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  • Thanks for using WP Carousel!

    Have you put <?php wp_carousel(ID); ?> under the big carousel? I’ve checked your site and the JS code is loaded, but WP Carousel is not adding any HTML code to the page.

    If you’ve added the code and still not working, it might be a PHP error behind. If your server is configured to not show PHP errors, you must add the following code in wp-config.php:

    ini_set('display_errors', '1');

    This will reveal any PHP error and give very useful information for fixing the error (if it is a PHP error).

    Plugin Author sumolari


    I have made some changes to prevent this kind of problems.

    When WP Carousel tries to load a carousel that uses a theme which doesn’t exist, It shows an error but does not break the page, so it is easier for the users to fix the problem.

    I’ve added a new file where users can store the internal configuration of WP Carousel (name of the options, custom fields for descriptions, etc), you have more information in the “Help” tab of any WP Carousel page of your WordPress admin panel.

    Plugin Author sumolari


    I can’t fix this problem, check this topic.

    Plugin Author sumolari


    I can’t fix this problem since I can’t install WordPress Multi-site in my localhost.

    If you are really interesting in this problem, just create a dummy WordPress MU installation and give me an FTP account to upload new versions of WP Carousel and an admin account to access to the admin panel, and I’ll try to fix it as soon as possible.

    I don’t know why I didn’t replied to this topic 7 months ago, but if WP Carousel Javascript code is not loading, it is because your theme does not have this code at the end:

    <?php wp_footer(); ?>

    WordPress features an incredible hook API that allows developers to put their code in almost any part of the site without modifying anything, but to do this, there must be called special functions like wp_head() or wp_footer().

    I don’t understand why, but there are some theme developers that remove wp_footer(). This not only breaks WP Carousel, but any other plugin that uses the hook wp_footer to put important code of the plugin.

    The easiest way to fix the problem is editing footer.php file of your theme and add near </body> <?php wp_footer(); ?>.

    With that WP Carousel’s code will be loaded.

    Take into account that WP Carousel is not adding directly the code to the footer. It uses WordPress functions to enqueue Javascript code and tells WP Carousel that the code can be loaded in the footer. As I have said before, without this line any other plugin that tells WordPress that its code can be placed in footer will be broken.

    In WP Carousel 1.1 I’ve removed StepCarousel due to license conflict with GPL license (I was asked to remove it by, so you should use jCarousel.

    In fact, WP Carousel should automatically change to jCarousel, if it does do, it must be a bug in this release.

    Plugin Author sumolari


    I know that this is not a good answer, but the problem will be solved in next release of WP Carousel: StepCarousel will not be part of WP Carousel.

    Due to license incompatiblities with GPL, I can’t use Dynamic Drive’s scripts, like StepCarousel if I want WP Carosel to be hosted on

    WP Carousel offers an alternative GPL-licensed script: jCarousel, so the carousels will continue working. Furthermore, next version of WP Carousel will include other GPL-license script to create carousels that will allow you to use new animations and unique looks.

    If this behaviour does not happen with jCarousel, then the problem will be solved.

    Plugin Author sumolari


    I haven’t used that page-excerpt plugin before, so I don’t know how it works. I would try it and improve WP Carousel to make them compatible, but I’m a bit busy this month, so I think I will not be able to do that until december.

    In any case, if Page Excerpt uses WordPress’s custom fields to store the excerpt of the pages, it will be really easy to use them as description.

    WP Carousel tries to load the value of custom field WP_CAROUSEL_CAROUSEL_TEXT and use it as description for any content, but as in most of the cases that custom field is empty, WP Carousel also loads the excerpt of the post.

    WP_CAROUSEL_CAROUSEL_TEXT is a constant, defined in wp-carousel.php near line 71. Just change “wp_carousel_carousel_text”, the value of that constant with the name of the custom field that Page Excerpt uses and then WP Carousel will use the excerpt of the pages.

    But this will only work if in fact Page Excerpt plugin uses custom field, and I’m not sure about that as I haven’t used that plugin before.

    Thanks for using WP Carousel, I’ll try to implement this feature ASAP.

    Plugin Author sumolari


    That code is needed to add the pagination icons of the carousel. As WP Carousel uses StepCarousel to create the carousels, and StepCarousel uses that system to create the pagination, the only way to pass the W3C validation is using jCarousel instead of StepCarousel.

    Go to you carousel’s options page and check the option “Use jCarousel”. As jCarousel uses a different system to create the pagination, you will pass the W3C validation.

    Plugin Author sumolari


    Thanks for reporting and for fixing this issue.

    I don’t know why I left that 5px there, probably I forget removing it when I release that theme and then it has remained broken since today.

    This problem will be fixed in the next release of WP Carousel.

    Meanwhile you should apply the changes manually, just open wp-carousel/themes/premium-slider/theme.php and look for:

    <div class="panel_image" style="background:url(<?php echo $item['IMAGE_URL']; ?>) 5px 0px; width:<?php echo $temp_panel_width; ?>; height:<?php echo $temp_panel_height; ?>;">

    Replace it with:

    <div class="panel_image" style="background:url(<?php echo $item['IMAGE_URL']; ?>) 0px 0px; width:<?php echo $temp_panel_width; ?>; height:<?php echo $temp_panel_height; ?>;">

    You’ll find that line two times in that file.

    Then open wp-carousel/themes/premium-slider/theme-jcarousel.php and do the same modifications.

    These modifications should be done in night-owl and clear-slider theme as well.

    I think that I make a mistake and as I use one of the “broken” themes to make other themes, this error was “copied” to the other ones.

