i to faced some similiar problems.
my site has it at https://superbotics.com/jobs/
but all categories pointed to https://superbotics.com/software
where software is the category name
but is supposed to got to https://superbotics.com/jobs/software
so i went through some plugin code in this file job-manager/frontend-shortcodes.php
$cats[] = '<a href="'. get_term_link( $cat->slug, 'jobman_category' ) . '" title="' . sprintf( __( 'Jobs for %s', 'jobman' ), $cat->name ) . '">' . $cat->name . '</a>';;
i updated it as follows it worked
$cats[] = '<a href="jobs/'. get_term_link( $cat->slug, 'jobman_category' ) . '" title="' . sprintf( __( 'Jobs for %s', 'jobman' ), $cat->name ) . '">' . $cat->name . '</a>';;
you to can try this in you case you must add page/ i guess