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  • Hi,

    I too have great hopes!

    Hosted on DreamHost, I did enable PHP 5.3.x FastCGI.

    But so far I’m not sure what to make of the System Check results. Everything says PASS, and then this:

    PHP SAPI: cgi-fcgi
    Pre-Zip Overview: 480.47MB 5,958 Files, 630 Folders
    W3 Total Cache:
    Cache Directory Not Found

    However, I don’t have W3 Total Cache plugin on this site. Why the mention?

    Many thanks!


    Thread Starter styzer


    Actually, there is still an issue. After enabling Paypal and clicking SAVE, I get directed to a page with error messages:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /hermes/waloraweb066/b929/moo.herecomethesixerscom/1/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/librairies/options/options_general.class.php on line 166

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /hermes/waloraweb066/b929/moo.herecomethesixerscom/1/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/librairies/options/options_general.class.php:166) in /hermes/waloraweb066/b929/moo.herecomethesixerscom/1/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 881

    If the creator of this plugin could please address this question, I’d be grateful…



    Thread Starter styzer



    I had an error upon activation of the plugin. I deleted it and reinstalled, but this time, instead of uploading via FTP, I used the admin install. This time, I didn’t get the error message.

    Hope this helps someone else…



    Thread Starter styzer


    J’ai essaye une installation differente et decouvert que le plugin ne s’installe pas correctement via FTP, il est preferable de l’installer via l’admin. Tout va bien jusqu’ici…




    Hope somebody could help…

    I installed the eShop plugin to sell an individual mp3 download. I can’t find how to make any “buy now” button show up anywhere. The most I was able to accomplish was to fill out the Product Entry form under the post. It shows all the info, but no “buy now” button.

    Here is the post:

    I feel a bit embarrassed (but NEED to) to ask… I went through the wiki, checked all my values, searched the forums, but I can’t for the life of me find how to show a “buy now” button for the product in the sidebar, as well as a “buy now” button in the post.

    Thank you for any help!



    I installed the plugin because I couldn’t find a way to show Previous/Next on my posts (displaying one at a time).

    Why isn’t it showing?

    Running latest WP with Theme Dusk To Dawn 1.0 by Automattic.

    Thanks for any help… !





    Thanks for your reply, pemrich…

    I discovered GigPress and it has everything I needed. So I’ll be good!

    Best regards!




    I know it’s a crazy proposition, but if you want to email me at [email protected] I may be able to help you further.

    Here is my portfolio:





    OK, but can you try to use the work-around I posted – but on the section.footer_nav.php page? Make sure you make a copy of the code in section.footer_nav.php before making any change so you can always go back and revert to the original.

    Let me know how you do…






    I’m not sure but I think this may help. IN your footer, find this:

    <div id="logo">
    		<?php if(pagelines_option('footer_logo') && VPRO):?>
    			<a class="home" href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>" title="<?php _e('Home','pagelines');?>">
    				<img src="<?php echo pagelines_option('footer_logo');?>" alt="<?php bloginfo('name');?>" />
    		<?php else:?>
    			<h1 class="site-title">
    				<a class="home" href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>" title="<?php _e('Home','pagelines');?>">
    					<?php bloginfo('name');?>
    		<?php endif;?>

    … and delete everything between <div id=”logo”> and the NEXT </div> ONLY. That should take out the automatic link creaiton.

    Let me know if it worked…



    Thread Starter styzer


    Hmmm… I found a part-time solution here:

    Concatenation, eh? Added this command to my wp-config.php file and now the visual editor buttons show up.

    define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false);

    Hope it helps someone else! Hope this gets fixed in a next WP version… Maybe a setting in the admin panel?





    Hi Artur,

    I’ve installed but can’t find where to edit the CSS. My dates and event listings have no spaces it’s all stuck one on another. Could you tell me how you edited the look of your calendar?


    php_value memory_limit 72M is a key!

    Hi Frederick,

    Thanks for the reply. The errors were simply: “Analysis Error
    The page returned an error: 500 Internal Server Error”

    I also enabled Rocket in the CloudFlare settings and went through the rest of the settings and made some changes I thought were going to be helpful.

    So when I got your reply here, I immediately applied the solution. But before adding the line you gave me I ran a speed test:

    I then added the line to my htaccess file and uploaded it to the server. Running a new speed test, I got the above Internal Error message.

    I clicked to run the test again and this time it carried the test through, reporting:

    I raised the number to 128M and tested again, same error message, and then again I tried running the test successfully. Results:

    So your solution did something!

    When I look at the tests results, I find that before inserting the 72M code, the line “Enable gzip compression” was showing a grade of F 14. Now with the 72M specified, the grade is still at F 14. But using 128M brings that line at A 100. So I left the value of 128M since it gives a noticeable increase in the test results.

    Those are the little mysteries regular guys like me are thankful for brains like yours who can help us out, it may feel simple for coders, but not being one, I deeply value your help… :O)

    About CloudFlare: I do hope they will reward you for your contribution and how many people you turned their way…

    Many thanks for everything!


    Andre Lefebvre

    Hi Frederick,

    I too have issues, and our host (BlueHost) is throttling us heavy. W3TC has added a whole lot of content to my htaccess file. What should I add to increase memory, and where would I insert it (any tags involved?).

    Many thanks,


    This sounds like what I need…

    I use a template called Arclite 2.02, on WP 2.8.6.

    I am creating a website that would give artists their own page, and blog, with a media player for their music. I want the artists pages to automatically be ordered alphabetically for search and browsing convenience.

    So far, I’ve not been able to visualize any of the process of creating a tag.php page or any other such codes/plugin. It would be great to find step by step instructions, I’m a bit limited in that area.

    I thought if I could tag pages (, then it could sort alphabetically. But tags seem to only apply to posts. Same with categories.

    I copy/pasted the code by design-dolphin and created a t-tag.php file. I uploaded it in my template folder via FTP. I went to create a page but could not find any “tags” template.

    What am I missing?



    p.s. The site is:

    All content on the first page here is basically copy/pasted from another of my sites. I want this new site to be the artists site instead.

    If you look on the menu, my name is there. That would be an artist name, leading to an artist page. But that would make it impossible for a menu to make sense with over 50 artists. Help!

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