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I may just Hide Complete Posts and make a custom 404 page that has a message to the effect of:
Don’t know if 404 or you don’t belong. Login to find out!?!?!?
One downside to Eric’s solution is that locked posts now show up on the home page. The content is hidden still, but I’d rather not seeing any locked posts on the home page.
Additionally, when using other plugins that render posts (eg. List Category Posts), the excerpts and titles still show up; whereas with Hide Complete Posts, nothing shows up.
For my purposes it means that users coming in on links to locked posts don’t get to login directly, but they do for pages….at least until I can think of a way around it.
I’m content with how it works after my modification. For our purposes each “ticket” has a coordinator, so I need a list per ticket to hand out.
Thanks for an awesome plugin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Page Menus] [Plugin: Custom Page Menus] Re-ordering menu sequenceAhhhh! In Appearance > Widgets.
I expected it in each page. …per page order would be a nice feature.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Page Menus] [Plugin: Custom Page Menus] Re-ordering menu sequenceWhere are these 4 options?
FYI, it works rather nicely!
…marking as resolved…move along.
Well, that didn’t last long. I found and wrote some code after a bit more Googling.
/* * Add Events Manager Phone field to registration page * */ // This function shows the form fiend on registration page add_action('register_form','show_event_phone_field'); // This is a check to see if you want to make a field required add_action('register_post','check_fields',10,3); // This inserts the data add_action('user_register', 'register_extra_fields'); // This is the forms The Two forms that will be added to the wp register page function show_event_phone_field(){ ?> <p> <label>Phone Number<br /> <input id="dbem_phone" class="input" type="text" tabindex="20" size="25" value="<?php echo $_POST['dbem_phone']; ?>" name="dbem_phone"/> </label> </p> <?php } // This function checks to see if they didn't enter phone // If no phone: display Error function check_fields($login, $email, $errors) { global $phone; if ($_POST['dbem_phone'] == '') { $errors->add('empty_realname', "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please Enter Phone Number"); } else { $phone = $_POST['dbem_phone']; } } // This is where the magiv happens function register_extra_fields($user_id, $password="", $meta=array()) { // Gotta put all the info into an array $userdata = array(); $userdata['ID'] = $user_id; // First name $userdata['dbem_phone'] = $_POST['dbem_phone']; // Enters into DB wp_update_user($userdata); // This is for custom meta data "gender" is the custom key and M is the value // update_usermeta($user_id, 'gender','M'); } ?>
Based on code found here:
Yeah, i have a way of trying to provide max info and convoluting the hell out of things. I’ll spell it out the best I can.
In WP Admin I click Events.
I click an event (taking me to the Edit page for it).
Below the event textarea there’s a section called Bookings/Registration with a couple of “tickets” listed.
I click View Bookings next to the one ticket with one booking.
It opens a page listing the one booking in the system.
I click the CSV icon and wait 30 seconds until a csv file is downloaded. When I open the CSV I get hundreds of rows containing the one booking record in the system. At the bottom of the CSV file in a call, is the timeout error.To try and cut to the chase, the question I’d ask anyone familiar with the code in question is: What does the outer while loop do? …because the code works as I expect it to without it.
Let me know if I can clarify any further.
I did not mess with the limit = 150, although I took note of the setting. I didn’t bother since the while loop in addition to the foreach loops seems superfluous.
I was exporting exactly one booking, and it was for a specific event. I went to the event edit page, and below, in the Bookings/Registration area, clicked the View Bookings link next to the ticket I created.
The while loop may loop through multiple events, and as such is not actually needed for a single event and single ticket.
I see no way to export bookings for all events as you asked. From Events > Bookings I’ve got to click an event before I can export. To answer that question simply, it’s for a future event.