    Why are images used as background in some themes? Well, I needed it for the theme night-owl (I think it was the theme for which I started using this method). I needed to add an inset shadow to the images and as I couldn’t add it to a img element, I decided to use the image as background for a div with an inset shadow.

    Probably I made the other themes using night-owl as template, I don’t remember it right now.

    But in any case, I think it is not important. The really important thing is that the problem has been reported and fixed (thank you very much, again) and that the next release of WP Carousel will include this fix.

    I’ll “translate” the code to a pseudo-code that I think you’ll understand better:

    <div class="theme-skinless" style="width:{carousel-size}">
    		{if this carousel is set up to show the arrows then}
    		<div class="arrow-right"><a href="javascript:stepcarousel.stepBy('carousel_{id-of-the-carousel}', -{number-of-slides-to-move-it-is-negative-because-it-goes-back})">{content-of-the-link-can-be-text-or-images}</a></div>
    		<div class="arrow-left"><a href="javascript:stepcarousel.stepBy('carousel_{id-of-the-carousel}', {number-of-slides-to-move})">{content-of-the-link-can-be-text-or-images}</a></div>
    		<div class="clear"></div>
    		{end of the if-block}

    Then, returning to PHP:

    <div class="theme-skinless" style="width:<?php echo $config['CAROUSEL_WIDTH']; ?>">
    		<?php if ($config['ARROWS']): ?>
    		<div class="arrow-right"><a href="javascript:stepcarousel.stepBy('carousel_<?php echo $c_id; ?>', -<?php echo $config['SLIDE_POSTS']; ?>)"><?php /* Here you can add an image */ ?></a></div>
    		<div class="arrow-left"><a href="javascript:stepcarousel.stepBy('carousel_<?php echo $c_id; ?>', <?php echo $config['SLIDE_POSTS']; ?>)"><?php /* Here you can add an image */ ?></a></div>
    		<div class="clear"></div>
    		<?php endif; ?>

    Again, in PHP:

    <div class="theme-skinless" style="width:<?php echo $config['CAROUSEL_WIDTH']; ?>">
    		<?php if ($config['ARROWS']): ?>
    		<div class="arrow-right"><a href="javascript:stepcarousel.stepBy('carousel_<?php echo $c_id; ?>', -<?php echo $config['SLIDE_POSTS']; ?>)"><img src="my_arrow_right.png" /></a></div>
    		<div class="arrow-left"><a href="javascript:stepcarousel.stepBy('carousel_<?php echo $c_id; ?>', <?php echo $config['SLIDE_POSTS']; ?>)"><img src="my_arrow_left.png" /></a></div>
    		<div class="clear"></div>
    		<?php endif; ?>

    Instead of using directly an image, you can use CSS to add a background to the link that allows you to slide the panels. It would be something like this:

    .arrow-right { background:url(right-arrow.png) top left no-repeat; }
    .arrow-right:hover { background:url(right-arrow-hover.png) top left no-repeat; }
    .arrow-left { background:url(left-arrow.png) top left no-repeat; }
    .arrow-left:hover { background:url(left-arrow-hover.png) top left no-repeat; }

    If you need more help, I’ll post here more detailed code.

    Plugin Author sumolari


    While some people say things like this, other people say things like this.

    I’ll fix each bug reported or found by myself, but in fact this topic is not a error-reporting topic as it does not explain what is failing, if they are getting any error message… nothing.

    Nobody could fix the error just by reading a topic like this, so you have two options:

    1) Just say that WP Carousel is garbage.
    2) Describe the situation and offer more information to help me to fix the problem.

    You decide what you want to do.

    Plugin Author sumolari


    WP Carousel has an “Uninstall” link in its menu that allows you to remove WP Carousel’s content from your Database. You can delete WP Carousel but the data will remain in your Database until you uninstall WP Carousel using its uninstall page.

    You can try restoring a backup before uninstalling WP Carousel. It might work and you won’t lose all your WP Carousel configuration.

    You can see the “Uninstall” link in this image.

    Plugin Author sumolari


    It is strange: when I unpack the export code (just base64_decode it and then unserialize the result) I found that the config if ok, but the items added to the carousel are corrupt (they should be an array and they are not and array but a simple string).

    The unserialized items string is:


    When I unpack the export code, before unserializing the items array (yes, the export code when unpacked is just an array with two items, each item is a serialized array, one of items added to each carousel and the other one the config of each carousel) I get an strange items serialized array:


    If you look at the serialized string, you’ll find an strange character (). I think this character is breaking WP Carousel. It could be interesting for updates if you had add any strange character to the carousel. I think WP Carousel should handle “strange” characters like spanish ones, but I don’t know if it supports japanese characters (for instance).

    It’s a pitty, but I think you can’t recover the items added to your carousels. If I were you, I’ll uninstall WP Carousel to reset its content and create new carousels. If you start from 0 your carousels and send your new export code to me, I can send you a modified version of the export code that will set up the carousels with the same configuration you were using before uninstalling WP Carousel, but the items will need to be added one by one again.

    You can also try to use a backup of your carousel. WP Carousel 1.0 features a backup system which can be really useful some times. I think that you may have a backup (automatically created by WP Carousel) that can restore your carousel to a previous state when the error hasn’t happened.

    If you discover what gone wrong and broke WP Carousel, please, report it. I’m really interested in fixing any WP Carousel bug.

    And sorry for the inconvenience.

    Edit: Your previous post was moderated while I was writing this reply. Please, post your export code in Pastebin if you can. I’ll like to check it more deeply.

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