Forum Replies Created
Hi @valuesyndrome can you test with the previous version of the Stripe plugin (8.2.0) and see if the issue persists?
If the issue goes away, you’re likely experiencing the same payment issues like many others on the forum, which is caused by a change on 8.3.0.
More details can be found here
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway] Stripe is not updating order statusHi @carolm29 this issue and most of the recent payment issues on the forum are likely related to
The quick fix for anyone struggling is to revert to the previous version (8.2.0) until 3154 is resolved
Hi @rajeshml it’s highly likely their issue is related to a new bug introduced on 8.3.0 and is reported here rather than the older (over a year old) bug you linked.
Many (most?) of the payment issues reported on the forum recently would be caused by 3154 so it needs to be looked at promptly.
@fetenlakhal thanks for your response
As we didn’t have many reports of merchants affected by this bug, we don’t have an ETA for when it will be resolved as the team first needs to analyze the situation and balance that with the other commitments on their plate.
This is flawed approach unfortunately. You assume people are capable of monitoring their logs, but the vast majority of WP/WC sites, are hosted on services where the deprecated warnings are hidden. Even if they are showing for some hosts, it would mean people would need to i) have debug.log enabled ii) know how to read it and make sense of it iii) actually monitor it.
I can guarantee to you, that of the millions of WP sites out there, only a small number of store owners can do the above. Of those, you need to find the ones who use a similar setup to reproduce the issue and of those, you need to find the ones that bother to report the issues.
Unfortunately, you’re left with a tiny percentage of people, so when something is reported by a handful of people, the impact is probably far greater.
As such, if the issue is reproducable, you should be putting every effort to fix. That’s even more important when it’s a deprecated warning, which means that soon it’ll go away. Why wait till the very last minute (or worse) before fixing when you’ve known for a year?
We’ve also reported this on and support tickets (#6296281, #6296512 and #7482377) as back as May 2023 (!) but there’s been no progress on this.
I guess the team expects everyone to turn off deprecation warnings and hide issues under the carpet…
thanks for the prompt reply!
Thanks @ndiego
I’m not sure why you’d think this is a GB issue rather than something that needs changing on your plugin?
Here’s another report on their support page saying Yoast is also broken with the latest version, but that’s probably for Yoast to resolve?
@chilliwax have you seen this issue ? Hardcoding the change while waiting to get merged, seems to have greatly reduced the duplicate orders for us.
- This reply was modified 12 months ago by George.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Braintree for WooCommerce Payment Gateway] Terrible supportHi @imodouglas the issue i opened on the support forum is this
The WC support number is 6296512 and the issue is still open, three months later.
The dependency of the plugin to the Skyverge plugin framework is also throwing deprecation warnings on PHP8.1 which forced us to create 6699433.
p.s. to avoid confusion, i’m not asking for support on this review. The support threads are open and pending. i’m simply replying to the comment from @imodouglas so my reply should not be removed!
Hi @chilliwax we spent a lot of time debugging this and after some valuable feedback from customers, we realised that while they system UI is open and you pick the address, payment method etc, the checkout behind it, is still visible and editable, at least on our theme which is based on Storefront.
The customers reported seeing a spinner on the system UI for a long time (10-20 seconds) while Stripe is processing their payment, got impatient and closed the browser thinking the payment had failed. They then tried a different payment method, not realising their initial order had gone through.
One solution was to introduce throttling and stop people from placing identical orders within X minutes, but there are scenarios where people want to do this so this wasn’t a great solution.
We opted for a different approach, where we introduce a spinner while the Apple Pay modal is open, which would stop people from interacting with the chekout. We used the following code
// block the ui while wc stripe ajax actions are running // unblock when the ajax actions are done function checkout_wc_stripe_loading_block() { jQuery( document ).on('ajaxSend', function(event, request, settings) { if ( !settings.url.includes('wc_stripe') ) { return; } jQuery('form.woocommerce-checkout').block({ message: null, overlayCSS: { background: '#fff', opacity: 0.6 } }); }); jQuery( document ).on('ajaxComplete', function(event, request, settings) { if ( !settings.url.includes('wc_stripe') ) { return; } jQuery('form.woocommerce-checkout').unblock(); }); }
Since releasing, we’ve not had any more duplicates, but this is coincidental, because we’ve also seen duplicates where the customer got a “payment failed” error. Those were just a handful, but made it even harder to weed out the true cause.
It sounds like your issue is caused by “payment failed” which is a generic message. Unfortunately, the plugin doesn’t display the true error to the customer which makes it even harder to debug.
We’ll continue to monitor the orders for duplicates caused by “payment failed” and will report back when i have more info.
The vast majority of the duplicate orders (all that aren’t user errors) are paid using Apple Pay and we noticed that Apple Pay errors do not show up on checkout on many themes including Storefront. Here is our bug report about it
We therefore have a theory (needs proving) that customers are trying to pay using Apple Pay, then an error is coming up (for example but the customer never sees it and thinks nothing happened. Then they try again either using Apple Pay or a different gateway (PayPal/Card).
Validation errors like the one with the billing state, will not process the order, but other errors might, so we’ve updated our theme to have the errors showing, and we’ll monitor the situation to see if we get any more leads about those duplicate orders.
To avoid confusion, the issue is not resolved for us or the thread starter.
@ihereira closing a thread that’s clearly still an issue, does not help the thread starter, or the community to resolve the underlying issue. It just helps your stats, but this is a short-sighted approach, because in reality, it simply creates more tasks for you to deal with, and you lose connection with the actual issue, therefore thinking it’s not really a bug. Do you expect everyone who follows this thread, to magically jump to the new one or another related one? Please refrain from posting unhelpful comments and let us try to debug the actual issue.
@chilliwax we too have been having the same issue for a while, and are unable to identify the cause of it. Once you weed out human error, it appears the vast majority, if not all of the orders are Apple Pay ones. One thing we’ve noticed, is the IP of those is always different. We use CloudFlare and so far, we’ve been using the php to expose the customer IP, but we’ll now switch to the nginx solution instead because it doesn’t appear to work properly. Do you use CloudFlare and/or a LoadBalancer?
@ihereira how is this resolved? Did you release a fix on this? Did you remove dependency on GD’s plugin framework?
I’ve already created a ticket and i’m still waiting for this to be fixed, so the issue is still not resolved
ah, that’s great, thanks @nlpro ! I wasn’t aware there was such an option and google search didn’t bring up any related solutions.
@chilliwax @harshitczargroup did you ever get anywhere with this? Did you figure out how to reproduce it?
We are also having the same issue but unfortunately this support forum is not the place to get support, because their “guidelines” are flawed to say the least. Their github is probably a better place to raise this