Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks – CoBlocks] Events-Block – Date/Time/LanguageHello @gdandrija – no problem & thank your for your help & work! ?? ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Go] Design-Style Modern: Color + a:after widthHello @gdmilos,
i appreciate your commitment & thanks for your work! (: (:
DanielForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Go] Design-Style Modern: Color + a:after widthHello @gdmilos & thanks for the reply! ??
Maybe i didnt explain it correct – there are 5 different styles you can choose from (in my case they are shown german):
– Traditionell
– Modern
– Angesagt
– Einladend
– VerspieltFor example: If you choose “Einladend” & use the primary color, it edits the color of the h-classes, the body font color & the button color (as far as i can tell, the only thing that isnt changed is the cite-item, which is used for the autor when u make a quote from the coblocks.) also the header & footer font colors are changed, but will be overwritten when u change another color in the customizer.
The secondary color changes nothing.Other example: If you choose “Traditional” and change the font color, it changes the the left border of the block quote, the button color & the h1 homepage titel which is used in the footer (and like in the first example, can be overwritten).
The secondary color changes the h-items in the body
The secondary color changes nothing.Next Example: If you choose “Modern” and change the primary color, its much like “Traditional” – but here, the h1 in the header isnt changed.
Secondary color changes nothing.I could continue to list the differents, but i hope you understand ((:
In each style, each color edits other items – sure, there should be a difference between the different styles, but for me, this doesnt look like a feature, it looks like a bug ((:—–
For the a:after i made a screenshot for you:
On the left side you see the normal configuration and in the right top corner of the underlining of the links – on the right side, you see the same, but with the css code
.menu-item a:after {
width: 100% !important;
which in my opinion, is the way it should look like – if you look closely, on the left side you can also see, that the underlining in the first linke “welcome” is at 100% – but on the secont line “Aus- & Weiterbildung” the underlining “starts to late and ends to soon”.Regards & thank you! ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Content Slider Block] uncaught rangeerror: invalid array lenghHello,
thanks for the advice – problem still is the same.
For me, i switched to another content slider so if you wanna close the thread, its ok – if you want to investigate further, im here to help ??
Regards (:Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks – CoBlocks] Events-Block – Date/Time/LanguageAlso – Events which are set on multiplays days, for example 9. april & 10. april, both days “whole day” are not displayed that way in the events-block. On the block the event is only listed with “date 9. april”.
Thank you! ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Content Slider Block] uncaught rangeerror: invalid array lenghHello @charlescormier ,
i already tried this, but nothing changes – still the error “uncaught RangeError: Invalid array lengh” on console which links to the following code:“
!function(){"use strict";function e(e){return function(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return t(e)}(e)||function(e){if("undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&null!=e[Symbol.iterator]||null!=e["@@iterator"])return Array.from(e)}(e)||function(e,n){if(!e)return;if("string"==typeof e)return t(e,n);var,-1);"Object"===o&&e.constructor&&(;if("Map"===o||"Set"===o)return Array.from(e);if("Arguments"===o||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(o))return t(e,n)}(e)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}()}function t(e,t){(null==t||t>e.length)&&(t=e.length);for(var n=0,o=new Array(t);n<t;n++)o[n]=e[n];return o}document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",(function(){var t=document.querySelectorAll(".wp-block-csb-content-slider-block");Object.values(t).map((function(t){var