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  • superusersysadmin


    IMPORTANT: briancavanaugh, if you end up having someone else, or a service help you, remember to let them know you accidently posted all the wp-config.php file output, and a direct download link to the entire site backup. So they know to change all passwords etc…

    briancavanaugh, I am still willing to assist you, however trying to do this in a forum setting is going to be next to impossible.

    However seeing as I am not allowed to have you contact me personally, I’m not sure that I can help you.

    I attempted to post my e-mail address and that is against policy, which is really a good rule to have for safety reasons.

    I’m not sure if we talk to the Mods and ask them to allow communication between us, if they would be able to allow this.

    I know that I see domain names posted here all the time, however I’m sure at this point I wouldn’t even be allowed to post one of mine here.

    I still have the .RAR archive of your backup in a password protected encrypted archive on one of my local machines. I will delete it from my system as soon as I verify you are going to seek help else ware.

    I apologize for this situation as I was just trying to help spread a little knowledge and possibly help people who needed it, but could not afford to pay for help. In your situation I was going to offer my time for free, though I am very busy with customer projects and managing multiple virtual private servers.

    Thank You.



    Hello Jan Dembowski

    I apologize for posting my e-mail address. I am new to the support forums and did not realize this is not allowed.

    I understand you are not accusing me of any bad intentions, it’s just kind of funny that he un-knowingly posted enough information to do a whole lot of malice to his site, yet that was left posted for the last 3 or 4 days.

    However it looks like I didn’t ask a Mod to take it down until yesterday, instead I was asking him to edit the post. Which he could not do and I didn’t realize that either. I hadn’t checked back for a few days and figured if he didn’t edit that sombody would catch it and remove it. But obviously, it’s impossible to catch everything in a forum with this amount of activity.

    If the volunteer level of support does not work then the user may want to consider paid support away from these forums as an option.

    Yeah, I mentioned that in one of my posts:

    I would be willing to help you get this site back up, however this would be a little time consuming, or you could use one of the many services available, or, if you have the time, just do some research and become familiar with wp, and you will be able to get the site up and running by yourself.

    Again, my apologies for the mis-understanding.

    Have a nice day.




    In order to have your site point from: https://www to https:// you would just use a simple 301 redirect.

    But if your worried about your score on Pingdom, the more redirects you have, the lower your score will be.

    Unless you notice a significant drop in speed, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Especially if you have a decent score.

    Thank you.



    Hello again.

    Hi, thanks for the robots.txt tip. ??

    Sure no problem.

    Question. Do I have to leave all these URLs disallowed forever and ever? Or will Google figure out they don’t exist anymore after a while and I can remove them from the robots.txt?

    Well if the URLs do not exist anymore then leaving them disallowed in your Robots.txt file forever will not have any negative effects.

    So why not just leave them in there? But, yes Google will eventually forget about these URLs.

    Obviously, if the URLs become active again and you want them to be crawled, remove them from the Robots.txt file.

    Thank you.




    If you want a permanent redirect (301) you can try adding this to the TOP of your .htaccess file:

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC,OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ [L,R=301,NC]

    Obviously I used your example URLs for this, so just replace with the actual URLs and see how that works.

    For future reference you might want to ask questions related to an actual WordPress site rather than a Joomla site. Just a suggestion.

    Thank you.




    Have you tried stopping Google from crawling certain URLs using Robots.txt file?

    Here is some info on Robots.txt

    Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

    Thank you.

    Hello again briancavanagh. This full featured site with yellow background which you speak of, is not setup in this backup archive.

    The theme, template, plugins, settings etc… for this full featured site are possibly within this backup, but as it sits, , this is the one and only wp site within this backup archive.

    That’s it, you already successfully uploaded the backup.

    However there are quite a few themes, plugins, etc… within this wp installation, so the site you are looking for can possibly be setup from there.

    The content, images, etc… are also possibly located somewhere in this backup as well.

    So, IMHO, it seems the help you require is beyond the scope of this forum.

    I would be willing to help you get this site back up, however this would be a little time consuming, or you could use one of the many services available, or, if you have the time, just do some research and become familiar with wp, and you will be able to get the site up and running by yourself.

    Let me know if you would like me to assist you and we will go from there. And realistically, I would say we can have it back up and running in 1 day with enough effort. Otherwise, good luck to you sir, and let us know if we can help with anything else.

    Thank you and have a wonderful day/evening.

    IMPORTANT: Sorry brian, I did NOT mean for you to post the wp-config.php file output here publicly, as this is sensitive information.

