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Edit the post, and set the value of custom field “wp_carousel_link_url” to the link you want to be opened. WP Carousel will use that value instead of the post’s permalink.
You can hide the carousels with CSS and show them when the page is completely loaded. It won’t make it to load faster, but to the user it will look like the carousels appear completely loaded, preventing the “loading stage”.
Let’s assume that all the carousels have class “.carousel”.
With CSS:
.carousel { display:none; }
And with Javascript:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(".carousel").show(); });
When you add wp_carousel(ID) is called, WP Carousel adds the Javascript code needed to set up the carousel to the footer, because it can’t be added in the header (the header is always before the carousel).
As WP Carousel can’t predict where will you add a carousel, it always adds the final code in the footer. I thought that code would love almost instantly, but if it does not, the only modification you can do it putting that Javascript code just after or before the carousel.
To do that open wp-carousel.php, go to line 1051 and replace:
add_action('wp_footer', 'wp_carousel_load_carousel_'.$c_id.'_js_code');
Do the same with line 1083 and 1117. It should work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Carousel] [Plugin: WP Carousel] wp carousel not workingSorry netmansam, but I don’t understand what you mean.
I’ve checked your page and the first tab (BVI) worked without problems. It should have a lower width, but nothing you can not fix with some CSS (in fact I’ve fixed it with Firebug, it is just using a lower width and a higher height for the carousels).
The other tabs use StepCarousel. As soon as you use Jcarousel, they should work.
In Chrome, I don’t know why, but #thetheRightPanel’s display is set to
.This is what I see in Firefox:
This is what I see after some modifications with Firebug:
This is what I see in Chrome after removingdisplay:none
: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [WP Carousel] [Plugin: WP Carousel] content hiddened?It is working, but as there is no image in the carousel (there are just texts) and text is hidden in Clear Slider theme, you don’t see anything.
Open wp-carousel/themes/clear-slider/theme.php and look for:
<span class="hide">
Replace it with:
Do the same in theme-jcarousel.php.
Then you’ll see the text.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: is lightbox and wp carousel compatible?I assume you are using the jCarousel version (StepCarousel is not supported since version 1.1 due to license conflict).
Open wp-carousel/themes/default/theme-jcarousel.php. On line 150 you’ll find:
<a href="<?php echo $item['LINK_URL']; ?>" title="<?php echo $item['TITLE']; ?>">
Just add
, if your lightbox is activated in that way:<a href="<?php echo $item['LINK_URL']; ?>" title="<?php echo $item['TITLE']; ?>" rel="lightbox">
On line 161 you’ll find the same code. Make the same modification.
And with that modification the lightbox should word. Remember, it depends on the lightbox. There are some lightbox scripts that are activated in a different way.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: is lightbox and wp carousel compatible?Just modify your WP Carousel theme and add the code needed by lightbox.
Depending on the theme, the line to change will be different. If you upload your theme I can locate the line.
PS: Please, manacing about using a different plugin is very annoying. Use the plugin you want. I try to solve all the questions, no matter you use WP Carousel after my response or not. If you want, use another plugin, but do not ask for support menacing with using a different plugin.
I don’t want to release a new version with just that change. But you can apply this changes modifying wp-carousel.php.
Near line 221 you’ll find:
wp_register_script('wp_carousel_jcarousel', $wp_carousel_path[6].'js/jcarousel.min.js', array('jquery'), false, true); // jCarusel (tomado de wp_register_script('wp_carousel_nivoslider', $wp_carousel_path[6].'js/jquery.nivo.slider.js', array('jquery'), false, true); // NivoSlider, el script printipal para crear los carruseles (tomado de
Replace it with:
wp_register_script('wp_carousel_jcarousel', $wp_carousel_path[6].'js/jcarousel.min.js', array('jquery'), false, false); // jCarusel (tomado de wp_register_script('wp_carousel_nivoslider', $wp_carousel_path[6].'js/jquery.nivo.slider.js', array('jquery'), false, false); // NivoSlider, el script printipal para crear los carruseles (tomado de
Then javascript code will be loaded in the header instead of in the footer, and the carousel should load almost instantly.
I was asked by to remove StepCarousel due to license conflict with plugin’s repository license. I had two options: 1) Remove WP Carousel from 2) Remove StepCarousel. I choose 2.
I see that you are using StepCarousel so just choose jCarousel instead of StepCarousel and everything should work fine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Carousel] [Plugin: WP Carousel] wp carousel not workingDo you have in footer.php of your WordPress theme the following code?
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
And in header.php:
<?php wp_head(); ?>
WP Carousel uses those functions to add its Javascript code.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: WP Carousel] Adding styles to active linkCheck out this example, I think that with callback functions you can do that and more!
I don’t know exactly how Nivo Slider works (I’m not the author of Nivo Slider), but probably the problem is that WP Carousel loads its Javascript code at the end of the page.
I thought it was the best way, because the page itself loads faster, but problems like this have been reported before. Furthermore some themes (I don’t know why) don’t include wp_footer() in the footer and I get a lot of complains about this, no matter it is not a problem of WP Carousel but the WordPress theme.
So sum up, in the next release WP Carousel will load the code in the header and these problems will be solved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Carousel] [Plugin: WP Carousel] ssl broke the plugin?Well, I haven’t tested it on a SSL site (for two reasons: 1) I haven’t a SSL site and 2) I don’t have the knowledge to create a SSL site… yet (I hope)), but if one of you really want to use WP Carousel, I can send you different versions of WP Carousel and try to fix the problem (I’ll need to send you more than a couple of different versions).
It will require some time, as I haven’t worked before with SSL and I don’t know what can be wrong, but if you help me testing WP Carousel, I’ll try to fix this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Plugin: WP Carousel disappeared with update to 1.1, help!!I released WP Carousel 1.1 because I was asked to remove StepCarousel due to license problems. If you are using a custom theme designed for StepCarousel, it won’t work as I removed StepCarousel.
I didn’t update the documentation because I want to redesign the documentation to make it clearer and I haven’t had enough time.
Try to set up the carousel to use jCarousel instead of StepCarousel (you’ll see the option in the Carousel’s options page).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Carousel] [Plugin: WP Carousel] Drag and drop not workingHave you tried disabling all the plugins but WP Carousel?
Did you get any Javascript error with Firebug or similars? It is really difficult (almost impossible) fixing a Javascript problem with just an image and without the Javascript code being loaded.
If you can, install Firebug in your browser and post the errors message you got. With that information fixing the problem should be easier.