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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: plugins.php in admin has implode function issue?I’ve seen several posts about errors with implode that occur all over the place and in a lot of versions of WordPress as well as themes. I’m using a custom theme and this error only recently appeared… I believe. I hadn’t noticed it before now, at least. And I also am only seeing this in a particular site, not all sites based on WP.
On going through the plugins one by one, it is the Google XML Sitemaps plugin causing the problem.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding pagesHow do you “go” to the page? What version of WordPress is installed? What’s the URL of the site?
All of this info makes it easier to help you.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: updating on wordpress not fantastico?If you update from within WordPress, Fantastico will not “know” about your updated application. You will need to find your fantversion.php file and manually modify it, then upload it to replace the original. Otherwise, you might see that your install needs “updating” when it actually doesn’t… and believe me, if you go backwards from a more recent update, it’s a MESS!
I’ve run into this a lot at and hosting servers since they seldom (especially godaddy) have the latest versions of WP…. I’m told it’s a fantastico problem and that different servers often offer different versions (sucks).
I suggested an idea to have a core-level file in WordPress that is simply the version so that WP updates it and third-party sites or apps could modify the number if updates are made through them (eg. Fantastico)…. give a vote, if you agree.
Um, and always, back up your database and files before upgrading. With the latest versions of WordPress, I feel confident that the upgrade will go smoothly, but the first time you fail to CYA, it’s bound to fail! That’s some sort of corollary or rule, isn’t it?
Best of luck
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: can’t rename slug of parent pageIt shouldn’t be a problem.
1) go to the parent page and click the Edit button for the slug (permalink). If not visible, you may need to adjust the view options of the page to display the slug.
2) change the slug (eg. /foo/ to /lol/)
3) click the Save button by the Edit button
4) CLICK THE UPDATE PAGE BUTTON. If you don’t do this, you will lose your edit.
Results: if you go to the child page, it should have its slug altered to reflect the changes made to the parent page.
All dynamically generated links should also be modified.
NOTE: I did this in an earlier version but I believe it works also in 2.9. I’ve not noticed any issues myself, but have forgotten to click the UPDATE PAGE button before leaving the modified slug page and have lost changes because of it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to add a forums to your site?I don’t know. I think you’d have to ask on THOSE programs’ forums? How complex does a forum need to be? Have you TRIED any of them? Perhaps they do have what you need included in them.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: any way to use bloginfo() to link to uploads directory?No, I simply want to “get” (as in dynamically write it) the path to the uploads (or custom folder) where the media uploader puts files.
For example, if one isn’t a developer using something that includes an FTP program, one might edit templates and want to include a file that the site owner or editor would upload… if I were putting that file up with FTP in my own program, I’d likely include it in a folder in my theme and could write that as:
<?php bloginfo(‘template_directory’); ?>/myimages/ and then tap into a custom field entry to generate the file name from the db… but the uploads is outside of the theme folder… and can be something OTHER than uploads
I want to know how to dynamically generate a path to the uploads (or custom location) outside of the template_directory rather than write /wp-content/uploads/ (hard coding it)
Surely this is possible?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: any way to use bloginfo() to link to uploads directory?So… if I echo’d
<img src=”<?php echo get_option(‘upload_path’); ?>/image.jpg” />
(assuming I am not using year, month, etc), that would return an absolute url to the uploads directory location indicated in the misc settings?
Is that function understood by default by WordPress or something I have to add to a functions.php file? Or explicitly include somewhere?
and… do I assume that this is associated with a post and therefore must be within the loop?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: what is this layout?i know i can make the css do whatever i want that is easy. thats controlling the structure of a page.
Markup and logic controls the STRUCTURE, not CSS. CSS controls the appearance of the markup which in turn, takes the content generated by the logic of the application and displays it in the indicated containers wherever and however the CSS affects the appearance.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: what is this layout?I mean that you don’t have to use theme markup to use WordPress. It’s the logic (functions, loops, etc) that do the work, not the markup (html)
I can build my templates using whatever containers I want and insert the logic of the application where I need it. I can have mulitiple loops and any html containers I want, which I then write CSS for.
A “custom” WordPress application means I design my own markup and CSS and don’t even use the same approach as ANY theme. It is NOT always easy to build out a design using the typical markup in a theme (whatever it has for CSS) because you are (by default) approaching the layout as a BLOG. I build sites that may not even HAVE chronologically associated posts in the sense of a linear thread. I still can *use* categories and posts and Page templates, etc by modifying the loop (or loops) I put into a custom page template.
I never use the containers (#page, #header, #headerimg, #content or .entry or .navigation or .postmetadata) I create my own and build my own CSS for MY markup. I add the logic as needed, including multiple loops or queries.
That makes my “theme” custom in more than just the CSS. A dynamically generated or data-driven website IS an application.
I am simply putting forth that you can customize a “theme” far more than most ever do.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problems with WordPress Editor — You too?Best bet? don’t use it. I just turn it off unless there’s a compelling reason otherwise.
I tend to use the wp-includes/js/quicktags.js file to define tools for formatting content. The html editors tend to add a bunch of crap spans and nested weirdness that is just all too easy for the uneducated editor to even realize they are adding.
You can turn off that feature from the user’s options.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Articles: 404 with Explorer, Ok with FFThe first one doesn’t work in Firefox for me. The second does. I am guessing that your id is incorrect.
I’d take the time to search around to see if I am correct, but i don’t read Italian! sorry….
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I want to display 6 post from 1 categoryThese are completely different requests.
It looks like you are using includes, which has nothing to do with querying the database for the content (posts and metadata) of a category or categories…
To get 6 posts from different categories, you’d have to use a get_post() function build an array to output the content as you want it displayed. However, I’d go with the custom query I mentioned above and use different categories for the different 6 things you want to display… particularly if you are trying to display the most recent post in each. The custom query would look like:
<?php $my_query = new WP_Query('cat=1,2,3,4,5,6&showposts=1'); ?> <?php while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post(); ?> <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2> <?php the_excerpt(); ?> <p >Read the rest of "<?php the_title(); ?>" in <?php the_category(' » '); ?></p> <p class="postmetadata"><?php edit_post_link('Admin Edit', '', ''); ?></p> <?php endwhile; ?>
That would dislay the latest post from each category (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) which *isn’t* the same thing as the last 6 posts from ONE category.
You have to think about how you structure your content before you design the code to get the content. You *could* make the 6 categories as *sub-categories* of that ONE category… I can’t take time to figure out how to merge your intention with your content – but once you have it actually figured out logically, then decide if you wnat 6 posts from 1 cat or 1 post from 6 cats…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: what is this layout?BTW… “themes” typically use the standard layout markup (xhtml) and it is the CSS file (style.css) that makes the layout different.
But that said, I NEVER build themes this way as I specialize in custom WordPress applications where the markup is custom to the desired layout — if you understand how the files are chosen for display, this isn’t difficult at all and you needn’t struggle to create CSS for markup that isn’t appropriate for what you want.
Of course, that means your files cannot be “themed” with official theme CSS. The price you pay, of course.
On the other hand, you can do just about anything you want if you understand where the WordPress logic goes amidst your own markup.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: what is this layout?EAch theme has its on index.php, page.php, style.css, etc
It is the style.css file that names the theme and that is used to select which theme is being used. You select it from your admin section under “Appearances”
Every entry is a post in WordPress, though that seems somewhat hidden to most users…. Posts are associated to one or more Categories or… you can add a Page, which is a single post that is unassociated with any categories.
As to WHICH FILE (index, page, category, archive, single, etc) is used to display the content pulled via the loop from the database, it depends upon the link or code. For example, if you set your homepage to be your blog, you are selecting (likely) the index.php file to be the file used thus its loop — with any modifications to functions and conditional statements — will display the requested content. On a homepage, that means it will display posts from all your categories, unless you modify the code to do something else.
If your homepage is set to a static WordPress Page (a post that isn’t part of any category… ) only the content in that page is displayed. Since there’s only one entry, the loop actually doesn’t “loop”.
Pages also have a simple mechanism to select a template (page.php is the “default” Page template; search the documentation to undertand how to create a custom Page template). Categories require a custom category-#.php file that is “found” by WordPress if it exists (where the # is the id of the category). The disadvantage of this is that it ONLY applies to THAT category (based on the exact id number). Don’t ask why… I’d guess it is because categories and posts came first and Pages (and selectable and sharable Page templates) came later, after seeing the disadvantages to the existing method for categories.
Archive.php is used when requesting archived stuff; single.php is used to display a single post…
Basically, the template file used is “hierarchical” beginning with index.php. If no other files are available, then index will be used for all things.
It’s not like static html files at all. The content exists in database tables and is displayed in a file pertinent to both the post type (post or Page) and the the link calling the content (eg. a custom category-x.php file if it exists or the Page template selected if the link points to a Page) and the code and layout of the file used.
And, sidebar.php and footer.php and header.php are shared by all the templates if you so desire. There’s no requirement to have a separate footer or sidebar… they are simply just where you’d put common markup/code, etc that appears on all pages… generally. You can have different sidebars or footers or headers as desired but the get_header() or get_sidebar() or get_footer() function maybe wouldn’t understand pointing to those… you’d use an include or require function instead.
It all comes down to understanding the big picture of the difference between how a static site provides content versus how it’s done for dynamically generated content pages.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to add a forums to your site?Did you take a look at the various forum plugins for WordPress?