Hi, again, I would like to avoid wp_list_categories.
This was posted in another forum and it’s exactly what i’m looking for, but doesn’t seem to work on 2.5
Make it a function (to be included within the ‘function.php’ in your theme folder, for example):
function number_postpercat ($idcat, $post_status=’publish’) {
global $wpdb;
$result=$wpdb->get_col(“SELECT c.post_id FROM {$wpdb->post2cat} c INNER JOIN {$wpdb->posts} p ON c.post_id = p.id WHERE c.category_id = $idcat AND p.post_status=’$post_status'”);
echo $number;
Then trigger it including the following in the appropiate place of your template:
<?php number_postpercat (4); ?>
…where ‘4’ is the required category id.
Have a good day,