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  • Thread Starter sybakhar


    Hello @gdandrija – no problem & thank your for your help & work! ?? ??

    Thread Starter sybakhar


    Hello @gdmilos,
    i appreciate your commitment & thanks for your work! (: (:

    Thread Starter sybakhar


    Hello @gdmilos & thanks for the reply! ??

    Maybe i didnt explain it correct – there are 5 different styles you can choose from (in my case they are shown german):
    – Traditionell
    – Modern
    – Angesagt
    – Einladend
    – Verspielt

    For example: If you choose “Einladend” & use the primary color, it edits the color of the h-classes, the body font color & the button color (as far as i can tell, the only thing that isnt changed is the cite-item, which is used for the autor when u make a quote from the coblocks.) also the header & footer font colors are changed, but will be overwritten when u change another color in the customizer.
    The secondary color changes nothing.

    Other example: If you choose “Traditional” and change the font color, it changes the the left border of the block quote, the button color & the h1 homepage titel which is used in the footer (and like in the first example, can be overwritten).
    The secondary color changes the h-items in the body
    The secondary color changes nothing.

    Next Example: If you choose “Modern” and change the primary color, its much like “Traditional” – but here, the h1 in the header isnt changed.
    Secondary color changes nothing.

    I could continue to list the differents, but i hope you understand ((:
    In each style, each color edits other items – sure, there should be a difference between the different styles, but for me, this doesnt look like a feature, it looks like a bug ((:


    For the a:after i made a screenshot for you:
    On the left side you see the normal configuration and in the right top corner of the underlining of the links – on the right side, you see the same, but with the css code
    .menu-item a:after {
    width: 100% !important;
    which in my opinion, is the way it should look like – if you look closely, on the left side you can also see, that the underlining in the first linke “welcome” is at 100% – but on the secont line “Aus- & Weiterbildung” the underlining “starts to late and ends to soon”.

    Regards & thank you! ??

    Thread Starter sybakhar


    thanks for the advice – problem still is the same.
    For me, i switched to another content slider so if you wanna close the thread, its ok – if you want to investigate further, im here to help ??
    Regards (:

    Thread Starter sybakhar


    Also – Events which are set on multiplays days, for example 9. april & 10. april, both days “whole day” are not displayed that way in the events-block. On the block the event is only listed with “date 9. april”.
    Thank you! ??

    Thread Starter sybakhar


    Hello @charlescormier ,
    i already tried this, but nothing changes – still the error “uncaught RangeError: Invalid array lengh” on console which links to the following code:

