
    		// create regex to replace all noise words in a string
    		$this->removenoisewordsregex= "/\b(" . $this->noisewords . ")\b/i";
    		// load any language specific text
    		//load_textdomain('strictlyautotags', dirname(__FILE__).'/language/'.get_locale().'.mo');
    		// add options to admin menu
    		//add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'RegisterAdminPage'));
    		// set a function to run whenever posts are saved that will call our AutoTag function
    		//add_actions( array('save_post', 'publish_post', 'post_syndicated_item'), array(&$this, 'SaveAutoTags') );
    	 * Check post content for auto tags
    	 * @param integer $post_id
    	 * @param array $post_data
    	 * @return boolean
    	public function SaveAutoTags( $post_id = null, $post_data = null ) {
    		$object = get_post($post_id);
    		if ( $object == false || $object == null ) {
    			return false;
    		$posttags = $this->AutoTag( $object );
    		// add tags to post
    		// Append tags if tags to add
    		if ( count($posttags) > 0) {
    			// Add tags to posts
    			wp_set_object_terms( $object->ID, $posttags, 'post_tag', true );
    			// Clean cache
    			if ( 'page' == $object->post_type ) {
    			} else {
    		return true;
    	 * Format content to make searching for new tags easier
    	 * @param string $content
    	 * @return string
    	protected function FormatContent($content=""){
    		ShowDebugAutoTag("IN FormatContent $content");
    			// if we are auto discovering tags then we need to reformat words next to full stops so that we don't get false positives
    				// ensure capitals next to full stops are decapitalised but only if the word is single e.g
    				// change ". The world" to ". the" but not ". United States"
    				$content = preg_replace("/(\.[”’\"]?\s*[A-Z][a-z]+\s[a-z])/e","strtolower('$1')",$content);
    			// remove plurals
    			$content = preg_replace("/(\w)([‘'’]s )/i","$1 ",$content);
    			// now remove anything not a letter or number
    			$content = utf8_decode( preg_replace("/[^\w\d\s\.,]/u"," ",utf8_encode($content)));
    			// replace new lines with a full stop so we don't get cases of two unrelated strings being matched
    			$content = preg_replace("/\r\n/",". ",$content);
    			// remove excess space
    			$content = preg_replace("/\s{2,}/"," ",$content);			
    		ShowDebugAutoTag("RETURN $content");
    		return $content;
    	 * Checks a word to see if its a known noise word
    	 * @param string $word
    	 * @return boolean
    	protected function IsNoiseWord($word){
    		$count = preg_match($this->isnoisewordregex,$word,$match);
    			return true;
    			return false;
    	 * Checks whether a word is a roman numeral
    	function IsRomanNumeral($word){
    			return true;
    			return false;
    	 * removes noise words from a given string
    	 * @param string
    	 * @return string
    	protected function RemoveNoiseWords($content){		
    		$content = preg_replace($this->removenoisewordsregex," ",$content);
    		return $content;
    	 * counts the number of words that capitalised in a string
    	 * @param string
    	 * @return integer
    	protected function CountCapitals($words){
    		$no_caps =	preg_match_all("/\b[A-Z][A-Za-z]*\b/",$words,$matches);			
    		return $no_caps;
    	 * strips all non words from a string
    	 * @param string
    	 * @return string
    	protected function StripNonWords($words){
    		ShowDebugAutoTag("IN StripNonWords = " . $words);
    		// strip everything not space or uppercase/lowercase
    		$words = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z\s]/","",$words);
    		ShowDebugAutoTag("NOW StripNonWords = " . $words);
    		return $words;
    	 * Searches the passed in content looking for Acronyms to add to the search tags array
    	 * @param string $content
    	 * @param array $searchtags
    	protected function MatchAcronyms($content,&$searchtags){
    		ShowDebugAutoTag("IN MatchAcronyms");
    		// easiest way to look for keywords without some sort of list is to look for Acronyms like CIA, AIG, JAVA etc.
