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  • Thread Starter susb8383


    Well I upgraded to WP 3.0.1 and that still didn’t fix it. Same error.

    This is the full error:
    Not Found

    The requested URL /plugin/api/get_link.php was not found on this server.
    A Thing or Two is proudly powered by
    Not Found

    The requested URL /plugin/api/get_link.php was not found on this server.
    “>WordPress 2.1
    Entries (RSS) and Comments (RSS). 16 queries. 1.039 seconds.

    It’s interesting that part of the error says WordPress 2.1 when that isn’t my version. Is that a clue?

    Thread Starter susb8383



    Nope, that didn’t do it. I deactivated all my plugins and I see get the error.

    I got the same error. But then when I went to my plug-ins page in admin, I saw a message for all-in-one-seo saying that there was a newer version out. When I installed it, it removed the error for the contact form.

    So try upgrading your other plug-ins first.

    Yeah, this seems to be happening all over. I found it under another thread because someone thought it was related to 2.9.2. I had the same problem with my latest install, but just now I went to do a post on one of my old sites on 2.8.2 and I had the same problem. Worked fine last time I added a post.

    Nothing has been changed at all on my site. Very weird.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Blank posts page

    Well, never did figure out the cause. But I fixed it by
    1. exporting the wordpress files
    2. Removing wordpress
    3. Reinstalling
    4. copying the plugins (I already had them saved)
    5. copying the theme
    6. importing the wordpress files

    Which should give me exactly the same thing I started with, but now the new post page looks fine.


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Blank posts page

    I’m having the same problem, can’t edit or add new posts with 2.9.2. I tried changing the permalinks as instructed above, no difference. I tried deactivating my plug-ins one by one, no difference.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks, Susie

    Aha, figured out the redirect problem. Even though the default is index.php, it looks like it doesn’t work without the full url. When I changed it to, it redirected fine.

    Redirect isn’t working for me.

    I have ‘Enable redirect after the message sends’ checked. I left the default redirect url of index.php. But when I send a test message, after a few seconds it goes back to the contact page instead of redirecting to the home page.

    Other than that, I really like this plugin. It is simple to use with the functionality I want (capcha, spam detection, email validation.)


    I had the same question and I found someone’s post about how to do it:

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: PS Auto Sitemap

    Jim, I think the step you are missing is to put the id of your sitemap page into the settings. There is a field for sitemap page id.

    Thread Starter susb8383


    Ok, figured it out myself. Would have been a very easy question for someone to answer for me and would have saved me time…but, oh well. I’ll post the answer here so that it may save someone else time.

    Not knowing the relationship of the WordPress tables, I just assumed that posts.category_id would contain the category id of the post. What was I thinking???

    After looking at other people’s questions, it dawned on me that for some reason, you have to look up the category id in the post2cat table, not in the posts table. So I changed my SQL to this and it worked fine:

    $pageposts = $wpdb->get_results(“SELECT wposts.* FROM $wpdb->posts wposts, $wpdb->postmeta wpostmeta, $wpdb->post2cat wpost2cat WHERE wposts.ID = wpostmeta.post_id AND = wpost2cat.post_id AND wpostmeta.meta_key = ‘productname’ AND wpost2cat.category_id = ‘3’ AND wposts.post_status = ‘publish’ AND wposts.post_date < NOW() ORDER BY wpostmeta.meta_value”, OBJECT);

    Is there any place where all the tables and their relationships are diagramed?

    Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents about why being able to turn off the auto-inclusion of tags is a desireable feature.

    I’m not an advanced user of WordPress by any means and I have very, very simple websites. They consist of some very basic posts and a Contact Us page.

    Most people with Contact Us pages are using form handlers. And most form handlers use hidden input fields to tell them certain information such as what confirmation page to go to once the form is posted.

    So if I want to put each hidden input field on a separate line for readability, WP adds a BR to the end of each. Since the fields are hidden, what shows to the user is a ton of space before the submit button that looks like it is there for no apparent reason.

    Just wanted to give an example of how the autoformat feature is troublesome even to an inexperienced WordPress user like me who isn’t trying to do anything complicated.

    I agree with the above posts; if I turn off the WYSIWYG editor, I don’t want WP to give me partial WYSIWYG. But I realize some people may like this feature, so a way to turn it off for those of us who don’t want it would be great.

    I’d settle for a way to see the straight HTML code and edit these out myself, but I don’t see that when the wysiwyg editor is turned off.

    Hi, more to add.

    I’m using this Google sitemap plug-in that builds your sitemap and pings Google automatically when you post.

    However, I had the same problem (but worse), only my home page was being index, not any other page, including those that were linked on the home page.

    I also have a Google sitemap account. When I went in to my Google account to check things out, I found the problem. Google thinks I have errors in my sitemap because the sitemap is missing the www on the page URLs, but where I put the sitemap url into my Google account, I included it.

    So now I’ve gone in to my WordPress options and made sure the site url has the www. I rebuilt the sitemap (which automatically pings Google with the update). I’m hoping this will fix the problem.

    Thread Starter susb8383


    Aha! Figured it out! Turns out only the posts that were under a certain category weren’t working. It is because the category name was identical to the category base I had entered on the Permalinks page. Not sure why this made a difference, but when I changed either the category or the category base to be different, the post showed up fine.
    Whew! My faith in WordPress has been restored!

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