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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Sidebar Login] Profile Link -> BuddyPress Profile?Just replace the Dashboard | %admin_url% with this
Profile |%buddypress_profile_url%Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Estatik Real Estate Plugin] Description Field Spacing and layoutThank you for your reply and consideration.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Estatik Real Estate Plugin] Description Field Spacing and layoutAny reply would be a good?
Jeff, Your plugin allows any user to access the entire media library of images and documents etc uploaded by the admin or indeed anyone else.
The user can the browse and even delete any or all of these images etc due to the permissions allowed by your plugin.
Other front end publishing plugins do not allow the user this level of access and restrict media library access, allowing each user to only view upload and edit their own individual files only.
You keep saying that this is the way WordPress works, yet with a little extra programming this Security issue can be avoided and yes it is a serious security issue when someone can delete all the images off your site if they so please.
Other Frontend publishing programmes restrict access but for some reason yours does not and you would rather kick and scream saying its the way worpress works instead of doing something about it.
I agree with other users that your plugin is excellent and easy to use but the media access problem is an issue yet you do not like it when someone raises this as a problem.
Check out this plugin that restricts access which does work in tandem with your plugin. https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-users-media/
I’m sorry if you think I’m wrong raising this issue. My intention is not to offend you but to simply state what I believe is a serious flaw that needs addressing.
It’s up to you if you want to ignore the issue.Regards
Studio500My question relates to the free version of the plugin.
I’m asking if access to the entire media library can be restricted when a user chooses to upload an image.
To make my question a little clearer:-
At present in the free version of the plugin at least, any logged in user when uploading an image is given full access to the entire media library.
If just one of those users had any degree of malicious intent they could in fact delete any or all images on my site if they so wished.
I have in the past used other front page plugins that only allow the user to see a limited view of the media library. They are restricted to only being able to see the images that they have uploaded personally and not the entire library.
Can this degree of access be turned off or restricted in the free version.
There could be any number of sensitive files in the library too and unlimited access could pose a security risk to any site using this plugin unless access can be restricted.
Sorry Jeff, but my question relates to the free version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WORDPRESS VIDEO GALLERY] Cannot Add VideosSame here and no change despite latest update released 9hrs ago.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SB Login] SB Login widget unavaible since WP 4.3 updateSame for me, can we have an update please?
in fact I have also noticed that when Tablepress is activated on my site my search function ceases to work altogether.
I’m currently trying to see if I can increase my memory limit but after years of using Tablepress on this site, this is the first time I have seen this error.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comment Image] Destination folder for uploaded imagesThanks Stefano
I look forward to trying out your latest offering.Many Thanks
Hi Tobias
Thank you for your reply.I have now installed the jQuery Updater plugin and all seems to be working.
I have my search box and functions back. I’m not sure if I have done the right thing but until I can get a response from my themes author, I guess this should work.
I no longer have the error code showing when the JQuery plugin is active.
Apologies for hijacking the thread btw.I just followed your link and also got the extra info
Thanks for the quick reply as always Tobias
I updated the question above but add the line here in case you missed it
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘msie’ of undefined
bunyard-theme.js:142this was using the javascript console extension in chrome
Would this suggest that that one of the 3 bunyard plugins that comes with my theme is to blame?
Hi Tobias
Same issue for me sadly
https://bisfhouse.com/register-of-all-bisf-house-locations-uk/although I have limited knowledge regards js and using debuggers one chrome extension states
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘msie’ of undefined bunyard-theme.js:142
Any ideas?