    		// so use a regex to match all words that are pure capitals 2 chars or more to skip over I A etc
    			foreach($matches as $match){
    				$pat = utf8_decode($match[1]);
    				// ignore noise words who someone has capitalised!
    				if(!$this->IsNoiseWord($pat) && !$this->IsRomanNumeral($pat)){
    					// add in the format key=value to make removing items easy and quick plus we don't waste overhead running
    					// array_unique to remove duplicates!					
    					$searchtags[$pat] = trim($pat);
    					ShowDebugAutoTag("found possible Acronym ='" . trim($pat) . "'");
    	 * Searches the passed in content looking for Countries to add to the search tags array
    	 * @param string $content
    	 * @param array $searchtags
    	protected function MatchCountries($content,&$searchtags){
    		ShowDebugAutoTag("IN MatchCountries");
    		preg_match_all("/\s(Afghanistan|Albania|Algeria|American\sSamoa|Andorra|Angola|Anguilla|Antarctica|Antigua\sand\sBarbuda|Arctic\sOcean|Argentina|Armenia|Aruba|Ashmore\sand\sCartier\sIslands|Australia|Austria|Azerbaijan|Bahrain|Baker\sIsland|Bangladesh|Barbados|Bassas\sda\sIndia|Belarus|Belgium|Belize|Benin|Bermuda|Bhutan|Bolivia|Bosnia\sand\sHerzegovina|Botswana|Bouvet\sIsland|Brazil|British\sVirgin\sIslands|Brunei|Bulgaria|Burkina\sFaso|Burma|Burundi|Cambodia|Cameroon|Canada|Cape\sVerde|Cayman\sIslands|Central\sAfrican\sRepublic|Chad|Chile|China|Christmas\sIsland|Clipperton\sIsland|Cocos\s(Keeling)\sIslands|Colombia|Comoros|Congo|Cook\sIslands|Coral\sSea\sIslands|Costa\sRica|Croatia|Cuba|Cyprus|Czech\sRepublic|Denmark|Djibouti|Dominica|Dominican\sRepublic|Ecuador|Eire|Egypt|El\sSalvador|Equatorial\sGuinea|England|Eritrea|Estonia|Ethiopia|Europa\sIsland|Falkland\sIslands\s|Islas\sMalvinas|Faroe\sIslands|Fiji|Finland|France|French\sGuiana|French\sPolynesia|French\sSouthern\sand\sAntarctic\sLands|Gabon|Gaza\sStrip|Georgia|Germany|Ghana|Gibraltar|Glorioso\sIslands|Greece|Greenland|Grenada|Guadeloupe|Guam|Guatemala|Guernsey|Guinea|Guinea-Bissau|Guyana|Haiti|Heard\sIsland\sand\sMcDonald\sIslands|Holy\sSee\s(Vatican\sCity)|Honduras|Hong\sKong|Howland\sIsland|Hungary|Iceland|India|Indonesia|Iran|Iraq|Ireland|Israel|Italy|Ivory\sCoast|Jamaica|Jan\sMayen|Japan|Jarvis\sIsland|Jersey|Johnston\sAtoll|Jordan|Juan\sde\sNova\sIsland|Kazakstan|Kenya|Kingman\sReef|Kiribati|Korea|Korea|Kuwait|Kyrgyzstan|Laos|Latvia|Lebanon|Lesotho|Liberia|Libya|Liechtenstein|Lithuania|Luxembourg|Macau|Macedonia\sThe\sFormer\sYugoslav\sRepublic\sof|Madagascar|Malawi|Malaysia|Maldives|Mali|Malta|Man\sIsle\sof|Marshall\sIslands|Martinique|Mauritania|Mauritius|Mayotte|Mexico|Micronesia\sFederated\sStates\sof|Midway\sIslands|Moldova|Monaco|Mongolia|Montenegro|Montserrat|Morocco|Mozambique|Namibia|Nauru|Navassa\sIsland|Nepal|Netherlands|Netherlands\sAntilles|New\sCaledonia|New\sZealand|Nicaragua|Nigeria|Niue|Norfolk\sIsland|Northern\sIreland|Northern\sMariana\sIslands|Norway|Oman|Pakistan|Palau|Palmyra\sAtoll|Panama|Papua\sNew\sGuinea|Paracel\sIslands|Paraguay|Peru|Philippines|Pitcairn\sIslands|Poland|Portugal|Puerto\sRico|Qatar|Reunion|Romania|Russia|Rwanda|Saint\sHelena|Saint\sKitts\sand\sNevis|Saint\sLucia|Saint\sPierre\sand\sMiquelon|Saint\sVincent\sand\sthe\sGrenadines|San\sMarino|Sao\sTome\sand\sPrincipe|Saudi\sArabia|Scotland|Senegal|Serbia|Seychelles|Sierra\sLeone|Singapore|Slovakia|Slovenia|Solomon\sIslands|Somalia|South\sAfrica|South\sGeorgia\sand\sthe\sSouth\sSandwich\sIslands|Spain|Spratly\sIslands|Sri\sLanka|Sudan|Suriname|Svalbard|Swaziland|Sweden|Switzerland|Syria|Taiwan|Tajikistan|Tanzania|Thailand|The\sBahamas|The\sGambia|Togo|Tokelau|Tonga|Trinidad\sand\sTobago|Tromelin\sIsland|Tunisia|Turkey|Turkmenistan|Turks\sand\sCaicos\sIslands|Tuvalu|Uganda|Ukraine|United\sArab\sEmirates|UAE|United\sKingdom|UK|United\sStates\sof\sAmerica|USA|Uruguay|Uzbekistan|Vanuatu|Venezuela|Vietnam|Virgin\sIslands|Wake\sIsland|Wales|Wallis\sand\sFutuna|West\sBank|Western\sSahara|Western\sSamoa|Yemen|Zaire|Zambia|Zimbabwe|Europe|Western\sEurope|North\sAmerica|South\sAmerica|Asia|South\sEast\sAsia|Central\sAsia|The\sCaucasus|Middle\sEast|Far\sEast|Scandinavia|Africa|North\sAfrica|North\sPole|South\sPole|Central\sAmerica|Caribbean)\s/i",$content,$matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
