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  • Thread Starter supervinnie41


    You can find it on this page:

    (in the upper right corner there is an option to translate the page)

    It will always send a copy to the person who uses the form. Those e-mails are a one-on-one copy of each other. Only the titel is different.

    Thread Starter supervinnie41


    Thanks for the subtle hint.

    I wasn’t aware of the update. WordPress didn’t give me a notice, but after a few times “checking for updates” I finally got the notice. Latest update has been done.

    Now your solution is working. Awesome. When it comes to the e-mail, this is exactly what I wanted.

    Now only the Summary field left to do. But I would need to contact you via one of your links.

    Thread Starter supervinnie41


    One of those fields is Fieldname24, and I copied your code in the email so it looks:

    <%fieldname24 separator={{: }} choices_separator={{ <br/>}}%>

    But that doesn’t work. The result is:

    Question written in the label: option 1, option 2, option 3, option 4 etc.

    Looking at the email that gets sent (via the Email log plugin) I can see that the line break is nowhere to be found.

    Also, I forgot to mention this previously. But I use the “Summary” field as well to show the visitor what the entered in the previous page. But is it possible that this also adds a line break after each chosen option? Because I don’t see any option for this.

    Btw is use the professional version (if that makes a difference). Version 5.8.108



    I’d like to report that this solution fixed the problem for me. My regular mini-cart is back and the sliding-out sidebar is also filled with products again.

    Thank you.



    I’ve just installed to new update, but the Shopping Cart still doesn’t work properly. When you add a product to the cart, a sidebar slides into view, but its empty. When you click on the shopping cart icon, there should be a mini-cart, but that is also empty.

    When I disable the plugin, everything works perfectly fine.

    I use the Shoptimizer theme from Commercegurus.

    Thread Starter supervinnie41


    Thanks, that is a roughly what I am looking for :-).

    It needs to be finetuned by adding more fields, and I need to make something that makes sure that the phonenumber is the correct format. But I’m sure I’ll get that working.

    Thanks for the working code.

    Thread Starter supervinnie41


    Sorry, I seem to have made a typo in the clickable link in my post above. It should be this:

    Sent this form to yourself via Whatsapp

    I don’t see how to edit a link…

    Thread Starter supervinnie41



    I understand that the API might not be the best option, but this (below) would work if only you could render the %info% and %fieldname1% as rawurlencode. To me this seems the closest working option to achieve an option to sent the form to yourself (without the need for api’s and other difficult stuff).


    <a target="_blank" >
    Sent this form to yourself via Whatsapp

    Would then (in the frontend) become something like:

    <a target="_blank" >
    Sent this form to yourself via Whatsapp

    In Whatsapp this would look something like this:

    Name: Supervinnie1, Contact me: yes, Phone: 0031612345678, Interessed in: getting quote for software package.


    Sent this form to yourself via Whatsapp

    When the link is clicked it either opens Whatsapp on your phone or the web.Whatsapp website in your browser (new tab). Yes, you’d still actually have to press the “send” button, but you’ll get exactly what you want.

    The only other option I can think off (which requires coding that I don’t understand) would be something more like a “share” button that also includes Whatsapp. But I’m not sure if this would work on a desktop? The above works well if only you can render “%fieldname1%” and “%info%”. I have been trying to get exactly this to work, but I haven’t been able to actually get the values to render. On the frontend I just get “%fieldname1%” instead of the value that is entered in the form.

    Thread Starter supervinnie41



    That add-on seems to largely do what we had in mind. Although the page doesn’t very clearly explain what its effect is.

    We’ll have a look at it to see wether it is close enough for us to buy.

    We just want our visitors to have the option to either sent the form to themselves via mail or via Whatsapp. (including the info entered in the form)

    Thread Starter supervinnie41


    I see. It seems to be a premium function, and I have the free version.

    I installed your plugin because I updated this website for a client seeing as it hadn’t been updated for about a year. Before I removed everything and started over again they already used your plugin (which was my motivation to learn to use your plugin).

    That old, un-updated plugin used to have the Reply-To function in the free version. I didn’t expect you to put this behind a pay-wall.

