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  • Hi Susan,
    Sorry a reply has taken so long. *sigh*

    It seems as though the URL to the image is simply not being inserted into the post properly.

    I’d recommend checking your upload settings, and if necessary, manually specify the URL to your upload folder (making sure it’s free of any errors) and seeing if that fixes the problem.

    As for trying another browser, I actually meant a browser other than IE such as Mozilla Firefox or Opera. If the image works in either of those browsers, then you can probably bet it’s an IE issue and work from there.

    I had a client experience this problem not too long ago and two things stood out: 1) there was no wp-xmlrpc.php file; and 2) the blog *started* with WP 2.7.x (currently 2.8.x).

    Two user accounts created (WordPress and one based on the admin’s Nice Name), hidden PHP code within the rss_XXXX table and internal_link_cache table, and hidden plugin files created/activated.

    There were only three plugins uploaded: Akismet, Hello Dolly (both of which are bundled), and Subscribe to Comments. And the theme was default.

    That said, if it’s an old hack, it might have a new spin. My 2 cents.

    I just encountered something quite similar to this. (It’s actually a little different than what’s linked above.)

    After a bit of tracking, I discovered a few hidden files (i.e. files preceded by the period like .README.back.php) in my plugins folder–Akismet, StatPress, and WP-Amazon to name just a few–and these files used varying names.

    Once I opened up the files (after downloading them and deleting them immediately from the server), I discovered that it was executable PHP code obfuscated by a ton of PHP comments. When the comments were stripped out, it revealed it was looking for something in the DB–the wp_options table to be specific.

    Tracking down the options table code (‘rss_f541b…’) showed that there was encrypted (and reversed) PHP code hiding in the middle of the plugins data. There was a preg_match which told me where to look and after decrypting the data, it’s one nasty little chunk of script.

    I saved a copy before deleting it from my DB and changing my DB info.

    So, if someone is having a similar problem, I’d recommend deleting the plugin files you come across which are hidden and you *know* are not part of the original plugin package, then deleting the code from the encrypted code from the options table–it shouldn’t be difficult to miss because it looks like a chunk of gibberish that starts with something like ‘;))”==QfK0wOpc…’ and ends with something like ‘…JXZ”(edoced_46esab(lave’.

    just wanted to point out something to sjc…that is *default WP behavior* and has nothing to do with the plugin. once someone registers on the blog and logs in (assuming there’s no redirect URL), that person will be sent immediately to the wp dashboard. now, assuming that you have members signing up as subscribers only, they won’t have access to much more than their profile page and the dashboard homepage where they can see your blog stats, but you don’t have to worry because they can’t write posts or edit comments or etc.

    *nb: i am not affiliated with any of the plugins mentioned, simply wanted to clear up the whole users going to the dashboard thing.

    I’m not trying to be facetious, but have you tried a different browser to make sure it *is* a browser specific problem?

    Also, I’m not entirely clear what your problem is. Are you having problems *uploading* images using WordPress, viewing the images directly, or the images simply aren’t showing when you visit the post itself?

    Finally, when you load the image’s direct URL (i.e., does the picture show up? If it does, then the link is likely wrong within the blog entry. If not, then the picture is not uploaded and therefore doesn’t exist.

    Now, as for what you should write for your URL link (I assume under your ‘Settings’), you can go ahead and leave that blank. When you upload with WP, it will automatically add the link into your blog entry based on where the file was uploaded.

    It looks like a problem with your theme. Double check to make sure your comments.php file (in your template folder) hasn’t been adversely modified. If you have a back up of the file, then try replacing the one you have up now with the last known working backup and see if that corrects the problem.

    (One quick way to test to see if it *is* a theme problem is to switch to another theme — default comes to mind — and see whether your comments reappear. If they do, you can be certain it’s your theme.)

    I believe it depends on the type of plugin you’re using. For instance, if it’s a plugin that adds content somewhere, you could easily get around having it not display on your homepage by wrapping the plugin code (which you publish in the theme) in something like <?php if(!is_page('home')) { plugin code } ?>.

    If the plugin injects itself into the theme using hooks, then you’ll most likely need to directly modify the plugin’s behaviour if it doesn’t provide an option in the admin panel. That I would not recommend unless you’re comfortable working with PHP and understand how WP’s internals work.


    The site you linked to looks like a custom build (not powered by WordPress), but you should be able to do something similar with WordPress if you’re proficient with design or can find a suitable theme.

    As for any “how to”, a quick Google search turned up WP Affiliate Guide. A quick glance at the page says that it explains how to build an affiliate website using WordPress, but it’s not free and I haven’t purchased it so will leave it up to your best judgment.

    Another option would simply be to learn the intricate workings of WordPress, such as theme and plugin design, then get creative. :/

    Good luck.



    Just want to point out one thing — the word “premium” in reference to WordPress themes usually connotes that the theme is not free and there is a premium for people to use it.

    It’s something you may want to reword when you’re promoting your themes. As an alternative, you could use “free wordpress themes” or “free high quality wordpress themes” or something along those lines so people know they are free themes and are held to a certain high standard (assuming that’s what you meant to imply with the word “premium”).

    My 2 cents, hope it helps.



    You’re not supposed to put the .htaccess file in your wp-admin directory, you’re supposed to put it at the root of your WP install (i.e. where the regular .htaccess file is for pretty permalinks).

    Thread Starter sweetdeal


    Thanks for the link, Yogi, but it’s still unclear what the default WP behaviour is.

    This bit is particularly confusing:

    If you have scheduled future updates be aware that currently, all updates will be pinged at the time of scheduling. This could result in say 30 pings at once. Some operations may frown on this : ( So be aware. </s> they should be pinged as the values in post_date arrive (as of Version 2.1).

    For instance, from the blog I’ll be importing, a lot of the entries will be published in the past and some aren’t published yet (i.e. a couple future dated ones) and some are current.

    What will WP do? Ping the update service for all the posts except the future dated ones and then ping once they’re updated or not ping at all during blog import?

    Look up the post levels plugin. It can do what you’re looking for, plus some.

    Thread Starter sweetdeal


    Note the quotes around the query string arguments. Anyway, it should work with the full name as WordPress just ‘sanitizes’ it, as it does when generating the url slug, before making use of it in the query.

    If it’s supposed to be as you say, then it’s most certainly a bug with WordPress because I tried it both ways and neither way worked (only when I put in the already sanitized category-name slug will it work).

    For now, since I was unable to find a function to snag the category nice name and the_category_ID() has been deprecated, I had to fall back to a clunkier solution.

    Just in case anyone encounters the same problem, here’s the code I ended up using:

    foreach(get_the_category() as $category) { $cat=$category->cat_ID; }

    A few more lines than I’d like, but it works. ??

    Thread Starter sweetdeal


    The second:
    query_posts(‘category_name=Category Name’);

    I probably should have specified that in my original post, sorry.

    (I also tried it the first way you mentioned for good measure. LOL)

    You can set up the blog initially in a folder called /blog/ or whatever, and then when you’re ready to move it to the root of your domain, open up the main blog’s index.php (i.e. the one in the same folder as wp-config.php) and change the reference to ./wp-blog-header.php to ./blog/wp-blog-header.php, save it, and move it to your root domain.

    After doing that, log back into your blog’s admin panel and change your Blog address (not your WP address) to point to your main site.

    Basically, you’ll have your blog located at the root of your domain, but your WP installation files will all be in a folder called /blog/.

    Hope it makes sense and helps out.

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