    			foreach($matches as $match){
    				$pat = $match[1];
    				$searchtags[$pat] = trim($pat);
    				ShowDebugAutoTag("found country ='" . trim($pat) . "'");
    	 * Searches the passed in content looking for Countries to add to the search tags array
    	 * @param string $content
    	 * @param array $searchtags
    	protected function MatchNames($content,&$searchtags){
    		ShowDebugAutoTag("IN MatchNames = " . $content);
    		// look for names of people or important strings of 2+ words that start with capitals e.g Federal Reserve Bank or Barack Hussein Obama
    		// this is not perfect and will not handle Irish type surnames O'Hara etc
    		//  preg_match_all("/((\b[A-Z][^A-Z\s\.,;:]+)(\s+[A-Z][^A-Z\s\.,;:]+)+\b)/u",$content,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER);
    		ShowDebugAutoTag("well >> ");
    		// found some results
    			foreach($matches as $match){
    				ShowDebugAutoTag("found possible name B4 utf8 decode ='" . trim($match[1]) . "'");
    				$pat = utf8_decode($match[1]);
    				$searchtags[$pat] = trim($pat);
    				ShowDebugAutoTag("found possible name ='" . trim($pat) . "'");
    	 * formats strings so they can be used in regular expressions easily by escaping special chars used in pattern matching
    	 * @param string $input
    	 * @return string
    	protected function FormatRegEx($input){
    		$input = preg_replace("@([$^|()*+?.\[\]{}])@","\\\\$1",$input);
    		return $input;
    	 * check the content to see if the amount of content that is parsable is above the allowed threshold
    	 * @param string
    	 * @return boolean
    	protected function ValidContent($content){
    		ShowDebugAutoTag("IN ValidContent = $content");
    		// strip everything not space or uppercase/lowercase letters
    		$content	= $this->StripNonWords($content);
    		ShowDebugAutoTag("after non words stripped = $content");
    		// count the total number of words
    		$word_count = str_word_count($content);
    		ShowDebugAutoTag("word count = $word_count");
    		// no words? nothing to analyse
    		if($word_count == 0){
    			return false;
    		// count the number of capitalised words
    		$capital_count = $this->CountCapitals($content);
    		ShowDebugAutoTag("capital count = $capital_count");
    		if($capital_count > 0){
    			// check percentage - if its set to 0 then we can only skip the content if its all capitals
    			if($this->ignorepercentage > 0){
    				$per = round(($capital_count / $word_count) * 100);
    				ShowDebugAutoTag("% of capitals in content is $per is it > than " .  $this->ignorepercentage . "?");
    				if($per > $this->ignorepercentage){
    					return false;
    				if($word_count == $capital_count){
    					return false;
    		return true;
    	 * Parse post content to discover new tags and then rank matching tags so that only the most appropriate are added to a post
    	 * @param object $object
    	 * @return array
    	public function AutoTag($object){
    		// skip posts with tags already added
    		if ( get_the_tags($object->ID) != false) {
    			return false;
    		// tags to add to post
    		$addtags = array();
    		// stack used for working out which tags to add
    		$tagstack = array();
    		// potential tags to add
    		$searchtags = array();
    		$article 	=	html_entity_decode($object->post_content);
    		//<([^> ]+)[^>]*>(.|\n)+?<\/?\1>
    			ShowDebugAutoTag("we got special content");
    			foreach($matches as $match){
    				//echo $match . " - ";
    				ShowDebugAutoTag("match = " . $match[1]);
    				//ShowDebugAutoTag("match = " . $match[1][0]);
    		ShowDebugAutoTag("what did we get");
    		// ensure all html entities have been decoded
    		$article	= html_entity_decode(strip_tags($object->post_content));
    		$excerpt	= html_entity_decode($object->post_excerpt);
    		$title		= html_entity_decode($object->post_title);
    		// no need to trim as empty checks for space
    		if(empty($article) && empty($excerpt) && empty($title)){
