Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Acronym ReplacerI am also using the acronym plugin. No complaints but I have noticed on other sites that when you hover over an acronym the cursor changes to a question mark. At the moment my cursor just disappears. Can anyone tell me how the question mark change is achieved please.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Adding smiliesThere may be a problem with the image file itself. Before doing anything drastic I would suggest you upload the image again but before you do delete the existing one incase of any overwrite problems. Then try again. Failing that I defer to people with more knowledge cuz I know messing with the vars.php file for smilies that already exist in your posts can cause problems.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Adding smiliesIn WP 1.2 you add any extra ones in the “/wp-includes/vars.php” file.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Alex’s 1.2 Compatible PluginsHold on that. I’ve sorted it with Maxt’s help thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Alex’s 1.2 Compatible PluginsMe again. Using the “smilies” plug-in. Not having a problem with it but I have more smilies than the standard supplied set. Any way of incuding them? They are already in the smilies directory.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Alex’s 1.2 Compatible PluginsI’m using the “since last visit” plug-in. All the “new” flags are appearing where they should be but the text output from the plug-in just shows zeros. Is there something I should be altering in the cookie or have I got this part wrong?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WP 1.2, StatisticsThankyou. Everything seems to be working fine now. ?? I’ve sorted out weblog.php and all the menu links as well. Now if you’d told me this a week ago I could have done the whole site while I went through it validating to XHTML1.0!! Never mind eh. I’ll work through it slowly. On most pages it’s only the calls to the CSS and the header logo that need sorting. I use the WP menu throughout the site which I’ve just gone through. There are odd links in the content to site pages but not that many.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WP 1.2, StatisticsHi again. Here’s what I’ve entered into my .htaccess file :-
RewriteRule ^stats/author/(.*)?/page/?(.*)?/?$ /weblog.php?wp_stats=1&author=$1&page=$2 [QSA]
RewriteRule ^stats/author/?(.*) /weblog.php?wp_stats=1&author=$1 [QSA]
RewriteRule ^stats/ /weblog.php?wp_stats=1 [QSA]
RewriteRule ^stats /weblog.php?wp_stats=1 [QSA]
I was sure I got it right.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WP 1.2, StatisticsI’ve installed the latest version and everything looks fine but the links from the commentors to their comments just throws up a 404 error. I have added the extra lines to .htaccess and modified them to suit. Any thoughts??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Alex’s 1.2 Compatible PluginsGosh. Does that mean I did something right??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Alex’s 1.2 Compatible PluginsHi Alex. Thanks for the smilies plugin. I also tried out the “wp-last-visit” and got a similar error to podz. The line he’s quoting is the actual “include” line. I solved it by doing this.
<?php $wplastvisit_output = “javascript”; require(‘wp-content/plugins/wp-last-visit.php’); ?>
which gives the full path to the file. Don’t know if that means the plugin activation isn’t working properly but the plugin is now working.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: SmiliesForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: SmiliesOh, I see you two are having fun. So now I’ve moved to the Beta and they’ve changed the “Quicktags” to a javascript file I can’t use Alex’s hack to include my smilies on the post and comments forms. Now forgive me, but at my age I just can’t remember all the damn “text” codes for them and if I had 60 of them like you Max I’d be having a nervous breakdown. So has anyone come up with anything yet to replace Alex’s hack?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Images in Links MenuI thank you. Done. Fixed. Didn’t realise you could alter the listing order like that. You learn something new every day. Any point moving to the Delta yet or shall I wait a bit?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Images in Links MenuWell thank you but not being used to CVS what am I looking for or should I just go Delta?