Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Collapse-O-Matic] Version 1.5.2 effects other pluginsHi Baden,
I had to deactivate the plugin as they decided to follow another route. But I will be using the plugin myself for other things, so let me ask: if I download the plugin again, is the fix applied to it?
Regards, and I really commend you on your sustained presence and support on this forum. Many plugin developers should take note and emulate that… ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Collapse-O-Matic] Version 1.5.2 effects other pluginsThanks for the quick reply, Baden…
However, I have no idea what this means. The plugin was working at version 1.5.1, it’s not working at version 1.5.2. Why you would suggest it’s something on my end, I don’t know. Sorry, I don’t mean to be flippant, just wondering. Others have issues with the new version, so I’ll uninstall and wait for the bugs to be ironed out.
Great plugin, btw!
Till next time,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Collapse-O-Matic] Version 1.5.2 effects other pluginsHi,
I hope this is simple to fix…
After updating to 1.5.2 just now, the collapse-expand isn’t working. All the content show right away. It’s not hidden anymore.
How can I fix it?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Widgets on Pages] [Plugin: Widgets on Pages] Where to add?hmmm… I’m having the same type of issue.
I’ve tried the instructions above, but no joy. I’m using Genesis with the Outreach child-theme. I installed Widget on Pages, went to Appearance – Widgets, dragged Recent Posts in Widget on Pages on the sidebar.
Then I went on the NEWS page and entered the shortcode: [widgets_on_pages id=25]
But nothing is showing…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Catch Box] [Theme: Catch Box] Slider and the excerpt textQuestion: I’d like to put my music players in the header area. How could I reduce the size of the header and insert a widget on the right side of it? It has to also be responsive though.
Many thanks!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Catch Box] [Theme: Catch Box] Slider and the excerpt textI found out how. When you are in the post editor, look for the Excerpt box underneath. Only enter a period, or in my case I used a colon : So the title shows, followed by a double colon :: and “Continue Reading.”
It’s a bit of a cheat but it works for me!
Hope it helps,
I was able to make it work in FF and IE. By adding:
AddType audio/ogg ogg
AddType audio/ogg oga
AddType video/ogg ogv
AddType video/mp4 m4vto my htaccess file. It’s working in FF 15 and IE9. Not sure about other browsers yet.
You wrote: “The plugin works fine for 10,000+ users in all browsers,”
I wouldn’t confuse “downloaded” with “successfully installed and working in all browsers.” Downloads are not an indication that it’s working, but that are 10,000+ people who gave it a shot.
Hope this helps someone!
One thing is strange, is that the file playing sounds distorted, but it shouldn’t be. And now when I open the page in IE9, it’s all messed up, and the player isn’t working now in IE.
Sorry, I was so happy but although the file is playing in FF, it’s distorted, and the site is broken in IE9. So it’s not solved.
Back to my cave…
The solution to my problem was simple, for someone who knows about these things.
I asked on and here is the reply hat was given to me. I did what was suggested, and now the player is working in FF!“The music player you are using is playing .ogg file format which is treated as html by firefox i doubt… Add the following to your .htaccess file :
AddType audio/ogg oga ogg
I did insert this into my htaccess file within the WordPress tags (right before </IfModule> # END WordPress), saved and uploaded via FTP.
I know this will help someone else, as well as the author, so I had to share the solution.
The solution to my problem was simple, for someone who knows about these things.
I asked on and here is the reply hat was given to me. I did what was suggested, and now the player is working in FF!“The music player you are using is playing .ogg file format which is treated as html by firefox i doubt… Add the following to your .htaccess file :
AddType audio/ogg oga ogg
I did insert this into my htaccess file within the WordPress tags (right before </IfModule> # END WordPress), saved and uploaded via FTP.
I know this will help someone else, as well as the author, so I had to share the solution.
Thank you for the reply… !
I’m curious to know how sstubbs has something to share on how she fixed the player on her redsummer site, actually. It’s working now.
Darn it’s so close I can smell the maple syrup!
Interesting, magic_square…
I tried the Themes Live preview of Twenty-Eleven, but no player even shows in the sidebar.
@enigma: The way I inserted the player is through a text widget in the sidebar of the theme (CyberChimps’ iFeaturePro).
<div style="background:#000000;">[hmp_player]</div>
I also have changed the jquery for jquery 1.8.0 but that didn’t improve anything. Reverted back.
So this theme uses a jquery slider, and a jquery plugin called “jquery-collapse-o-matic.” Could this create a conflict, or shouldn’t all jquery connect to the same file?
I’m curious to know what sstubbs has done, because the redsummer website has the player and it’s working in FF.
Thank you for your patience and help!
@stubbs: I can see the player on your page and it’s working in FF. What did you do different?
@ skyl19er: I would hate to leave this great plugin behind too, but could you let me know what player you selected to work with FF?
I must say that the author is one of the most respectful around, and is showing great interest in making sure his plugin works in more and more variant environment and combinations. But my client’s site is like a sitting duck right now with no sound coming out when I click PLAY.
It works in IE, though, which is our usual suspect normally.
@enigma: if you could give us a more detailed example with the codes, and point to the files to modify, that would also be very helpful. Most of us are not coders, although I personally don’t have a problem going into a file and changing some code, I find that I don’t always know how to insert it. There are specific tags required for specific PHP or JS code, if you could provide these as well?
Doesn’t have to be just for Enigma, anyone, please, chime in!
Many thanks,
Here is the JSHint report on jquery.jplayer.js. Does that help?
Errors: Line 16: /*jshint asi:false, bitwise:false, boss:false, browser:true, curly:true, debug:false, eqeqeq:true, eqnull:false, evil:false, forin:false, immed:false, jquery:true, laxbreak:false, newcap:true, noarg:true, noempty:true, nonew:true, nomem:false, onevar:false, passfail:false, plusplus:false, regexp:false, undef:true, sub:false, strict:false, white:false */ Bad option: 'nomem'. Line 1553: // Enables use: options(). Returns a copy of options object Mixed spaces and tabs. Line 1561: // Enables use: options("someOption") Returns a copy of the option. Supports dot notation. Mixed spaces and tabs. Line 1581: // Enables use: options("someOptionObject", someObject}). Creates: {someOptionObject:someObject} Mixed spaces and tabs. Line 1582: // Enables use: options("someOption", someValue). Creates: {someOption:someValue} Mixed spaces and tabs. Line 1583: // Enables use: options("someOptionObject.someOption", someValue). Creates: {someOptionObject:{someOption:someValue}} Mixed spaces and tabs. Line 1598: // Otherwise enables use: options(optionObject). Uses original object (the key) Mixed spaces and tabs. Line 893: var ct = 0, d = 0, cpa = 0, sp = 0, cpr = 0; 'd' is defined but never used. Line 1309: videoPlay: function(e) { // Handles clicks on the play button over the video poster 'e' is defined but never used. Line 1539: currentTime: function(e) { // Handles clicks on the text 'e' is defined but never used. Line 1542: duration: function(e) { // Handles clicks on the text 'e' is defined but never used. Line 1545: gui: function(e) { // Handles clicks on the gui 'e' is defined but never used. Line 2089: methods = $.jPlayer.emulateMethods; 'methods' is defined but never used.