    			return $addtags;
    		// if we are looking for new tags then check the major sections to see what percentage of words are capitalised
    		// as that makes it hard to look for important names and strings
    			$discovercontent = "";
    			ShowDebugAutoTag("is the title valid for searching?");
    			// ensure title is not full of capitals
    				ShowDebugAutoTag("Title is valid");
    				$discovercontent .= " " . $title . ". ";
    			ShowDebugAutoTag("is the content valid for searching?");
    			// ensure article is not full of capitals
    				ShowDebugAutoTag("Article is valid");
    				$discovercontent .= " " . $article . " ";
    			ShowDebugAutoTag("is the excerpt valid for searching?");
    			// ensure excerpt  is not full of capitals
    				ShowDebugAutoTag("Excerpt is valid");
    				$discovercontent .= " " . $excerpt . " ";
    			$discovercontent	= "";
    		ShowDebugAutoTag("Our discover content is = '" . $discovercontent . "'");
    		// if we are doing a special parse of the title we don't need to add it to our content as well
    			$content			= " " . $article . " " . $excerpt . " ";
    			$content			= " " . $article . " " . $excerpt . " " . $title . " ";
    		// set working variable which will be decreased when tags have been found
    		$maxtags			= $this->maxtags;
    		// reformat content to remove plurals and punctuation
    		$content			= $this->FormatContent($content);
    		$discovercontent	= $this->FormatContent($discovercontent);
    		ShowDebugAutoTag("the discover content = " . $discovercontent);
    		// now if we are looking for new tags and we actually have some valid content to check
    		if($this->autodiscover && !empty($discovercontent)){
    			// look for Acronyms in content
    			// the searchtag array is passed by reference to prevent copies of arrays and merges later on
    			// look for countries as these are used as tags quite a lot
    			// look for names and important sentences 2-4 words all capitalised
    		// get existing tags from the DB as we can use these as well as any new ones we just discovered
    		//global $wpdb;
    		// just get all the terms from the DB in array format
    		$dbterms =  array("conspiracy","Alex Jones","Québec"); //" Patrick Lagacé",
    		// if we have got some names and Acronyms then add them to our DB terms
    		// as well as the search terms we found
    		$c = count($searchtags);
    		$d = count($dbterms);
    		ShowDebugAutoTag("total search tags = $c and from the DB = $d");
    		if($c > 0 && $d > 0){
    			// join the db terms to those we found earlier
    			$terms = array_merge($dbterms,$searchtags);
    			// remove duplicates which come from discovering new tags that already match existing stored tags
    			$terms = array_unique($terms);
    		}elseif($c > 0){
    			// just set terms to those we found through autodiscovery
    			$terms = $searchtags;
    		}elseif($d > 0){
    			// just set terms to db results
    			$terms = $dbterms;
    		ShowDebugAutoTag("our full list of terms to search");
    		// clean up
    		// if we have no terms to search with then quit now
    		if(!isset($terms) || !is_array($terms)){
    			// return empty array
    			return $addtags;
    		// do we rank terms in the title higher?
    			ShowDebugAutoTag("search within title");
    			// parse the title with our terms adding tags by reference into the tagstack
    			// as we want to ensure tags in the title are always tagged we tweak the hitcount by adding 1000
    			// in future expand this so we can add other content to search e.g anchors, headers each with their own ranking
    		ShowDebugAutoTag("search within content");
    		// now parse the main piece of content
    		// cleanup
    		// take the top X items
    		if($maxtags != -1 && count($tagstack) > $maxtags){
    			// sort our results in decending order using our hitcount
    			uasort($tagstack, array($this,'HitCount'));
    			// return only the results we need
    			$tagstack = array_slice($tagstack, 0, $maxtags);
    		// add our results to the array we return which will be added to the post
    		foreach($tagstack as $item=>$tag){
    			$addtags[] = $tag['term'];
    		// we don't need to worry about dupes e.g tags added when the rank title check ran and then also added later
    		// as WordPress ensures duplicate taxonomies are not added to the DB
    		ShowDebugAutoTag("final array of post tags");
    		// return array of post tags
    		return $addtags;
    	 * parses content with a supplied array of terms looking for matches
    	 * @param string content
    	 * @param array $terms
    	 * @param array $tagstack
    	 * @param integer $tweak
    	protected function SearchContent($content,$terms,&$tagstack,$tweak){
    		if(empty($content) || !is_array($terms) || !is_array($tagstack)){
    		//$content = preg_replace("/\./"," ",$content);
    		$content = $this->RemoveNoiseWords($content);
    		// now loop through our content looking for the highest number of matching tags as we don't want to add a tag
    		// just because it appears once as that single word would possibly be irrelevant to the posts context.
    		foreach($terms as $term){
    			// safety check in case some BS gets into the DB!
    			if(strlen($term) > 1){
    				// for an accurate search use preg_match_all with word boundaries
    				// as substr_count doesn't always return the correct number from tests I did
    				$regex = "/\b" . preg_quote( $term ) . "\b/";
    				ShowDebugAutoTag("regex to search with = " . $regex);
    				// added error handler @ to prevent unknown unknowns
    				$i = preg_match_all($regex,$content,$matches);
    				// if found then store it with the no of occurances it appeared e.g its hit count
    				if($i > 0){
    					ShowDebugAutoTag("found " . $i . " matches of " . $term);
    					// if we are tweaking the hitcount e.g for ranking title tags higher
    					if($tweak > 0){
    						$i = $i + $tweak;
    					// do we add all tags whether or not they appear nested inside other matches
    					if($this->nestedtags == AUTOTAG_BOTH){
    						ShowDebugAutoTag("ADD BOTH");
    						// add term and hit count to our array
    						$tagstack[] = array("term"=>$term,"count"=>$i);
    					// must be AUTOTAG_SHORT
    						ShowDebugAutoTag("MUST BE SHORT");
    						$ignore = false;
    						// loop through existing tags checking for nested matches e.g New York appears in New York City
    						foreach($tagstack as $key=>$value){
    							$oldterm = $value['term'];
    							$oldcount= $value['count'];
    							// check whether our new term is already in one of our old terms
    								// we found our term inside a longer one and as we are keeping the shortest version we need to add
    								// the other tags hit count before deletng it as if it was a ranked title we want this version to show
    								$i = $i + (int)$oldcount;
    								// remove our previously stored tag as we only want the smallest version
    							// check whether our old term is in our new one
    								// yes it is so keep our short version in the stack and ignore our new term
    								$ignore = true;
    						ShowDebugAutoTag("ignore = " . $ignore);
    						// do we add our new term
    							// add term and hit count to our array
    							$tagstack[] = array("term"=>$term,"count"=>$i);
    		// the $tagstack was passed by reference so no need to return it
    	 * used when sorting tag hit count to compare two array items hitcount
    	 * @param array $a
    	 * @param array $b
    	 * @return integer
    	protected function HitCount($a, $b) {
    		return $b['count'] - $a['count'];
    class postobj{
    	public $post_content = "<p><span>??è Exemple : name to ??? tag - Patrick Lagacé Québec the tag is named Patrick Lagacé - name to tag ?é? èep - Québec the tag is named Québec</span></p>";
    	public $post_title = "Patrick Lagacé  says hello";
    	public $post_excerpt = "";
    // create auto tag object
    $strictlyautotags = new StrictlyAutoTags();
    $object = new postobj();
    $tags = $strictlyautotags->AutoTag($object);
    ShowDebugAutoTag("got tags");
    Plugin Author strictly-software