n=document.getElementById(,o=function(e,t){return 100*parseFloat(e/t)},r=function(e){return parseInt(null==e?void 0:e.clientWidth)},i=function(e){return parseInt(null==e?void 0:e.clientHeight)},l=JSON.parse(n.dataset.slider),a=l.slides,c=l.columns,s=l.columnGap,d=l.isLoop,u=l.isTouchMove,p=l.isAutoplay,f=l.speed,v=l.effect,b=l.isPageClickable,m=l.isPageDynamic;new Swiper("#".concat(," .csbContentSlider"),{direction:"horizontal",slidesPerView:null==c?void,breakpoints:{576:{slidesPerView:null==c?void 0:c.tablet},768:{slidesPerView:null==c?void 0:c.desktop}},spaceBetween:s,loop:d,allowTouchMove:u,grabCursor:u,autoplay:!!p&&{delay:1e3*f},speed:1e3*f,effect:v,fadeEffect:{crossFade:!0},creativeEffect:{prev:{shadow:!0,translate:["-120%",0,-500]},next:{shadow:!0,translate:["120%",0,-500]}},allowSlideNext:!0,allowSlidePrev:!0,autoHeight:!1,notificationClass:null,pagination:{el:".swiper-pagination",clickable:b,dynamicBullets:m},navigation:{nextEl:".swiper-button-next",prevEl:".swiper-button-prev"}});var y=document.querySelector("#".concat(," .csbContentSliderStyle")),h="";,l){for(var a=n.position,c=n.childPositions,s=void 0===c?[{left:5.8,top:11},{left:5.8,top:22},{left:5.8,top:33}]:c,d=a,u=document.querySelector("#".concat(," .csbContentSlider .slide-").concat(l,":not(.swiper-slide-duplicate) .sliderContent")),p=(null==u?void 0:u.children)||[],f=function(e,t,n){s[e].top=parseFloat(t),s[e].left=parseFloat(n)},v=e(Array(null==p?void 0:p.length).keys()).reverse(),b=Math.ceil((null==p?void 0:p.length)/2-1),m=e(Array(b).keys()).reverse(),g=0;g<p.length;g++){var w=o(r(p[g]),r(u)),S=o(i(p[g]),i(u));if(0<w&&0<S&&isFinite(w)&&isFinite(S)){var F=5.8,A=parseFloat((50-w/2).toFixed(3)),C=parseFloat((100-w-F).toFixed(3)),x=11*(g+1),k=g===b?50:g<b?50-11*(m[g]+1):50+11*(g-b),E=parseFloat((k-S/2).toFixed(3)),P=parseFloat((100-11*(g+1)-S).toFixed(3));"top left"===d?f(g,x,F):"top center"===d?f(g,x,A):"top right"===d?f(g,x,C):"center left"===d?f(g,E,F):"center center"===d?f(g,E,A):"center right"===d?f(g,E,C):"bottom left"===d?f(v[g],P,F):"bottom center"===d?f(v[g],P,A):"bottom right"===d&&f(v[g],P,C)}}for(var I=0;I<p.length;I++)s[I]=s[I]||{left:5.8,top:11*(I+1)},h+="#".concat(," .csbContentSlider .slide-").concat(l," .sliderContent > *:nth-child(").concat(I+1,"){ top: ").concat(s[I].top,"%; left: ").concat(s[I].left,"%; } ");y.innerText=h})),null==n||n.removeAttribute("data-slider")}))}))}();
”-> This is the code, with wp optimize enabled – but as i already wrote, even i disable the js minimizing, clear all cache, etc, the problem is the same.
DanielForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Content Slider Block] uncaught rangeerror: invalid array lenghupdate – i tested a few things;
first slider got 54, second got 9 & third got 16slides – the problem seems to come from the “huge” number of slides on one site; cause when i change the orders of the three, the thirst always works – but how can i solve this? ((:Update – im just a novice, but i think i solved the problem with excludig the path “/pdf-viewer-by-themencode/” under minimizing -> js -> exclude paths.
But maybe you can take a deeper look & put the correkt files in the “By default, WP-Optimize excludes a list of files that are known to cause problems when minified or combined. Enable this option to see or edit those files.” or maybe you have another, better idea ??Thanks & regards,
DanielForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks – CoBlocks] Lightbox-NavigationHello @paranoia1906 ,
thanks for the notification & also for the fast fix, i really appreciate it! ??
DanielForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks – CoBlocks] Lightbox-Navigationhello @gdmilos ,
thanks for your replay & your work! ??
danielForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gutenberg] Picture-Block Lightbox-FeatureAh, sorry .. i found out, the lightbox isnt a gutenberg nativ feature cause it comes from the coblocks plugin from godaddy.. closed ((:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [TNC PDF viewer] 404 with whitespaces in .pdf-filenameEdit: There is also another problem with the “&” sign in the .pdf-file-name;
The link to pdf works, but it doesnt load correctly & and shows an error on the top of the screen. (: