Dear Stephen,
I am having a problem with the agenda widget as the other user.
I just tried to debug the widget and I noticed that today, the last day of the month, the page submits a strange query where both start and end date are the same:
I tried to change the dates, but with that trick (e.g. end=2015-09-30) I only get an event in the 2016:
[{“StartDate”:”2016-05-09″,”display”:”luned\u00ec, 9 maggio”,”time”:”Tutta la giornata”,”post_title”:”Test di anni xx”,”color”:”#aa18a2″,”event_url”:”http:\/\/\/wordpress\/events\/event\/test-di-anni-xx\/”,”link”:”Visualizza<\/a>”,”Glink”:”Aggiungi a Google Calendar<\/a>”}]
By the way, the event plugin is working correctly because the link shows the events correctly.
I am not sure it is useful, but it happened that I had to clear and re-set the check on the ICAL feature to get it working because also that link was showing no result.
Thank you for your help.