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  • You have to create one before you can select it. You can create galleries by uploading images to the Media library – or directly IN your page or post. If you upload in a Page or Post, those images are “attached” to the page or post…. but are also part of the Media Library. You can upload images via the main Media tools and those will not be associated with any particular page or post.

    To create a slidepress gallery, use the Create New Gallery option from the dropdown button. Name the gallery. Ok and save your page or post.

    Now, from the slidepress button again, choose “select gallery” and you’ll get a menu of the available galleries you’ve created. Choose one (there’s only one probably)

    Save and test.

    Thread Starter syncbox


    Figure this out… I had html markup in the custom field data, which affected things… nothing to do with the function at all.

    But I ended up changing my function, just in case anyone builds off of it… to pass the correct page ID to the get_post_link() function.

    That now looks like:

    <p class=”postmetadata”> <?php edit_post_link(‘Edit Current Project Content ↑’, ”, ”,$page->ID); ?></p>

    You’re welcome. Hope you find an answer but feel free to ask more. I’d be happy to help if I can.

    Thread Starter syncbox


    I use Scott’s excellent get_recent_custom() function (in this plugin) to store labels for display outside of the page or post loop, too.

    For example, Let’s say I have a totally custom layout using the WP logic as a CMS. I need some fields that are not associated with any particular post — perhaps to allow the client to change a color value in the css or the number of sub-pages to display in the parent page (with various field data, etc)… I don’t want this controlled by the WordPress Settings (rather not have them edit any of that, frankly)… so, in my homepage, I store custom field keys and values for those things.

    Then, using c2c_get_recent_custom() [because it isn’t in the loop] I can get the value of the key and store it in a variable then use the var in my php.

    Here’s an example:

    $pages = get_pages(‘child_of=3&sort_column=menu_order&sort_order=ASC’);
    $count = 0;
    foreach($pages as $page)
    $cpimage = get_post_meta($page->ID,’cpimg’,true);
    $cpitalic = get_post_meta($page->ID,’cptagline’,true);
    $cpbrief = get_post_meta($page->ID,’cpdescription’,true);
    $numpages = c2c_get_recent_custom(‘show-cps’);
    $content = $page->post_content;
    if($count >= $numpages)
    //$content = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $content);

    The more I use this fab plugin, the more uses I find FOR IT. So Scott, just know that it is the FIRST plugin I install for ANY WordPress site I build! It is my favorite and I cannot help but show folks on this forum how versatile it is!

    Try using something like Custom Field Templates, where you can create a custom form for each type of data (eg.employee-pic and employee-bio or whatever) and then you client simply writes into those fields….

    Then, in your page template, you can generate the html and css around calling the custom field data. I use’s excellent get_cutom_fields plugin to echo the data from the key field, wrapping the before and after html around it. This plugin only writes that html code IF the key and value are present… though there are many functions and methods available in the plugin…. inside AND outside the loop.

    That way, the client is simply supplying the data, not formatting the markup at all… a far better method, imho, than trusting someone without much skill in html to write it, irregardless of WHAT that html structure is.

    You (as the template developer) could write table code around the data retrieved… or write a list (that’s what I would do, frankly) and float the image left of the text content using your preferred method of float clearing for each list item’s block. This is all hidden from the editor of the content.

    YOu don’t have to go through all those images to “find” the images associated with a post, though… just look in the Media Library and filter the images there by the “attached to” attribute.

    Or go to the post and upload post images from there — they will appear in the “Gallery” for THAT post. In 2.9.2, you can edit images from there, order them, delete, etc.

    I personally like the one folder (uploads) approach in that it makes writing dynamic code to display an image for that post elsewhere because you KNOW the path to it all the way up to the actual file name, which can be stored in a variable.

    though I wouldn’t be opposed to the ability to set an /uploads/foldername/ for each category or parent page… especially if that is set by using some existing value of the post/page that you can retrieve based on that other attribute of the post (eg. post_parent or the_category or whatever.)

    Thanks for the direction here… it helped solve my own issues!

    The bloginfo function you are using is going to parse the path anyway as an absolute URL… take a look at the HTML source on any WordPress page or post and you’ll see every reference parsed before display.

    If you are avoiding absolute URLs because you plan to move the site later (like after development) you’ll have to Find and Replace all instances of the original URL (eg. and replace it with the destination site’s equivalent (eg.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Adobe CS 3

    upload your swf via the plugin’s settings or the tool for it on the page where you want it displayed. I’m not familiar with the actual plugin, but most Media for pages or posts have to be UPLOADED via the Media uploader tool (in that page/post or perhaps in Media Library) to be visible to select via a tool or an insert.

    HTH, but like I said, not that familiar with the specific plugin.

    Can you suggest how to also retrieve and display the custom fields associated with each page?

    Much appreciated!

    Yea, not working for me in 2.9.2, either and I’ve used this lots.

    Can’t delete autosaves or revisions.

    Ceate a new gallery from the SlidePress settings (Add New Gallery) and then, in your post or page, Select it.

    But it seems lately that the slidepress/ssp/wp combination isn’t working with 1.3.7 + + 2.9.2

    Are these actually WordPress Pages or posts in categories?

    If Pages, are they all using the same Page template?

    If not the same, is the get_sidebar() function the same in all page templates (including the default page.php file)?

    Are you using any conditional logic to display the sidebar.php file? as in <?php if (is_page('n') {//do this} else {//do something else } ?>

    if yes, show me the code AND a url to the site would be good so I can sse the problem in action.

    Or, hopefully, you already have this fixed!

    Thread Starter syncbox


    Yep, that does it for me, too. Just like having to sometimes redo the permalinks settings when you upgrade or move to a new server (or both) during developement -> go live cycles… marking this resolved now.

    It’s a wonderful plugin – I use it with just about every site I build in WordPress. And you can run it inside or outside of the loop, which when using wp as a cms, is incredibly important.

    the c2c_get_recent_custom() function is powerful – you can use it to define any number of sitewide/global fields in your homepage or a separate (non-content) page to allow a client to be able to edit stuff found in non-page or non-post files (such as a sidebar or footer or other included file) as long as those fields use unique names.

    It truly is my #1 most favorite plugin that makes my workflow easy. I build totally custom markup and just use either default WordPress logic to power the site or with the aid of the c2c functions, using custom fields (and my own coding) to create data-driven sites that keep the client away from the html and css markup. I’ve even used the get_recent to allow the client to edit basic colors of key elements in the css… via a custom field in a page named “site style” that isn’t shown in any menu.

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