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  • @jenclickspring
    If you have some way to edit the CSS, if you can place this css somewhere on that page, it should fix it, as it fixed it on my end.

    .spb_video_widget .video-wrap > iframe
        position: relative!important;

    Edit: I just realized you kind of found the same solution I just gave you.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Carl Wuensche.

    @dijay You can either edit the CSS and add this

    #site-branding, #site-logo, #site-header
       pointer-events: none;

    or just remove the link from the logo or set the url to “/”.

    @nikolinap The easiest way to do this is to look at the body tag.
    You can see this as an example
    <body class="home page-template-default page page-id-48">

    You can see on different pages what template file you should be editing.

    @slw256 Without seeing anything myself and without having access, I can only guess it might be a permissions error.

    @curonet9 You don’t replace them, you minify them. Minifying it means you combine the css files into one file. Also something is calling the style.css file multiple times, when it should only be called once. One style.css file was coming from a plugin, but the theme’s style.css is also being called multiple times.

    Also, if you replace the re-sized image in the sidebar with the full image, then it will work in FireFox.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Carl Wuensche.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Carl Wuensche.

    It’s most likely that the wp query was not setup properly on that one page. You will have to rewrite the query for that page to take into account the page number you are on so it can query the posts for the next section.

    It’s loading slowly because you are loading a lot of files. If you get a WordPress plugin like you can minify your code. You’re also loading style.css many times on one page.

    You can install SEO plugins, or you can insert your own SEO manually into the theme. Assuming you didn’t create the theme yourself, you should create a child theme before modifying the files so you can update it later on without problems.

    This is what I see in the latest version of FireFox

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Carl Wuensche.

    @sinip What about in FireFox? I see that in Chrome, but not FireFox.

    Which plugins are you trying to get more details from? Some plugins simply don’t offer the view more details button, so that could be the problem.

    You’re using a bmp file, and WordPress is trying to resize it. If you tell it to use the full image size, it will work.×220.bmp should be replaced with, or the best thing you can do is to replace the bmp with a png or jpg file.

    Do you have MySQL access? If you have phpMyAdmin access, there are some things you can try.

    I have no idea how much you know, but if you can go to phpMyAdmin and go to the query page, you can copy/paste this code in, and it will hopefully solve the issue.

    UPDATE wp_options SET option_value='' WHERE option_name='active_plugins';

    Only do that if the error occurred after activating a plugin. That query will deactivate all your active plugins and hopefully get you back in.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Carl Wuensche.

    I see this text at the bottom of the page.

    } } } } }

    You have some funny things going on on your site, such as some tags trying to close other tags that are not open. Did you make changes yourself? Here’s what it looks like

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    /* <![CDATA[ */
    jQuery(document).ready(function($){var e="#commentform, .comment-respond form, .comment-form, #lostpasswordform, #registerform, #loginform, #login_form, #wpss_contact_form, .wpcf7-form";$(e).submit(function(){$("<input>").attr("type","hidden").attr("name","r3f5x9JS").attr("value",r3f5x9JS).appendTo(e);return true;});var h="form[method='post']";$(h).submit(function(){$("<input>").attr("type","hidden").attr("name",hf4N).attr("value",hf4V).appendTo(h);return true;});});
    /* ]]> */
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    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Carl Wuensche.
    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Update template
    Thread Starter Carl Wuensche


    I fixed it. It was happening because I was setting the post_parent to something else that wasn’t a page. It made the page show up as a 404. I wish I used the developer tools a long time ago to see if it was showing a 404.

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: Update template
    Thread Starter Carl Wuensche


    I found out that it is using index.php, but it shouldn’t because in the database it is saying that it’s using the template I assigned it. So it doesn’t make sense.

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