The problem was a Souffle from Mothemes issue that in the Style.CSS of the theme set up a default “max-width: 100%;” for iFrames. You can fix that modifying the style.css and deleting the iframe class from the “max-width: 100%;” section near the video, embed and object section.
In my case I have solved that setting up “max-width: none;” at that single iFrame in order to keep the theme style files unmodified, the result:
<center><div id="divplaya" style="width: 641px; height: 223px; overflow: hidden;"><iframe id="ifplaya" style="width: 1280; height: 1080px; margin-top: -539px; margin-left: -188px; max-width: none;" src="" width="1280" height="1080" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe></div></center>
Working! ??