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  • works with wp 6.5.3 aswell

    Thread Starter svenbolte


    yes the editor crash still (PHP 8.1.x, nginix, Mariadb current) when editing a cf7 post or page with block or shortcode in it.

    Disabling cf7 plugin you can edit the shortcode without problems.

    The crash happens when loading terms (that might be categories or tags) happens when tags are set or empty and terms are set or empty (as leon said), but the workaround of disabling the sidebar tags and categories is sadly not a useful one.

    Does not happen when using apache webserver instead of nginix.

    Thread Starter svenbolte


    it only happens in admin backend, not on frontend. admin backend is only available for me (site admin of that site). Dont have a development site to test, but i disabled all other plugins temporarily and had just cf7 enabled. Still throws the error. I can only edit posts containing the cf7 shortcode or block by disabling cf7 plugin before. Strange!

    Another Thing: On my other website (also wp6.1.1 german formal) apache Windows, php 8.0 – even php 8.2.1 setting tested) no error occurs when using same theme, so theme can be excluded as error reason.

    Thread Starter svenbolte


    If I enable the Folder Protection in the Advanced Settings

    It is working for me correct. My default setting is “enabled” and i inherit the setting on the downloadable files. open in Browser must be set to “no”, so pdf files in a protected folder cannot be shown in browser directly but must be downloaded first.

    It is regardless if you upload the file via sftp or via DDL uploader. In DDL folder only downloads are allowed.
    I mostly use password protection for accessing the file, cos i do not allow wordpress users to sign up.

    If assessing the files in the ddl folder via deep link URL presents a 403 error – which is correct.

    With my fork you can also give your users one day links to download a file without knowing the password.

    All methods work with .htaccess denied for the web users. Access is only allowed by the webserver task.

    If you want a file being viewed in Browser directly, upload it via wordpress to the media library (outside the ddl folder) and public can view in file in browser.

    Thread Starter svenbolte


    thanks. in my test environment running apache 2.4 php 8.0 and wp 5.6 and mariadb 10.5 the revised loco xlate beta is compiling mo’s now. ?? did not notice further errors or php notices yet. keeping eye on it.

    Thread Starter svenbolte


    german (formal) on stable has 0% untranslated now, but over 300 translations with status ‘waiting’ – waiting for what???

    Means who will set the waiting status to translated to let the translation being published to the wordpress/languages/plugins folder?

    I found the missing parts of the documentation in the web cache. This will close the gaps:

    Delightful Download Plugin Doku
    da das Open Source #Delightful #Download Plugin für #Wordpress zwar im Quellcode noch auf #Github zu finden ist, aber dort keine #Dokumentation liegt, habe ich die mir heruntergeladene Doku mal aufbereitet und stelle sie hier zur Verfügung. Die Doku ist in englischer Sprache und erkl?rt #Shortcodes und Attribute. Ich habe die M?glichkeit und Wildcard, eine Beschreibung zum Download einzugeben, erg?nzt, sowie einige Ausgabeformate (box, link) und die Listenausgabe angepasst.

    Zum Quellcode auf Github:

    Delightful downloads Documentation



    Can I manually upload files via FTP/SFTP?

    Yes, simply upload them to your server anywhere within the WordPress file structure (usually wp-content/uploads/). Once uploaded, you can enter the file URL into the Add New Download screen.

    How do I increase the maximum file upload size?

    Please refer to this tutorial on how to increase the maximum file size in WordPress.

    How do I add additional allowed file types to the file uploader?

    Please refer to this tutorial on how to add additional file types to WordPress.


    How do I output a single download link?

    Use the shortcode [ddownload id=”123″]. Replace the ID with the desired download ID, which can be found in the All Downloads screen.

    How do I output a single download file size?

    Use the shortcode [ddownload_size id=”123″]. Replace the ID with the desired download ID, which can be found in the All Downloads screen.

    How do I output the number of times a single file has been downloaded?

    Use the shortcode [ddownload_count id=”123″]. Replace the ID with the desired download ID, which can be found in the All Downloads screen.

    How do I output a list of download links?

    Use the shortcode [ddownload_list].

    How do I output the number of times all of my files have been download?

    Use the shortcode [ddownload_total_count].


    Why when I click a download link does the download count not update?

    This is usually caused by being logged in as an admin. Downloads by admin users are not automatically logged, however you can change this behaviour in the Settings screen under the Statistics tab.

    If using the [ddownload_total_count] shortcode, the count is also cached by default and will only update every few minutes based on the Cache Duration, which is set in the Settings screen under the Advanced tab.

    Why do I receive a 403 Forbidden error when I try to access a file directly?

    Delightful Downloads automatically blocks direct access to files stored within the wp-content/uploads/delightful-downloads/ directory. To access the file you must use the [ddownload id=”123″] shortcode.

    Why do my files download with the incorrect file extension?

    This is caused when WordPress does not know the file type your are serving to users. Please refer to this tutorial on how to add additional file types to WordPress.

    Why do my remote files open directly in the browser?

    When serving remote files it is not possible to set the correct headers which force a file to be downloaded, instead the browser will attempt to open them.

    Why do my files show a file size of unknown?

    This is caused when the file does not exist at the location specified or is inaccessible due to incorrect permissions.



    You can output the number of times a download has been downloaded using the [ddownload_count] shortcode. You must supply a download ID and optional attributes can be supplied to further customise the output. To output a download count using the default settings: [ddownload_count id=”123″]

    You can find the ID of a download in the All Downloads screen.