    !function(){"use strict";function e(e){return function(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return t(e)}(e)||function(e){if("undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&null!=e[Symbol.iterator]||null!=e["@@iterator"])return Array.from(e)}(e)||function(e,n){if(!e)return;if("string"==typeof e)return t(e,n);var,-1);"Object"===o&&e.constructor&&(;if("Map"===o||"Set"===o)return Array.from(e);if("Arguments"===o||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(o))return t(e,n)}(e)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}()}function t(e,t){(null==t||t>e.length)&&(t=e.length);for(var n=0,o=new Array(t);n<t;n++)o[n]=e[n];return o}document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",(function(){var t=document.querySelectorAll(".wp-block-csb-content-slider-block");Object.values(t).map((function(t){var n=document.getElementById(,o=function(e,t){return 100*parseFloat(e/t)},r=function(e){return parseInt(null==e?void 0:e.clientWidth)},i=function(e){return parseInt(null==e?void 0:e.clientHeight)},l=JSON.parse(n.dataset.slider),a=l.slides,c=l.columns,s=l.columnGap,d=l.isLoop,u=l.isTouchMove,p=l.isAutoplay,f=l.speed,v=l.effect,b=l.isPageClickable,m=l.isPageDynamic;new Swiper("#".concat(," .csbContentSlider"),{direction:"horizontal",slidesPerView:null==c?void,breakpoints:{576:{slidesPerView:null==c?void 0:c.tablet},768:{slidesPerView:null==c?void 0:c.desktop}},spaceBetween:s,loop:d,allowTouchMove:u,grabCursor:u,autoplay:!!p&&{delay:1e3*f},speed:1e3*f,effect:v,fadeEffect:{crossFade:!0},creativeEffect:{prev:{shadow:!0,translate:["-120%",0,-500]},next:{shadow:!0,translate:["120%",0,-500]}},allowSlideNext:!0,allowSlidePrev:!0,autoHeight:!1,notificationClass:null,pagination:{el:".swiper-pagination",clickable:b,dynamicBullets:m},navigation:{nextEl:".swiper-button-next",prevEl:".swiper-button-prev"}});var y=document.querySelector("#".concat(," .csbContentSliderStyle")),h="";,l){for(var a=n.position,c=n.childPositions,s=void 0===c?[{left:5.8,top:11},{left:5.8,top:22},{left:5.8,top:33}]:c,d=a,u=document.querySelector("#".concat(," .csbContentSlider .slide-").concat(l,":not(.swiper-slide-duplicate) .sliderContent")),p=(null==u?void 0:u.children)||[],f=function(e,t,n){s[e].top=parseFloat(t),s[e].left=parseFloat(n)},v=e(Array(null==p?void 0:p.length).keys()).reverse(),b=Math.ceil((null==p?void 0:p.length)/2-1),m=e(Array(b).keys()).reverse(),g=0;g<p.length;g++){var w=o(r(p[g]),r(u)),S=o(i(p[g]),i(u));if(0<w&&0<S&&isFinite(w)&&isFinite(S)){var F=5.8,A=parseFloat((50-w/2).toFixed(3)),C=parseFloat((100-w-F).toFixed(3)),x=11*(g+1),k=g===b?50:g<b?50-11*(m[g]+1):50+11*(g-b),E=parseFloat((k-S/2).toFixed(3)),P=parseFloat((100-11*(g+1)-S).toFixed(3));"top left"===d?f(g,x,F):"top center"===d?f(g,x,A):"top right"===d?f(g,x,C):"center left"===d?f(g,E,F):"center center"===d?f(g,E,A):"center right"===d?f(g,E,C):"bottom left"===d?f(v[g],P,F):"bottom center"===d?f(v[g],P,A):"bottom right"===d&&f(v[g],P,C)}}for(var I=0;I<p.length;I++)s[I]=s[I]||{left:5.8,top:11*(I+1)},h+="#".concat(," .csbContentSlider .slide-").concat(l," .sliderContent > *:nth-child(").concat(I+1,"){ top: ").concat(s[I].top,"%; left: ").concat(s[I].left,"%; } ");y.innerText=h})),null==n||n.removeAttribute("data-slider")}))}))}();

    -> This is the code, with wp optimize enabled – but as i already wrote, even i disable the js minimizing, clear all cache, etc, the problem is the same.


    Thread Starter sybakhar


    update – i tested a few things;
    first slider got 54, second got 9 & third got 16slides – the problem seems to come from the “huge” number of slides on one site; cause when i change the orders of the three, the thirst always works – but how can i solve this? ((:

    Thread Starter sybakhar


    Update – im just a novice, but i think i solved the problem with excludig the path “/pdf-viewer-by-themencode/” under minimizing -> js -> exclude paths.
    But maybe you can take a deeper look & put the correkt files in the “By default, WP-Optimize excludes a list of files that are known to cause problems when minified or combined. Enable this option to see or edit those files.” or maybe you have another, better idea ??

    Thanks & regards,

    Thread Starter sybakhar


    Hello @paranoia1906 ,

    thanks for the notification & also for the fast fix, i really appreciate it! ??


    Thread Starter sybakhar


    hello @gdmilos ,
    thanks for your replay & your work! ??

    Thread Starter sybakhar


    Ah, sorry .. i found out, the lightbox isnt a gutenberg nativ feature cause it comes from the coblocks plugin from godaddy.. closed ((:

    Thread Starter sybakhar


    Edit: There is also another problem with the “&” sign in the .pdf-file-name;
    The link to pdf works, but it doesnt load correctly & and shows an error on the top of the screen. (:

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