Forum Replies Created
In this code you sent if there is no location it will not create a new location while importing feeds.
Thanks for your reply Marcus!
Is there any ways I want to import XML feed and want to setup cron jobs? I’ve thousands of events that I don’t want to add one by one and also I’ve various xml feed from third party resources so only I tried wpallimport plugin but only one thing is missed here i.e location name.
Really stuck on here for last few days.
here you may find // if we have location, try to either retrieve it by name, or create a new location object
I just simply need to create a new location object while importing events from xml feed.
FYI: I’m using wpallimport plugin for importing events via xml.
Code makes sense but where do I need to use this code? within sql database?
I’m not well expect on coding.
I understand it but this should be used within pages/posts i.e on index or page php files, according to the array above it will match the location id 1 but I just want to import events via xml. I’m using wpallimport plugin.
While importing my events I just want to import all my locations so while importing there is no custom location name key and custom key is not available for location name and also event name/title instead of it contains _id
Check out my screenshot
it displays all the custom keys expect location name but how do I import locaion names? so id’s will create automatically.
Create custom field within theme and what you want to do is duplicate the Location Name.
For ex: Create a Custom Field as “Venue” so the meta key is “_venue” and on yoast use this custom field value as %%cf_venue%%
OK, Finally I solved this.
EM placeholders won’t support on Yoast Meta description coz EM using underscores (_) for all the meta keys.
What I did is created an custom field for all my events and easily done everything with Yoast.
Custom fields are the same as attributes, so why it’s not working? if it’s working on title then there is a chance on description to..
I tried everything %%cf_<field name>%% on yoast but not worked. Is there anyother plugin that should automate title and meta tags which supports EM?
Adding via Yoast via admin panel.
I understand so can you give me some ideas on how to workaround this? I really want my #_LOCATIONNAME in meta description of yoast.
so placholders for ex: #_LOCATIONNAME won’t work on meta description on yoast? EM placeholders perfectly working on title tag of yoast but not on description, any ideas how to get this work for meta description?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Open box on clicking menu itemsI tried modal plugins to but not comfortable with menu items. Is there anything need to work on jquery or something?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Open box on clicking menu itemsI’m on localhost and still not hosted my website.
Ref site: top right corner when you click the city name(vancouver) small box is opened and exactly same thing I needed.
I had put my “Change City” option within menu items and city names as tags so tags should needed on white box.
I tried Pop Up plugins, lightbox but nothing worked out for menu items.
I stuck on this for last 24 hours ??
I’ve deactivated all other plugins, I’m using only few plugins and deactivated and then tried to load the page but still it leads to Not Found Page.
FYI: I’m on localhost