    Just comment out that line or change the ShowDebug to ShowTweetBotDebug.

    I have updated the svn repository at

    But I don’t know how long it will take for WordPress to reflect the changes in the ZIP file that is accessed from the download button.

    Plugin Author strictly-software


    Please download the latest version as I have modified all the SQL to use the {wpdb->prefix} instead of hard coding it.

    Plugin Author strictly-software


    This plugin was developed for the English language and it would be impossible to come up with logic to automatically detect names, important words etc for every language in the world.

    The only way to do that would be to have massive lists of potential matches however my plugin works by using automatic detection that can only work by matching known patterns that are used in the English language.

    I don’t speak Hebrew or Arabic and they use totally different character sets as well having totally unique grammatical constructs that would be impossible to de-construct.

    This plugin will only work for English content.


    Plugin Author strictly-software


    Hi Thanks for commenting

    This plugin was originally created for English language based blogs only.

    There are some known issues which occur if you try to parse UTF-8 characters or content written in another character set which include:
    -Non ASCII character can cause early stop gaps
    -Capital UTF-8 characters will not be treated as such so acronym and name detection doesn’t work.

    The main reason that it is targeted at English content only is that it is impossible for me to write regular expression logic that would be able to automatically detect people’s names and important words in every possible language (Chines, Russian, Indian etc) and character set. As I am an English speaker I know the logic that can be used to detect important words in my language however non ASCII based languages don’t have the same grammatical constructs.

