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  • Thread Starter surfrock66


    I actually figured it out…the actual file had like 50 blank lines between “# END WordPress” and “## BEGIN WORDPRESS LOCKDOWN ## and my file editor in cpanel put that cleanly off the screen. In “<FilesMatch “index.php|…”>” just add your other php files.

    Ok, I can confirm this is a revision control bug. Let me explain.

    Suspecting a bug in revisioning, I installed the “Revision Control” plugin bug didn’t activate it.

    My dad is making a huge post, suddenly he loses the visual editor.

    I activate revision control, limit the # of revisions to 10.

    I go to edit the post, still no visual editor.

    I save the post using the visual editor that shows just html, it takes FOREVER.

    When it comes back, I have the visual editor back correctly. I suspect when I hit save, revision control was activated and it wiped out all but the last 10 revisions.

    The whole bug overall is something interrupts the page load which prevents the javascripts to be loaded at the end of the file; in my case, it was revision control. If you get this error, please view the source of the admin page and see where the page stops loading.

    All of these fixes, I believe, are to symptoms and not the problem.

    I’m using wordpress 2.9.1. The visual editor is not showing up in only 1 post; it works in all the rest.

    I’ve scoured the post but nothing jumps out at me that is causing it.

    I use TinyMCE Advanced, and disabling it didn’t work.
    I cleared cache, added define( ‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false );, re-uploaded wp-include and wp-admin, disabled google gears, nothing.

    Another symptom: clicking “Screen Options” at the top of the page did nothing, which made me view the source. The last panel on my editor page is “post revisions” which is minimized, the end of the source code for this page is :

    <div id="revisionsdiv" class="postbox " >
    <div class="handlediv" title="Click to toggle"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span>Post Revisions</span></h3>
    <div class="inside">

    So none of the javascript is getting loaded at the end of the file. I don’t know why this is, I’m not familiar with wordpres enough to know what is represented by the “inside” class or what gets loaded, but maybe this will help diagnose the error. This is for my dad’s site and he saves every 5 seconds, is it some sort of problem with how many revisions are loaded by the revision manager?

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