    I will be happy to take a look at the back-up archive for you, however I also did not mean for you to post a link publicly for the entire backup of this website. There is surely sensitive info in here as well. It will be in your best interest to change all passwords associated with this site before going live with it…

    Here’s what I would do step-by-step:

    1. Edit your last post and remove the entire output of the wp-config.php file (MYSQL settings). Also remove the link to the backup .RAR archive.

    2. When you receive the login credentials from ICDSOFT, login to the control panel and go to MySQL Databases. Once there look for a database matching the one from the wp-config.php file.
    If it’s not there create one with same database name.
    If it is there go to next step.

    3. Still in the MySQL Databases section, look for the user name that matches the one from wp-config.php file.

    If the user name is not present, simply create the user and pick a new password. Be sure to associate the user with the database. You will see a setting for this under’Associate database with MySQL user’. Again it is imperative that the info between MySQL and wp-config.php matches.
    Here is a demo of the ICDSOFT Control Panel

    4. Next, go into the File Manager section of the conrol panel and backup everything in the /home/amistad/www/www/ directory to a .zip archive, or any type you choose.

    5. Now, delete everything in the /home/amistad/www/www/ directory.

    6. Okay, now we need to upload the backup. So upload the .RAR archive to the /home/amistad/ directory.

    7. Next unpack the archive there, so you should see the ‘Pisaq Project’ folder now. You can remove the .RAR archive now if you wish.

    8. Open the ‘Pisaq Project’ folder, select everything within it, and ‘copy’ or ‘cut’ all of it. Next, go back up a level, to the /home/amistad/ directory and paste everything there. Select ‘Yes’ if it asks to ‘Overwrite’ certain files.

    I’m going to test the site in a little while on a Xampp stack, in one of my local machines. But looking at the backup archive, the WP site is located under the ‘newsite’ subdirectory.

    However, I see a 301 redirect in the .htaccess file so this should put the site at the top level domain. Please let me know if you need any clarification on any of these steps, or let me know how things workout.

    Thank You.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: file .bt?

    You might want to provide a little more information.

    Which directory is this new file in?

    Did you just notice this new file? How old is your site?

    Another problem you might run into is with the MYSQL db.

    Inside the .rar archive take a look at the wp-config.php file using a text editor. Look at these lines:

    // ** MySQL settings – You can get this info from your web host ** //
    /** The name of the database for WordPress */
    define(‘DB_NAME’, ”);

    /** MySQL database username */
    define(‘DB_USER’, ”);

    /** MySQL database password */
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ”);

    /** MySQL hostname */
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ”);

    These show the database name, database user name, password and hostname.

    Obtaining the login info for IDCSOFT will help here as well. It will allow you to verify the MYSQL db used for this wp site still exists.

    Have you tried deleting everything in the /home/amistad/www/www/ directory, and then uploading the backup there. That should take care of it.

    Rather than using FTP you can try and get the login info from IDCSOFT, and use there file manager.

    I think that must be the problem is an exsiting index.php and/or .htaccess file already in the directory.

    Important: Be sure to backup the exsiting files/directories before deleting them.

    Hello again, the new site seems to be up. Take a look at

    Hopefully you have the login info for the admin account of wp. The login page is here:

    Basically it looks like the site is in a sub-domain which is probably located at /home/amistad/www/newsite/ , or possibly /home/amistad/www/

    The site is definitley on shared hosting which is why you get denied permission to go up or down, whatever you wanna call it. Get closer to root is what we mean.

    Now wp uses the MYSQL database. But it seems that the database which was setup before must have still been in place, with the same user name, pass, and same database name.

    Let us know if you need some more assistance, like help moving out of the /newsite/ sub-directory, or anything else.

    Thank you.

    Hello again. So it seems you are being denied permission to go down a level, strange. ‘public_html’ and ‘www’ are synonymous, or the same thing.

    So ‘home/amistead’ is the user directory, and unless you have root access, that’s as high as you can go. For example, if your o shared hosting. The problem appears to be you are uploading the backup to this directory. It needs to be placed in home/amistad/www or even a lower sub-directory.

    If i try to go down a level, I get

    “Error listing directory /home. Permission denied. Error code: 3”

    Judging by this, it seems you have an issue with directory permissions. You need to gain access to these lower directories, and be able to upload your wp backup there.

    What type of hosting does this person have?
    Do they use cPanel?
    Find out the hosting company use and this will give us a place to start.


    FTPing the files – without success

    I assume you are unpacking the contents of the .RAR backup
    before trying to upload it to the server. Which directory
    are you attempting to upload to, public_html, or a sub-directory?

    Also, do you see wp-admin, wp-content and wp-includes directories
    when you unpack the contents of the .RAR archive. Start
    with this so we can at least tell if it’s even a wp site,
    since the ‘blog’ button in the menu links to a non-existent (Google Blogger) page.

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