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  • I updated to 2.0.4 and it is not working anymore. I hoped the problem was resolved forever but it seems that after each upgrade the mail notification does not work anymore. It’s definitely got something to do with the “from”-header of the notification: because that is a none-existing mailadress at the webhost, it is rejected as spam. It can be altered in the “pluggable-functions” I believe.

    At my blog the e-mailnotification always worked, but yesterday my webhost decided to take measurements against spam and installed something that only allows e-mail from the hosted domain and rejects everything else as spam. Since supposedly the e-mailheader in the notification is the e-mailadress of the one that posted the comment to a blog, this mail-adress is mostly not hosted by my host itself and therefore being rejected as spam ??

    I liked it very much that wordpress showed the authentic e-mailadress of the person that posted a comment on my blog, I don’t want to change that….., but at the sime time I do not know how to get the e-mailnotification back working again ánd still preserve all the features it had before.

    Thread Starter Suyderman


    Thanks, I didn’t read your answer until now, I am still trying to find out how I can receive an e-mail when somebody replies to my question, haven’t found it yet.

    But I figured out how to make extra empty lines when I write a post:
    I simply use the p-tag and add: style=”margin-bottom: 1or2or3etcCMorPXorwhateveryouwant”

    That works just fine
    Thanks for your help!

    I am glad to read this, because I started to doubt myself: I am using wordpress for several weeks now and tiny mce almost made me uninstall everything and search for another blog.
    Now I shutted tiny mce down, but it’s still annoying that I can’t use all codes even if they are valid-xhtml like several br’s after each other.

    I don’t have any problems myself writing valid xhtml, but tiny mce does….

    Thread Starter Suyderman


    I was searching for <div /> problems.

    The reason is that when I write a log and do three or for enters for a larger piece of whitespace between the rules, the tiny MCe editor creates this <div /> codes and my blog is all getting messed up: the sidebar scrolls down all to the bottom of the page, underneath the last post and my header and footer get also out of place: they shift to the left and to the roght. Whne I remove these divs that tiny MCE created everything is fine.
    I know that I should use the p-tags, but I wonder why the tinyMCE makes such a mistake…..

    There are more questions and comments I have about the tinyMCe and using html-tags in general, there are lots of tags that the blog doesn’t support, like <pre> f.e.

    But first I want the search-function here clear so that I can get quick answers to my questions without having to post everything as new thread here….

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