    However when I first came across this issue I did spent some time trying to change all the regular expressions to use the new unicode character classes to see if I could resolve some of these issues and I did seem to get it working on a test page on my local PC. However when I tried the same code on a live site with a WordPress posted article it just didn’t behave in the same way and I was unable to get to the bottom of the reason why.

    Using an example article content of

    <p><span>??è Exemple : name to ??? tag – Patrick Lagacé Québec the tag is named Patrick Lagacé – name to tag ?é? èep – Québec the tag is named Québec</span></p>

    Which contains a number of capital UTF8 characters my test version returns matches for

    Patrick Lagacé
    Patrick Lagacé
    ??è Exemple
    Patrick Lagacé Québec
    ?é? èep Québec

    Obviously these are just meaningless examples but it proves that my code can match ACRONYMS and Names containing UTF-8. However when I copy the code to a WordPress site and enter the same content as an article the only match I get is

    Patrick Lagac

    I don’t have enough time to debug WordPress to find out what is causing the problem and the plugin was initially designed for the English language only. Without someone paying for custom development I doubt this issue will get resolved any time soon as I have to work full time as well as run a number of sites out of hours.

    Feel free to edit the source code yourself and change the regular expressions to see if you can get it working and if you can let me know so that I can incorporate it into the code.

    To help you get started here are a couple of versions of the functions I changed which work when I run a test page (using the exact same class code) on my local PC but doesn’t seem to on WordPress.

    protected function MatchAcronyms($content,&$searchtags){
    	// easiest way to look for keywords without some sort of list is to look for Acronyms like CIA, AIG, JAVA etc.
    	// so use a regex to match all words that are pure capitals 2 chars or more to skip over I A etc
    	// This version handles UTF8
    		foreach($matches as $match){
    			$pat = utf8_decode($match[1]);
    			// ignore noise words who someone has capitalised as well as roman numerals which may be part of something else e.g World War II
    			if(!$this->IsNoiseWord($pat) && !$this->IsRomanNumeral($pat)){
    				// add in the format key=value to make removing items easy and quick plus we don't waste overhead running
    				// array_unique to remove duplicates!
    				$searchtags[$pat] = trim($pat);
    protected function MatchNames($content,&$searchtags){
    	// look for names of people or important strings of 2+ words that start with capitals e.g Federal Reserve Bank or Barack Hussein Obama
    	// this is not perfect and will not handle Irish type surnames O'Hara etc
    	// This version handles UTF8
    	// found some results
    		foreach($matches as $match){
    			$pat = utf8_decode($match[1]);
    			$searchtags[$pat] = trim($pat);


    Plugin Author strictly-software


    Hi diver66

    Thanks for your comment about my plugin. I only got stuck into PHP and WordPress this year having been a .NET coder for years so I am pretty new at the plugin / wordpress dev game so its good to hear from someone who thinks my plugin is good ??

    As for the WPML plugin I hadn’t heard of it before and so I am unaware of its benefits in terms of SEO however I have played around with auto translation tools and I know the benefits of creating versions per language.

    It all depends on how the translation is carried out and whether new versions of the content are saved and created or whether like Googles own “translate” toolbar or BabelFish like tools the translation is done on the fly using an AJAX API.

    If each page is translated on the fly using AJAX API’s such as BING or Google then I am guessing that the URL of each page will remain the same so there is nothing requiring a change in terms of sitemap content. If however each translated page is given a new page name then there would be some benefit in adding each page to the sitemap as the SERP’s won’t treat it as duplicate content.

    More details are required.

    Plugin Author strictly-software


    I have this plugin installed on 3 different sites and it works fine. I know nothing about the Tweet Blender plugin or what it does so can only imagine that its causing some sort of conflict. Try the following – one at a time

    – Ensure you have the latest version installed

    – Try de-activating OR uninstalling the other tweet related plugins to see if that makes a difference.

    – Try putting


    at the top of the plugin file to see what error messages appear when you save the settings.

    Let me know what happens

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