    All Downloads Screen


    The following are optional attributes that will modify the output.


    Format the number (10000 becomes 10,000). Default: true.

    [ddownload_count id=”123″ format=”false”]



    You can output the file size of a download using the [ddownload_filesize] shortcode. You must supply a download ID and optional attributes can be supplied to further customise the output. To output a file size using the default settings: [ddownload_filesize id=”123″]

    You can find the ID of a download in the All Downloads screen.

    All Downloads Screen


    The following are optional attributes that will modify the output.


    Format the number (100000 becomes 97.66 KB). Default: true.

    [ddownload_filesize id=”123″ format=”false”]



    You can output a list of downloads using the [ddownload_list] shortcode. Optional attributes can be supplied to customise the output. To output all published downloads, sorted by title in ascending order: [ddownload_list]


    The following are optional attributes that will modify the output.


    Cache the results. The amount of time the results are cached for can be set in the Settings screen under the Advanced tab. Default: true.


    Show only downloads within specified categories. Comma separated list of category slugs. Default: blank.


    Exclude downloads within specified categories. Comma separated list of category slugs. Default: blank.


    Exclude downloads within specified tags. Comma separated list of tag slugs. Default: blank.


    Limit the number of downloads to display. Set to 0 to show all results. Default: 0.


    The order in which results are displayed. Set to either ASC or DESC. Default: ASC.


    The option in which results should be sorted by. The available options are title, date, count (Download count), filesize, random. Default: title.


    When using both categories and tags together this attribute specifies the relationship between the two. The options are AND (Must be in all), OR (Must be in at least one). Default: AND.


    The output style that should be used to display the list of downloads. The default options are title, title_date, title_downloads, title_filesize. Custom list styles can also be added, as detailed here.


    Show only downloads within specified tags. Comma separated list of tag slugs. Default: blank.



    You can output the total number of downloads for all files using the [ddownload_total_count] shortcode. Optional attributes can be supplied to further customise the output. To output the total download count with the default settings: [ddownload_total_count]


    The following are optional attributes that will modify the output.


    Cache the results. The amount of time the results are cached for can be set in the Settings screen under the Advanced tab. Default: true.

    [ddownload_total_count cache=”false”]


    Show the total download count over the last number of days. Set to 0 for all time. Default: 0.

    [ddownload_total_count days=”7″]


    Format the number (10000 becomes 10,000). Default: true.

    [ddownload_total_count format=”false”]



    You can easily output a single download using the [ddownload] shortcode. You must supply a download ID and optional attributes can be supplied to modify the output. To output a download using the default settings: [ddownload id=”123″]

    You can find the ID of a download in the All Downloads screen.

    All Downloads Screen

    When no optional attributes are supplied Delightful Downloads will use the default values which can be configured in the Settings screen under the Shortcodes tab.

    Settings Screen Shortcodes Tab


    The following optional attributes will modify the output on a per-download basis.


    Set the text to display on links/buttons. You may use wildcards to dynamically enter data.

    [ddownload id=”123″ text=”Download my File”]


    Set which output style to use. The default output styles are link, button or plain text. Custom output styles can also be added, as detailed here.

    [ddownload id=”123″ style=”link”]


    Set which button to use if the style attribute is set to button. The default buttons are black, blue, grey, green, purple, red and yellow. Custom buttons can also be added, as detailed here.

    [ddownload id=”123″ style=”button” button=”red”]


    Add any custom CSS classes to the output.

    [ddownload id=”123″ class=”custom-class button-large”]


    A link output with the file size displayed:

    [ddownload id=”123″ style=”link” text=”Download (%filesize%)”]

    A button output with the download count displayed:

    [ddownload id=”123″ style=”button” text=”Download (%count%)”]



    Wildcards allow you to dynamically enter data associated with a download. The available wildcards are:


    The number of times the download has been downloaded.


    The date the download was published.


    The file extension.


    The file name of the download.


    The file size of the download.


    The unique identifier of the download.


    The mime type of the download.


    The title of the download entered in the Add Download screen.


    The ecxerpt of description of the download entered in the Add Download screen


    The URL to the download file.

    Where To Use Them

    Wildcards can generate dynamic data in the following places:

    The text attribute of the [ddownload] shortcode. Examples:

    [ddownload text=”Download – %date%”]

    [ddownload text=”Download (%filesize%)”]

    [ddownload text=”Download (Downloaded: %count%)”]

    The Default Text field in the Settings screen under the Shortcodes tab.

    Settings Screen Default Text

    When registering custom list styles, as detailed in this how to.

    Thread Starter svenbolte


    Solution found:
    Testing in a lab environment made it work with all plugins and theme installed. No breaks on save.

    Only difference was db version.

    So i upgraded Mysql on the hosted live system to version 5.7. Since then it did not happen again.
    Thanks for the hint with setting up a lab environment and merry xmas.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by svenbolte. Reason: solved
    Thread Starter svenbolte


    its a hosted environment – no access to logs. when i turn debugging on, no php error messages appear. After save timeout:

    “Etwas lief schief. Deine ?nderung wurde vermutlich nicht gespeichert. Bitte erneut versuchen. Es besteht die M?glichkeit, dass du den Fehler manuell beheben und die Datei per FTP hochladen musst.”

    and nothing is saved

    WP health check is with no issues.

    BTW: having the same issue, when activating access password category plugin instead.

    Both of them causing save in plugin/theme editor fail.

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