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  • Thread Starter SusanRC


    I will pick it up again tomorrow (although it is rattling around in my brain!). There is something different between the way posts are rendered and how pages are rendered because the posts are fine.

    I have a child theme as well as the parent so I’ll zip them both and send them to you as you suggest. The Template Tags file is in the child but not being used — those changes were made in the parent because it’s a tiny change and I haven’t spent the time to play with that yet. If you look at the Articles page and any of the articles (posts) you will see that they render correctly. The Home, Contact and About Me pages are the issue.

    Thanks. enjoy your evening.

    Thread Starter SusanRC


    And….on the single posts the text starts in the correct location.

    To summarize what I’ve done….

    content-area padding 0 2 em
    site-content removed margin top 40 px
    added padding top 3 em to @media screen etc

    Plus removed edit link from posts and pages

    Thread Starter SusanRC


    Yes….WordPress 4.2.2
    Firefox 39.0

    No not aware of the element inspect feature.

    I guess I’ll have to live with it for now until the page is ready to go live and you can get at it via its URL (unless there’s some way I can send you the files).

    Thread Starter SusanRC


    On a page that has just a single line of text (to be expanded at another time) the text starts down about one inch below the header.

    Thread Starter SusanRC


    Sadly, no. I have removed the edit link and added the padding-top code from your last post but still have the extra white space.

    Thread Starter SusanRC


    I don’t have a link because I’m working in MAMP on my laptop for now. I wanted to work out the styles and all before I created a live site.

    Thread Starter SusanRC


    Yes, there is the same amount of extra white-space at your site. The only Plugin I’m using is JetPack and the only thing I used so far is the Contact Page Form.

    Thread Starter SusanRC


    Thinking out loud here — in my case it almost makes sense — logged out, no EDIT link, too much white-space at the top. Logged in with above change, no EDIT link, too much white-space at the top. In both cases my whole page moves down as if it’s trying to fill up a certain amount of space — once the EDIT link is gone there is less context and the whole thing moves down to better fill the empty space.

    Is there some style that boxes the div and centers the content inside with a certain amount of padding or borders?

    Thread Starter SusanRC


    Isn’t this just crazy! OK — no — I said it right. Logged in, all is well (EDIT link at bottom of page). Logged out — too much space at the top of the page. Tried your fix — now, logged in or out, too much space.

    Also, the EDIT link on a post page is at the top. I’d like to remove that one too.

    Fun fun fun ??

    The reason I want to fix it is because I want the Page header to be visible without so much white space when someone hits the site (once it’s live, that is).

    Thread Starter SusanRC


    Kyle —

    This is really weird — when I’m logged in to WordPress the above changes work perfectly. However, when I look at the page in the localhost when I’m logged out of WordPress the space returns and the content moves down lower on the page. I have 3 pages (Home, Contact and About) and one posts category in the menu (which displays the excerpts of my posts). When I look at the category page (or the search results page) it is the same whether or not I’m logged in but the 3 Pages act differently depending on my login status. They each have an EDIT link at the bottom of the page when I’m logged in but not if I’m logged out — could that be affecting the location of the page content? Is there some way I can include screen shots?

    Thread Starter SusanRC


    Thanks….I’ll try that!

    Thread Starter SusanRC


    Also added this code to the child style.css

    .main-navigation {
     position: relative;
    .header-search {
     /* (remove float:right;margin-top:-40px;) */
     display: block;
     position: absolute;
     top: 0;
     right: 0;

    And I had to declare this menu as the Primary menu.

    Thread Starter SusanRC


    I did it. See link above.

    I added a child theme and then added this code to the child’s function.php

    add_filter('wp_nav_menu_items','add_search_box', 10, 2);
    function add_search_box($items, $args) {
            $searchform = ob_get_contents();
            $items .= '
    <li>' . $searchform . '</li>
        return $items;

    Thread Starter SusanRC


    I am working in MAMP on my computer for now. When you do a search, on the page that is returned with all of the extracts, at the top (below the header) is a kind of title in grey that says “Search results for: xyz” where xyz is whatever you were searching for.

    I have a menu item for my single category (Articles) and when I click on that menu item it returns a page, much like the search page, with extracts of my articles below the header. Also, like the search page, in an area that looks like page title, above the post extracts, it shows the name of the category (Article) in grey. Since the category name also appears in the header, the title is redundant and I would like to be able to eliminate it (but not the one on the search page).

    I’ve been poking around the php files (I don’t program in php (yet) but I am familiar with ASP) but I haven’t been able to determine where this title is generated.

    Thanks so much. I love your theme!

    Thread Starter SusanRC


    One question — I have created a child theme and put all my changes in that folder in order to leave the originals intact. One problem I have run into is that the Template-tags.php file is in a subfolder — when I move it to the child root directory or create an inc subfolder in the child it is not recognized — I have made the modifications in the original file for now but would prefer to do it in the child. I’ve Googled it like crazy and this seems to be a problem for others (using different themes) as well. Any thoughts on this? Thanks.

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