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Tried php.ini method, and restarted Apache Web server. But still same 600 error.
Strange thing, My WordPress Media Upload says
Maximum upload file size: 40 MB.
It should say 24 MB? right?I did a fresh install, but it still gives me “Error#-600: File Size eror.”.
This time the server is Bitnami WordPress for Windows, with your User Frontend plugin, with your sample form.
See clip of sample form error here.Can you please try and replicate this error?
Im pretty sure you have filesize limit hardcoded to 2Mb somewhere in your plugin.actually, nothing happens in Console.
Thanks for reply. The setting you refer to, sets the size of image in post content.
When you click that thumbnail in the post, you are linked to the original image.Again, On my end, I find it strange that Image upload works, but Insert photo dont.
see clip from my frontend.I’ve tried the tips here, but not working.
My problem is in Post Content -> Upload Photo.
see here
There is no max size parameter.You are showing Image Upload -> Select Image.
This has size parameter, and is working if i set max size to 1000000.
But again, I want my photo in the post content as i wrote in first post, and not just Image Upload to nothing.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Software License Manager] The same license key can activate all my ProductsI’m using this system in windows software, so Im not sure in your example.
Maybe you could try something as simple as possible and see what works, and what not.
Try Post Request Tester and see what responce is.
Try post:
This should be expected result:
{“result”:”error”,”message”:”Verification API secret key is invalid”,”error_code”:90}Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Software License Manager] The same license key can activate all my ProductsYour Plugins looks correct, and should work without modifying anything.
To get ‘Software License Manager – Product control’ to work, check these two things:
How is your activation querry looking? have you added ‘&product_id=The app name’ ?2.
your unique transaction id format is wrong by some reason. should be like this:
If i remember right, this format is made by SLM WooCoomerce Addon.Hope you get it sorted.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by supermagna. Reason: the image
- This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by supermagna. Reason: img.. no preview here
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Software License Manager] The same licence key can activate all my ProdctsJust want to update to v2.2. To prevent Deactivation with random code.
This is a plugin file software-licence-manager-product-control.php<?php /* Plugin Name: Software License Manager - Product control Plugin URI: Description: Software Licence Manager plugin, who check product name, when &product_id= is in activaton/deactivation querry. I v2.1 Splitting with explode ' - '. To find App name after the Unique Transaction ID eks. '23 - Demo Product - variable price option'. I v2.2 Avoid deactivating licence with random licence code. Version: v2.2 Author: Per Emil S Author URI: License: License URI: */ //Software Licence Manager //check product name on the activation/deactivation of a license key //original from add_action('slm_api_listener_slm_activate', 'check_license_and_product_on_slm' ); add_action('slm_api_listener_slm_deactivate', 'check_license_and_product_on_slm' ); function check_license_and_product_on_slm() { if (isset($_REQUEST['product_id'])) { $post_prod_name = trim(strip_tags($_REQUEST['product_id'])); $key = trim(strip_tags($_REQUEST['license_key'])); global $wpdb; $tbl_name = SLM_TBL_LICENSE_KEYS; //find dbrow where licence code is. $sql_prep1 = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE license_key = %s", $key); $retLic = $wpdb->get_row($sql_prep1, OBJECT); //get Unique Transaction ID from SLM(Easy Digital Downloads + EDD Software License Manager gives:"023 - Demo Product - variable price option"). $txn_product_name = $retLic->txn_id; //get product name from Unique Transaction ID. //$$txn_product_name = '20 - Arrow'; list($explode_id, $explode_name, $explode_option) = explode(" - ", $txn_product_name); //uncomment for debug. //$args = (array('result' => 'debug', 'message' => 'explode_name: ' . $explode_name . " + product_id: " . $product_id)); //SLM_API_Utility::output_api_response($args); //v2.2: Prevent deactivation with random code. if ($retLic){ //db row funnet med lisens kode //send error if transaction product name is not POST product name. if ($explode_name != $post_prod_name) { //produkt navn for kode okke lik vedlagt produkt navn $args = (array('result' => 'error', 'message' => 'Your license key was not issued for this product')); SLM_API_Utility::output_api_response($args); } //if go past her, then its ok. (no error) } else{ //no db row found for licence code $args = (array('result' => 'error', 'message' => 'License code unknown')); SLM_API_Utility::output_api_response($args); } } }
To answer my own question, I got it working by modifying wc-software-license-manager.php. Now the Product name is stored in the database, so it can be checked at activation time.
search for ‘txn_id’, and comment out the line:
//$api_params[‘txn_id’] = $order_id;
and add a new line under that one:
$api_params[‘txn_id’] = $order_id . ” – ” . $item_name; //example ‘022 – Appname’ (as EDD).To complete the Sofware License Manager – Product Control function, I made a plugin that can be found here: Plugins
In reply to: [Software License Manager] The same licence key can activate all my ProdctsI made this code as a plugin, so that I dont have to edit the themes functions.php any more.
What the code do is:
Find ‘txn_id’ in database related to requested ‘license_key’.
Find ‘txn_product_name’ from ‘txn_id’.
If ‘txn_product_name’ is not equal to requested ‘product_id’ an error is returned.
Here is the plugin link.
slm-product-control-v2.1.zipHi, can you help me out? How do Woocommerce SLM addon know the stored Product name?
To check the requested ‘product_id’, i suppose there shoud be a product id collumn in the database to check against. But mine only have ‘product_ref’, and it is empty.I got Easy digital download addon running as it adds the product name to the ‘txn_id’, so i have something to check the request with.
I wonder how you got it working.
See my database table.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by supermagna.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by supermagna.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by supermagna.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Software License Manager] The same licence key can activate all my ProdctsSo the answer to my question is that there is no product control by default…
But I made it work thanks to cristiscu
I modified the code to react on product name instead of id in Unique Transaction ID.
Added this code to bottom of theme’s functions.php
//check product name on the activation/deactivation of a license key //original from add_action('slm_api_listener_slm_activate', 'check_license_and_product_on_slm' ); add_action('slm_api_listener_slm_deactivate', 'check_license_and_product_on_slm' ); function check_license_and_product_on_slm() { if (isset($_REQUEST['product_id'])) { $post_prod_name = trim(strip_tags($_REQUEST['product_id'])); $key = trim(strip_tags($_REQUEST['license_key'])); global $wpdb; $tbl_name = SLM_TBL_LICENSE_KEYS; //find dbrow where licence code is. $sql_prep1 = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE license_key = %s", $key); $retLic = $wpdb->get_row($sql_prep1, OBJECT); //get Unique Transaction ID (Easy Digital Downloads + EDD Software License Manager gives:"023 - Demo Product"). $txn_product_name = $retLic->txn_id; //get product name from Unique Transaction ID. $txn_product_name = substr($txn_product_name,strpos($txn_product_name," - ")+3); //uncomment for debug. //$args = (array('result' => 'debug', 'message' => $txn_product_name . " + " . $post_prod_name)); //SLM_API_Utility::output_api_response($args); //send error if transaction product name is not POST product name. if ($retLic && $txn_product_name != $post_prod_name) { $args = (array('result' => 'error', 'message' => 'Your license key was not issued for this product')); SLM_API_Utility::output_api_response($args); } } }
When your client app appends a
&product_id=Wordpress Licence Manager v2
at the end of the query string, a check will be performed and the query fails if the key was actually issued for another product.
Thanks to cristiscu.- This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by supermagna.