    The old version was removed in March and the client was still receiving e-mails till that time that where both sent to his own e-mail including also the e-mail of the person who filled in the form. And when the client clicked “reply” in Outlook, the reply would go to the e-mail the website visitor filled in the form.

    So it seems to have been free, but you put it behind a pay-wall in the last 12 months orso?

    Thread Starter supervinnie41



    Thanks for the reply.

    Maybe I’m a little bit blind, but I’m having a hard time finding the field you are talking about. Do you maybe have a screenshot? Or an online article (like a how-to) that mentions/shows where to find this option?

    Regards, Vinnie.

    Thread Starter supervinnie41


    Addition: my coworker just told me he was playing around with the shortcode while I was typing the above. He discovered that it shouldn’t be “pop-up”, but “popup” (without the – ).

    The documentation of the plugin still mentions “pop-up” however.

    Thread Starter supervinnie41


    Max_execution_time has been dialed back to 120

    Maximum execution time for each scan stage has been set to 20

    But scans keep failing.
    I’d like to show the log, but it keeps giving me a 502 error. I had to set the Max execution time back to 300 in order to get it to show up.

    This is the best I could do:

    [Nov 02 13:27:48] Scan engine heeft aanvraag ontvangen.
    [Nov 02 13:27:48] Controleer aanvraag handtekening.
    [Nov 02 13:27:48] Ophalen van opgeslagen cron sleutel om te vergelijking.
    [Nov 02 13:27:48] Cronkey controleren: 2dc11076ba658a3a0b1d82a736c500e2 (verwacht 2dc11076ba658a3a0b1d82a736c500e2)
    [Nov 02 13:27:48] Opgeslagen cronkey controleren aan de hand van cronkey-parameter
    [Nov 02 13:27:48] Maximum geheugen aanvragen
    [Nov 02 13:27:48] Configureer een fout afhandeling omgeving
    [Nov 02 13:27:48] Configureer scanRunning en scan starten
    [Nov 02 13:27:48] Heb een gedeserialiseerde waarde terug van 'wfsd_engine' ontvangen met type: object
    [Nov 02 13:27:48] Scanproces be?indigd na forking.
    [Nov 02 13:27:48] Scannen van inhoud: wp-content/uploads/2022/05/rene-kars_overzicht.png (Grootte: 436.65 KB Geheugen: 122 MB)
    [Nov 02 13:27:48] Malwarescan hervatten op regel 584.
    [Nov 02 13:27:48] -------------------
    [Nov 02 13:27:48] Scan onderbroken. 189505 bestanden gescand, 92 plugins, 5 thema's, 0 berichten, 0 reacties en 98923 URL's in 4 uren 2 seconden.
    [Nov 02 13:27:48] Aanroepen van Wordfence API v2.26:
    [Nov 02 13:27:49] Wordfence gebruikt 227.12 MB geheugen voor het scannen. Piek geheugen gebruik van de server was: 330.5 MB
    [Nov 02 13:27:49] Scan afgebroken met fout: The scan time limit of 4 uren has been exceeded and the scan will be terminated. This limit can be customized on the options page. Get More Information (wordt geopend in een nieuwe tab)
    [Nov 02 14:51:10] Aanroepen van Wordfence API v2.26:
    [Nov 02 14:54:50] Aanroepen van Wordfence API v2.26:

    I’ve sent the report per e-mail. I used this username to send it.

    Thread Starter supervinnie41


    I wanted to let it run for a few days before replying. But at the moment it is hit and miss. One day it’s all fine. The next it fails again.
    I will update once I have found a stable performance.

    Thread Starter supervinnie41


    Apologies for my following up on my post. We have had some major websites issues due to another plugin. So we have had to priorities getting everything working again and sorting out the problem.

    Below is the entry from the debug log. I’m afraid it is in Dutch.

