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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fast Secure Contact Form] Redirect ProblemPhew! That did it.. On behalf of all the shelter animals – thanks so much for helping! And for doing it so quickly.. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fast Secure Contact Form] Redirect ProblemThanks Mike. Footer is present and accounted for. Actually, the page almost validates – other than 4 errors generated by the use of
and a 2 (teehee) due to your plugin.. ??Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Multiple file plugin: Can a plugin access other files in the plugin dir?I can’t imagine that what I want to do is not possible. There must be a way.
I have seen references to the function wp_insert_page, but it does not appear in the codex. What does appear is wp_insert_post and the description reads as: “This function inserts posts (and pages) in the database.”
I am not sure if this does what I need, nor how to use it..
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Multiple file plugin: Can a plugin access other files in the plugin dir?Oops.. I forgot to mark the code as code.. I meant this:
$gallery .= "<a href=\"" . plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . "pfg_pet.php?id=" . $pet->id . "\"";
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Multiple file plugin: Can a plugin access other files in the plugin dir?Hey bcworkz.. Thanks for helping.. I tried this code below, but all I got was an html page with some raw php code.
$gallery .= “id . “\””;
I want the page that displays the single pet record to appear the same as any other theme page, but I have a feeling it’s just not possible to create a theme page outside of the theme folder. .
I think my question needs to be – how to get a plugin to create a theme page? The objective being that the plugin user should not have to to do so.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Multiple file plugin: Can a plugin access other files in the plugin dir?I don’t think I expressed my problem properly. Here’s another go:
The plugin’s functionality: The main plugin file displays thumbnails of all the pets. Each pet thumbnail serves as a link to a separate page which contains that pet’s detailed info
The Problem: This separate page currently resides in the theme folder (and works perfectly,) but I want it to be a proper plugin, so I want this separate page in the plugin folder. The problem is that I can’t figure out how to access it when it’s in the plugin folder.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem with wp_enqueue_script('jquery')I’m working on my first plugin and here’s what’s working for me:
Create a function to both register AND enqueue the script and then add_action to call the function (the !is_admin condition is to avoid loading the script while in the admin panel if it’s not needed there )
function load_scripts() { if (!is_admin()){ wp_register_script( 'my_script', plugins_url( '/jquery.js', __FILE__ )); wp_enqueue_script( 'my_script' ); } } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'load_scripts');
Hey Jon,
That was a good point, they were pointing to the wrong place, I edited the links and it all works now. Thanks!
I just tried 0.4-alpha-4 and the problem remains the same – no images.
Exactly. Media’s there, but not “connected” to posts it belongs too.
I will look forward to what you find out tomorrow. Thanks!Yes I checked it and OK I’ll open a new thread.. Thanks..
I too am having problems with importing the attachments.
I have tried the plugin versions 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4-alpha1.
The posts are restored but NO images. Help?Epiphany! After a little more “playing around”, I discovered that I’ve been “ass”uming that accessing a post from a page that is set to display posts from one category using <?php query_posts(‘cat=catID’); ?> is the same as purely browsing a category. So it’s NOT!
When I browse the actual “category” (as opposed to the “query_posts page”) it’s all good!
So the question now is – can it be made to work when browsing via “query_posts” in the way that I want – where all posts belong to both the “ARTICLES” and to a “SPECIFIC-TOPIC” category (of which there are many.)
Any word on this?
Hi again,
I’m still trying to solve my problem with hiding the “navigation” div when there is only one post in a specific category.
I have actually managed to do it, but the ‘fix’ presents a new problem.
If I go into single post view via archives, author or tags, navigation links disappear when the previous/next post is of a different category than the first post viewed.Could you please explain, perhaps with examples too:
(1) How to use get_referrer_url.
(2) How to use the $fallback parameter for previous_post_smart() and next_post_smart().I am hoping that perhaps one or both of these may help facilitate what I am trying to achieve. More specifically, I’d like to be able to use 2 different single.php templates: 1 for displaying posts by category, and another for displaying posts by any of archives, authors and tags.
Any help you may be able to offer will be greatly appreciated.. ??