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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Edits do not show up (in blog)Further to my post above:
Viewing the post as part of the “recent posts” front page, or the Archive for that month, does not show the changes.
Clicking “View” above the post-editing window in the Admin panel does show the changes, as does clicking on the title of the post in an Archive page and viewing it as a single post on its own.
Does anyone know why this is?
In case anyone has a similar problem in future – this one is much simpler than it looks (always the way)!
This issue is caused by the fact that Firefox does display vertical scrollbars where the page content is smaller than the viewport.
In Mandigo, including the sidebar with any real amount of content on it makes the page long enough to require scrollbars.
In my case, my custom page template was not as long as this, and therefore the scrollbars didn’t appear…
The fact that the content is centred between the edges of the viewport means that when scrollbars appear/disappear, the content shifts by half the width of the scrollbar.
The simplest fix I have found for this is documented here, and is a simple CSS rule which should scale regardless of the resolution of the site:
html { height: 100.02%; }
This forces the page to be very fractionally longer than the viewport, so the scrollbars will appear – but without any “wasted” space as it’s only .02% longer than the viewport itself.
In Mandigo, you can put
<style type="text/css"> html { height: 100.02%; } </style>
into Presentation->HTML Inserts for this to work across your site.
Hi Moshu,
Lesson learned – don’t follow instructions when you’re too tired!
Thank you for all your help,
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Change the “What I’m Doing…” text in the sidebar widgetSuccess!
If possible, change the “What I’m Doing” text before you upload and activate Twitter Tools – it saves a lot of effort. To do this, follow the instructions from step 2 below.
If you’ve already installed Twitter Tools and wish to change the “What I’m Doing” text, the following instructions should work – follow them from start to finish.
They may well be a bit of an overkill. Those steps marked * may not be necessary, but I’ve not tried it. The following steps completely remove Twitter Tools, as far as I can tell, and mean you have to re-enter your preferences and login details. However, they seem to work fine.
1) Completely deactivating/removing Twitter Tools, which comprises the following steps:
1a) Preventing the widget from displaying (Presentation->Widgets. drag the widget from wherever you’ve put it into “Available Widgets” so it does not display)
1b) Deactivating it in WordPress Plugins->Plugins
* 1c) Removing the “wp_ak_twitter” table (this removes cached copies of your Tweets).
1d) Removing Twitter Tools’ settings from the wp_option tables: these are those rows where option_name is prefixed with “aktt_”.
* You may not need to remove ALL the rows, but I haven’t tried half-measures. It is removing these various rows which mean you have to reset your options, such as username/password, once you’ve reinstalled the plugin.
You do need to remove one crucial row:, “aktt_widget”
It is VERY IMPORTANT you complete step 1a (and possibly 1b) before doing this – I didn’t the first time I tried, and odd things happened!
1e) Having completed the above, delete “twitter-tools.php” from your plugins directory.
2) Changing the “What I’m Doing” text to whatever you want:
2a) Go to your local copy of “twitter-tools.php“. At line 570, find the text
“‘title’ => __(“What I’m Doing…“, ‘twitter-tools’)“
Change the text What I’m Doing… to whatever you want – be careful not to remove or alter the inverted commas on each side (“”).
2b) Upload this copy of twitter-tools.php to your plugins directory.
3) Install Twitter Tools as normal
3a) Activate it in WordPress Plugins->Plugins
… and proceed as normal: your username/password and other options.
3b) Re-enable the Widget in Presentation->Widgets
I hope that is of use to everyone.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Change the “What I’m Doing…” text in the sidebar widgetHaving had a further dig around, I’ve checked the wp_options table in the WordPress database which drives the site.
The plugin stores various bits of information there, all of which start with “aktt_” in the option_name field. These save things like Twitter Name and password, as well as other Twitter Tools settings.
One of these is “aktt_widget” which has the option_value “a:1:{s:5:”title”;s:17:”What I’m Doing…”;}”.
I imagine that this field is set only when you first activate the plugin. When I removed the plugin completely, then reinstalled it, it “remembered” my username/password details – and the old “What I’m Doing…” text, even though the newly reinstalled plugin did not have this text.
I tried editing this field to my own custom text instead of What I’m Doing, but this just caused it to display “a” (without quotes) in the Widget.
I’m currently deleting the “aktt_” prefixed options, with the intention of completely removing the plugin. Then I’ll edit the plugin before its uploaded, and upload it “as new”. Hopefully that will work!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Change the “What I’m Doing…” text in the sidebar widgetI’ve just doubled checked – it was indeed line 570 which I edited, before I uploaded and activated the plug in again. No luck as yet.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Change the “What I’m Doing…” text in the sidebar widgetI’ve been wondering this as well… I’ll take another peek through the source, but I could only find one reference to “What I’m Doing…” which I replaced.
An Update – problems (pretty much) solved:
Further to my previous post – Moshu’s steps almost worked perfectly. I guess that in my previous mucking around, I did things in the wrong order or left out a step.
The only problem is one which I mentioned in the previous post, namely a duplicate “Home” link. I deleted every single static “Page” in the WordPress “Manage->Pages” panel. However, the link to “Home” still existed in the navbar…
I then created 2 pages (Home and Blog) as per Moshu’s step 2 above, and set them as static “Home” and “Blog” pages as per step 2a.
These were thus just fine – except for the fact that there was a duplicate “Home” link. If I removed the “Home” page, then the static pages in Options->Reading don’t have anywhere to point at.
The solution is to do with the theme. Mandigo has a default link to “Home” (index page) visible at all times… going to Presentation->Theme Options gives a checkbox to prevent this from showing. Note – it also has a checkbox to prevent “Blog” from showing up at all times, which I have NOT touched, but it didn’t show up before I created a page called “Blog” anyhow… rather odd, but never mind.
Now all I have to do is get my head around custom templates.
Many thanks to Moshu for their help.
Hi moshu,
Thanks for the link – I had also seen that page and had tried doing as it suggested (and as the rest of your steps say), but it went all askew:
The navbar link to the “blog” page tried to go to /blog/blog (which doesn’t exist) rather than just “blog”. Also, the theme already had a “Home” link, which seemed to cause some trouble. Finally, going to /blog then gave me a directory listing of the blog folder, as index.php was “moved” to the root…
Do you have any suggestions as to what could be causing any of those three issues?
I’ll try again just now, stripping it down to the bare minimum, and see what happens.