    [Oct 23 07:54:51:1698040491.742552:4:info] Aanroepen van Wordfence API v2.26:
    [Oct 23 07:53:51:1698040431.331349:4:info] Aanroepen van Wordfence API v2.26:
    [Oct 23 07:52:27:1698040347.964397:4:info] Aanroepen van Wordfence API v2.26:
    [Oct 23 07:51:49:1698040309.782375:4:info] Aanroepen van Wordfence API v2.26:
    [Oct 23 07:49:55:1698040195.213040:4:info] Aanroepen van Wordfence API v2.26:
    [Oct 23 07:49:54:1698040194.631355:4:info] Aanroepen van Wordfence API v2.26:
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.711509:10:info] SUM_FINAL:Scan gereed. Je hebt 1 nieuw probleem om op te lossen. Bekijk onderstaande.
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.710991:1:info] Snelle scan gereed. Gescand in Minder dan 1 seconde.
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.663665:2:info] Wordfence gebruikt 0 B geheugen voor het scannen. Piek geheugen gebruik van de server was: 289.37 MB
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.662778:1:info] -------------------
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.659672:10:info] SUM_ENDBAD:Scan voor oude thema, plugins en core bestanden
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.247452:10:info] SUM_START:Scan voor oude thema, plugins en core bestanden
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.243933:10:info] SUM_ENDOK:Controleer status web applicatie firewall
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.243516:10:info] SUM_START:Controleer status web applicatie firewall
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.241514:4:info] getMaxExecutionTime() geeft halve ini waarde: 45
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.241298:4:info] ini waarde van 600 is hoger dan de waarde voor WORDFENCE_SCAN_MAX_INI_EXECUTION_TIME (90), verminderen
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.241092:4:info] Kreeg max_execution_time waarde van ini: 600
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.240874:4:info] Kreeg waarde van wf config maxExecutionTime: 0
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.240612:1:info] Initieer snel scan
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.239020:10:info] SUM_PREP:Preparing a new scan.
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.237435:4:info] Configureer scanRunning en scan starten
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.237211:4:info] Configureer een fout afhandeling omgeving
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.236983:4:info] Maximum geheugen aanvragen
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.235611:4:info] Controleren of de scan al loopt
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.234458:4:info] Opgeslagen cronkey controleren aan de hand van cronkey-parameter
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.234216:4:info] Cronkey controleren: 982f6495b373ec26c0d9b0c727053e20 (verwacht 982f6495b373ec26c0d9b0c727053e20)
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.233788:4:info] Ophalen van opgeslagen cron sleutel om te vergelijking.
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.233481:4:info] Controleer aanvraag handtekening.
    [Oct 23 04:56:44:1698029804.233092:4:info] Scan engine heeft aanvraag ontvangen.
    [Oct 23 04:56:43:1698029803.033438:4:info] Scanproces be?indigd na forking.
    [Oct 23 04:56:41:1698029801.843671:4:info] Start cron met normale ajax op URL
    [Oct 23 04:56:41:1698029801.842145:4:info] Testresultaat van het ophalen van de URL voor het starten van de scan: array ( 'headers' => WpOrg\Requests\Utility\CaseInsensitiveDictionary::__set_state(array( 'data' => array ( 'date' => 'Mon, 23 Oct 2023 02:56:39 GMT', 'server' => 'Apache/2', 'x-powered-by' => 'PHP/8.0.28', 'pragma' => 'no-cache', 'x-robots-tag' => 'noindex', 'x-content-type-options' => 'nosniff', 'expires' => 'Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT', 'cache-control' => 'no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0, no-store', 'referrer-policy' => 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin', 'x-frame-options' => 'SAMEORIGIN', 'set-cookie' => 'PHPSESSID=8thufgrm7deba93sifi3io8a7u; path=/; secure; HttpOnly', 'upgrade' => 'h2,h2c', 'vary' => 'Accept-Encoding,User-Agent', 'content-encoding' => 'gzip', 'content-length' => '32', 'content-type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', 'alt-svc' => 'h3=":443";ma=180;', ), )), 'body' => '
    [Oct 23 04:56:39:1698029799.191775:4:info] getMaxExecutionTime() geeft halve ini waarde: 45
    [Oct 23 04:56:39:1698029799.191514:4:info] ini waarde van 300 is hoger dan de waarde voor WORDFENCE_SCAN_MAX_INI_EXECUTION_TIME (90), verminderen
    [Oct 23 04:56:39:1698029799.191316:4:info] Kreeg max_execution_time waarde van ini: 300
    [Oct 23 04:56:39:1698029799.191022:4:info] Kreeg waarde van wf config maxExecutionTime: 0
    [Oct 23 04:56:39:1698029799.137493:4:info] Start scan routine invoeren
    [Oct 23 04:56:21:1698029781.920779:4:info] Aanroepen van Wordfence API v2.26:

