Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GD bbPress Attachments] Provide link to attachment in email notificationJust looked at the list of enhancements in 6.7 and couldn’t see this. Can you confirm if this enhancement has been added (so I can purchase the Pro version)?
This post is marked as Resolved – but is it?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bbp style pack] Unable to have own form-topic.php templateYes this version seems to work for me OK. Many thanks for the quick fix.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bbp style pack] Unable to have own form-topic.php templateThanks Robin. I have reverted to 4.2.4 for now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AsynCRONous bbPress Subscriptions] bbpress notifications being sent twiceIgnore this. I have my own version of bbp_notify_topic_subscribers and bbp_notify_forum_subscribers. I’ll try and work out how to fix this myself.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Members Membership Plugin] Conflict between wp-members and bbpressAs this was a conflict between WP Members and BBpress, I reported the issue in a parallel post in the BBpress forum. Robin (author of BBpress) has just replied to that topic (where I had also posted my current solution, as per the previous reply in this topic). He said…
I suspect that this function is ‘overwriting’ a ‘post__in’ function. WP_query can have a post__in OR a post__not_in, not both, so setting post__not_in may take out a post__in set within bbpress.
Just a guess, but would make sense.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Members Membership Plugin] Conflict between wp-members and bbpressAs leaving set() commented out wasn’t a long term solution (it would get overwritten if I update your plugin) I have now added the following to my functions.php in my child theme…
add_action( ‘wpmem_after_init’ , ‘kmc_wpmem_after_init’);
function kmc_wpmem_after_init() {
global $
remove_action( ‘pre_get_posts’, array( $wpmem, ‘do_hide_posts’ ) );
add_action( ‘pre_get_posts’, ‘kmc_hide_posts’ );
function kmc_hide_posts( $query ) {
global $wpmem;
$index = 0;
$hidden = array();
$hidden_posts = $wpmem->get_hidden_posts();
// Remove hidden pages from the list of posts to be ignored
foreach($hidden_posts as $post_id){
$post = get_post($post_id);
$postType = get_post_type_object(get_post_type($post));
if ($postType->labels->singular_name != “Page”) {
$hidden[$index] = $post_id;
if ( ! empty( $hidden ) ) {
$query->set( ‘post__not_in’, $hidden );
return $query;
}I still don’t understand why $query->set( ‘post__not_in’, **an array of 15 hidden page ids**) causes all topics and replies to be stripped from the output, but the above change solves my problem for now.
Hi Angelo. Our posts crossed. In your last post you asked for a screenshot of my user event capabilities. This was included in my preceding post, which had a link to several screenshots stored on my OneDrive.
I think I have solved the problem. I can see from the code that the page is designed to show only the events created by the logged-in user. To change this I have added the following code to my functions.php file in my child theme…
add_filter( ’em_events_admin_args’, ‘kmc_events_filter’, 11, 1 );
function kmc_events_filter($args) {
$args[‘owner’] = null;
return $args;
}Yes I realise you need to click on the event name – the problem is that no event names are displayed to click on! Whilst (as you showed in your monosnap image in the previous reply) everything works fine from the WordPress dashboard, the front end form is only displaying events created by the logged-in user. Most of our events are created by webmaster. As you’ll see in the images on my OneDrive folder (link below), even our admin user sees no events on the front end form (because no events were created by admin). This may be exactly what the front end form was intended to do – however I would like the front end form to display all events (if the logged-in user has the capability to see them/edit them).
You can try on our staging site… member
PW: patrickYou’ll see that you can edit events via the dashboard but not via the page in Members->Edit Events. The latter is just an empty page which has been chosen as the edit events page on Other pages in the events settings.
I have this capability checked (in fact I have tried it with every capability checked). Editing works from the WordPress dashboard. What doesn’t work is editing from the auto-generated edit-event page (as specified from Events->Settings->Pages->Other pages). The problem on this page is not that it stops you from editing, but that it stops you from viewing (the page just says 0 events) so you can’t select an event to edit. Even our admin user can’t see events created by our webmaster user (even though both have administrator privileges).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Members Membership Plugin] Conflict between wp-members and bbpressHere’s where i’ve got to…
Your function do_hide_posts is what is stopping bbpress posts being displayed.
If I comment out the call $query->set then everything (seems to) work. If logged in the get_hidden_posts returns an empty array. If logged out then get_hidden_posts returns a list of 15 posts that look as if they are elementor page titles (at least some – I haven’t checked them all). The odd thing is that this list of posts doesn’t include the bbpress topics that are excluded if set is called.Not sure why these elementor? posts have _wmmem_block=2. I suspected get_transients at first but get_hidden_posts returns the same if hidden_posts is altered to always call update_hidden_posts. Maybe that’s almost irrelevant as the list of hidden posts doesn’t appear to include the posts being excluded (though the set() call is what is excluding them!
Any ideas? I can keep the set() call commented out but maybe this will cause an issue elsewhere?
Any more ideas?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Members Membership Plugin] Conflict between wp-members and bbpressI set up a site with just bbpress and WP-Members on a clean database – and the problem does not occur. On my main site, it is still the case that the problem with bbpress occurs only when WP-Members is activated. I’ll try and dig deeper.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Members Membership Plugin] Conflict between wp-members and bbpressI doubt that I’d have done that as I didn’t want the forums private. However, presumably if I set CPT on and unset BLOCK then it would clear the problem (which it doesn’t). Is this something that you can/would be prepared to test on your test site (add bbpress, add a forum and a couple of topics/replies and see if the topics are visible when logged out)? I have spent a lot of time trying to track this down or find a workaround but I can’t think of any way I can fix this myself. I have asked bbpress if they have any ideas that I can pass on to you to help find the problem (no reply yet).
Thanks so much for any help you can provide.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-Members Membership Plugin] Conflict between wp-members and bbpressAt some point in the past I did try setting the CPT options. I subsequently switched them off (when it didn’t seem to help anything). Does this leave anything lurking in the database that might cause an issue?