Ulfsby Webdesign
Forum Replies Created
That resolved it
Yes, now it seems to work, thank you!
The site is https://laer-sko-skinn.no/
I have tested furher, and the error occurs only when both Contactform 7, NextGen Gallery and WP-SpamShield is active. No other plugins are active. WP-SpamShield is removed from the plugin repository, so I guess this plugin is the problem. I delete it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Conflicts with NextGen GalleryWP-SpamShield is removed from the plugin repository, so I guess this plugin is the problem. I delete it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Conflicts with NextGen GalleryI have tested furher, and the error occurs only when both Contactform 7, NextGen Gallery and WP-SpamShield is active. No other plugins are active.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Conflicts with NextGen GalleryBoth captcha and Google recaptcha works now. Thank you very much for good suport!
I updated to 10.3.1, deleted the pictures from gallery and added them again from backend picking from wp media library. The problem is still there. One picture is visible, but two are not. See Post with Photo contest
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - Email Users] The event owner should be the senderIn the email settings panel in EM, you can chose who is the sender. It can be a common sender for all mails or the owner of the event. The owner is the same as the aothor of the event. The Author can be changed in the edit event page like for posts.
May be the settings in EM can be used by Email Users? But I think in fact that the best is that the user sending the Message is the sender.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - Email Users] No feedback at Send EmailThe problem was solved by the new version of the plugin. Thank you for the option not to use SMTP!
I rolled back a backup, deleted the plugin again and installed the new version. Now it works!
It is very strange. I have deleted the plugin, stil I get the error message. Now the whole site is blocked. It is not possible to log in. See ullernseilforening.no
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - Email Users] No feedback at Send EmailI am using a live site. There is no green success og red error message.
It is probably a SMTP connection error. The host does not allow SMTP, so I use a SMTP-host at another ISP, but they may not allow SMTP from foreign hosts.It would be better to use WP mail. Other mails from Events Manager is using that. There are plugins to send all WP mail via SMTP. That will handle all mail the same way independent of the plugin sending it. E.g. https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-mail-smtp/.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP2Social Auto Publish] Posts not visible on FB Page unless logged in528491, you are right. I logged out of Facebook and can still see this Facebook page.
As you can see, also the posts published by the plugin Facebook Auto Publish are visible. There are probably settings in the Facebook page that make your posts invisible, CosmicSake.