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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [HeatMap AdAptive] Blog Page Not WorkingYou’d need to modify index.php to include the layout override function (as documented in the theme page templates such as layout-c.php) to switch it manually thus…
if ( is_home() ) { global $heatmapthemead_options_override; $heatmapthemead_options_override['theme_layout'] = 'content'; }
But as I say (for others reading this) with HeatMap AdAptive Pro plugin its just one click in the layout options.
Okay, no response for 3 days so I’m marking this one as resolved.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [HeatMap AdAptive] Blog Page Not WorkingAhh yes, I see what you’re doing.
When you set the page template to content only the sidebars still appear.Thats down to how WordPress works.
When you set a page as a blog posts page it responds as if it was the blog posts page on the home page.
The blog post page is no longer a page as such. A page has different coding to a blog posts page and therefore cannot use a page template. A theme will generally just do whatever the home page is designed to do in that case.
So setting the page template on a page which you’ve set to show as a blog posts page wont work.
The pro plugin which my members have access to includes extra theme options which helps with that so you can set the home page (in your case blog page) layout separately.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [HeatMap AdAptive] Show image thumbnail and exceprtsclosing this as it seems to be a duplicate question.
Closing this as it seems to be a duplicate question.
To set a featured page you just select it from the drop down menu in the FEATURES tab.
In version 1.4.8 the featured images are set to responsively expand to the full width of the content.
In the Pro version of the theme (which is what the creativitypro site uses) there is an extra option to set featured image float left, and in the members area there is an updated version of HeatMap Adaptive (v1.5.1) which allows featured image size to be set to thumb, medium or large. I’ll release 1.5.1 to www.ads-software.com when I get a chance, but that will still have to go through to theme review, so it will be a while before its publicly available.
Until then you can try adding the following to style.css
.heatmapthemead-featured-image img {
max-width: 200px;
float: left;
margin-right: 10px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
}Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [HeatMap AdAptive] Blog Page Not WorkingTry changing the home page layout settings.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [HeatMap AdAptive] Theme options.php missing some codeThe original is this…
'credits_footer' => '<p>Powered by <a href="https://www.ads-software.com" target="_blank">WordPress</a> and <a href="' . HMTA_HEATMAPTHEME_COM_URL . '" target="_blank">HeatMap AdAptive Theme</a></p>',
Just put that back again, then try again.
You may have accidentally broken some other code though, so I’d suggest simply reinstalling the theme.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [HeatMap AdAptive] Orange background on Adsense adsIts the styling for the ins html tag that is causing the orange.
If you use the heatmap adaptive ad widget then you wont see the orange.In style.css where you see
mark, ins { background:#F96; /* Inserted text background */ }
just change the colour to transparent
HeatMap AdAptive like other WordPress themes use wp_nav_menu() function to generate menu code, so the nofollow would have to be added to that function or filtered through another function that adds the nofollow.
Try Googling ‘wp_nav_menu nofollow’ and variations on that and you’ll discover plenty of hints, tips and techniques for that and maybe also some plugins.
You will have to create two separate menus in the WordPress Menu manager, and assign one top the primary menu, and one to the footer.To hide date and time in the theme you can either..
*Edit the theme templates (eg index.php, single.php, page.php) by deleting
add_action(‘heatmapthemead_single_posts_hook’, ‘heatmapthemead_posted_on’);
(this will remove date, time, author)or easier…
The HeatMap Adaptive pro upgrade plugin which is available to HeatMap Theme members gives you extra tick boxes to remove these things separately directly in the options.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [HeatMap AdAptive] need supportIf you look closely at the theme file in single.php you will see that the theme uses hooks.
Each hook calls a function.
In particular…add_action(‘heatmapthemead_single_posts_hook’, ‘heatmapthemead_the_content’);
So you could either…
edit heatmapthemead_the_content() which can be found in /inc/theme-tags.phpor hook a function containing your calls to ebayads/amazonads after the line above.
add_action('heatmapthemead_single_posts_hook', 'your_stuff');
and add your_stuff() to /inc/wp-tweaks.php
with your_stuff() containing something like…
function your_stuff () { global $post; if(function_exists('wp_ebay_ads')) {wp_ebay_ads($post->ID); if(function_exists('wp_amazon_ads')) {wp_amazon_ads($post->ID);} }
Use the wordpress menu manager
(WP Dashboard > Appearance > Menus)
to create menus containing the pages / posts etc that you need.
then assign them to the footer theme menu location.I believe you are now a member of the official HeatMap Theme forum, and I’ve followed up on your question in there.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [HeatMap AdAptive] Adding floating ads and pop upbtw for anyone else reading this the pro upgrade version includes options for adding scripts to the head, opening body and closing body without editing code.
WordPress theme ‘plugin territory’ rules means that those particular types of feature cannot be included in themes on the wp theme repo, so they have to ‘go pro’.