Forum Replies Created
My problem is fixed. Could not say what the real cause is but today I tried to remove nextgen completely out of my system since I wanted to try out some other gallery plugin. I deactivated and tried to delete all the files. But it would not delete and showed me a blank page instead. In utter frustration, I reactivated the plugin again. Viola… my albums are back ?? Thanks for your support.
@photocrati member So nice of you to help immediately. I have submitted bug reports with login and ftp credentials. Please look into it. Thanks in advance.
Things were working before. It stopped all of a sudden. Gallery settings page is broken. I could not load any dropdown menus in that page. Can you please look into it if I give you login credentials? Thanks
I use this shortcode: [ngg_images album_ids=”1″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_compact_album”]
I updated the plugin today after that update it shows “Gallery not found. Please check your settings.” Please help me what I should do now. Thanks in advance.
Based on your link, I modified the code to set time frame as below, but it is not working. Could you please look into it? Thanks in advance
/** * Check if the current user can post * * @return bool */ function wpufe_can_post() { global $post_type; global $wpdb; global $userdata; $user = wp_get_current_user(); if( $post_type === 'post' ) { $today = date( 'Y-m-d 00:00:00', ( gmmktime() )); $news_count = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT count(*) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'post' AND post_author = $userdata->ID AND post_modified > '$today'" ); if( $news_count >= 1 ) { return false; } return true; } } /** * Show the message if can't post * * @param string info message * @return string info message */ function wpufe_show_message( $info ) { if( !wpufe_can_post() ) { $info = 'Sorry, you have exceeded the limit of post per day'; } return $info; } add_filter( 'wpuf_addpost_notice', 'wpufe_show_message' );
Hi lognic, I first installed buddypress 1.6(svn). Then I activated the courseware. After doing that, I upgraded to current version of buddypress 1.8.1. Then the courseware tab is gone. To bring it back, you have to do the following:
` Go to /wp-content/plugins/buddypress-courseware/groups/groups.class.php
Then, go to: line 44
Add the following:
if ( !isset( $bp->courseware ) || !is_object($bp->courseware)) {
$bp->courseware = new stdClass;
Final result:
function activate_component() {
global $bp;
if ( !isset( $bp->courseware ) || !is_object($bp->courseware)) {
$bp->courseware = new stdClass;
$bp->courseware->id = ‘courseware’;
$bp->courseware->slug = ‘courseware’;
$bp->active_components[$bp->courseware->slug] = $bp->courseware->id;
}It worked for me perfectly. Courseware is running without any error.
I found out a solution for this. Download and install Buddypress plugin 1.6 from the plugins page. Now activate Courseware plugin. Again update the buddypress to the new version. You are done…