    Hopefully this will help:——————-%0A%5BOct%2023%2004%3A56%3A44%3A1698029804.659672%3A10%3Ainfo%5D%20SUM_ENDBAD%3AScan%20voor%20oude%20thema%2C%20plugins%20en%20core%20bestanden%0A%5BOct%2023%2004%3A56%3A44%3A1698029804.247452%3A10%3Ainfo%5D%20SUM_START%3AScan%20voor%20oude%20thema%2C%20plugins%20en%20core%20bestanden%0A%5BOct%2023%2004%3A56%3A44%3A1698029804.243933%3A10%3Ainfo%5D%20SUM_ENDOK%3AControleer%20status%20web%20applicatie%20firewall%0A%5BOct%2023%2004%3A56%3A44%3A1698029804.243516%3A10%3Ainfo%5D%20SUM_START%3AControleer%20status%20web%20applicatie%20firewall%0A%5BOct%2023%2004%3A56%3A44%3A1698029804.241514%3A4%3Ainfo%5D%20getMaxExecutionTime()%20geeft%20halve%20ini%20waarde%3A%2045%0A%5BOct%2023%2004%3A56%3A44%3A1698029804.241298%3A4%3Ainfo%5D%20ini%20waarde%20van%20600%20is%20hoger%20dan%20de%20waarde%20voor%20WORDFENCE_SCAN_MAX_INI_EXECUTION_TIME%20(90)%2C%20verminderen%0A%5BOct%2023%2004%3A56%3A44%3A1698029804.241092%3A4%3Ainfo%5D%20Kreeg%20max_execution_time%20waarde%20van%20ini%3A%20600%0A%5BOct%2023%2004%3A56%3A44%3A1698029804.240874%3A4%3Ainfo%5D%20Kreeg%20waarde%20van%20wf%20config%20maxExecutionTime%3A%200%0A%5BOct%2023%2004%3A56%3A44%3A1698029804.240612%3A1%3Ainfo%5D%20Initieer%20snel%20scan%0A%5BOct%2023%2004%3A56%3A44%3A1698029804.239020%3A10%3Ainfo%5D%20SUM_PREP%3APreparing%20a%20new%20scan.%0A%5BOct%2023%2004%3A56%3A44%3A1698029804.237435%3A4%3Ainfo%5D%20Configureer%20scanRunning%20en%20scan%20starten%0A%5BOct%2023%2004%3A56%3A44%3A1698029804.237211%3A4%3Ainfo%5D%20Configureer%20een%20fout%20afhandeling%20omgeving%0A%5BOct%2023%2004%3A56%3A44%3A1698029804.236983%3A4%3Ainfo%5D%20Maximum%20geheugen%20aanvragen%0A%5BOct%2023%2004%3A56%3A44%3A1698029804.235611%3A4%3Ainfo%5D%20Controleren%20of%20de%20scan%20al%20loopt%0A%5BOct%2023%2004%3A56%3A44%3A1698029804.234458%3A4%3Ainfo%5D%20Opgeslagen%20cronkey%20controleren%20aan%20de%20hand%20van%20cronkey-parameter%0A%5BOct%2023%2004%3A56%3A44%3A1698029804.234216%3A4%3Ainfo%5D%20Cronkey%20controleren%3A%20982f6495b373ec26c0d9b0c727053e20%20(verwacht%20982f6495b373ec26c0d9b0c727053e20)%0A%5BOct%2023%2004%3A56%3A44%3A1698029804.233788%3A4%3Ainfo%5D%20Ophalen%20van%20opgeslagen%20cron%20sleutel%20om%20te%20vergelijkin&op=translate

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