Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Horizontal shifts from page to pageIf you want to fix this, add this to the top of your style.css file:
html, body {
}Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Keep WordPress from Inserting BR tags.Here you go… your question (and those of others) prompted me to deal with the same issues, so I thought I’d post my solution here:
1) I am NOT using the WYSIWYG interface (just the one with quick tags)
2) backed up the quicktags.js file in wp-includes/js/ folder
3) opened quicktags.js (I used Dreamweaver 8 for this, but textpad or simpletext or similar should work) and added just below the similar code that adds the ul tagedButtons[edButtons.length] =
new edButton('ed_p'
);now the client/user can first click the p quicktag, add content, the at the end, click the toggled /p quicktag.
tags GONE!
btw, this is using wp 2
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image posting for a blog handed over later to NOOBOK, I’ve done a bit more looking around in the quicktags js… and I’ve it figure out:
1) use the current img button
2) modify the default img location to point to the upload image (file) folder, using / path structure rather than absolute
3) create two class quicktags, one for each class to float left and right
4) I’ll have to inform the client(s) to upload the image via the interface, add the image via the img quicktag, copy and paste the image file name after the new default path, then insert the cursor after <img and add a space, then click the desired right or left quicktag.Not that hard, actually, but I thought I’d add it here in case the original poster hadn’t found a solution.
The code I modified for the default path was
function edInsertImage(myField) {
var myValue = prompt('Enter the URL of the image', 'https://');
if (myValue) {
myValue = '<img src="'
+ myValue
+ '" alt="' + prompt('Enter a description of the image', '')
+ '" />';
edInsertContent(myField, myValue);
}to modify the second line to add:
function edInsertImage(myField) {
var myValue = prompt('Enter the URL of the image', '/wp-content/sMBimages/');
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image posting for a blog handed over later to NOOBfor example, I can make a quicktag that inserts <img class=”picboxleft” /> but how do you get it to allow the user to choose an image?
or, is this the wrong approach? Should I make a quick tag that applies the .picboxleft or .picboxright class? Does anyone know or have an example for that or a solution to the above?
help and insight appreciated greatly!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image posting for a blog handed over later to NOOBhow do you make a quicktag?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image posting for a blog handed over later to NOOBjust to throw my 2cents in here, the support forum, while helpful for developers, is not exactly non-web developer friendly. The search is awful and most of the solutions really rely on you knowing *something* about the installation, methods and markup.
I’m eager to see the answer to this as I also have lots of clients like this – even with a bit more skills – that I’d love to provide a foolproof image inserting (and select left/right float) method.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Why does the search function for Support forums suck so badly?OK, but I agree it is a mean taunt as it is. That it is on the list to be fixed should be STATED in that sticky note rather than supply methods that still don’t work.
But thanks for that info. It seems to be the same info as why you click the “category” tag in the cloud of tags and only get to see one page of the threads and posts… it’s a known problem and is on the list to be fixed.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Long URL’s or text messes up my layoutFor long urls, try using
they have a tool that can be added to Firefox browsers that make it dead simple to make longs complex paths easy and short.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: use div construct instead of list construct for categories?nevermind… I figured out a way to get what I want, though I had to build a static menu construct and just use cat=id links
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: use div construct instead of list construct for categories?Gosh, is this just not possible or has NO ONE done it? Where does one edit how
is wrapped around categorys when using list_cat (etc)
Is it possible to use a div tag instead?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Font Size.. argh1) you control this in the style sheet
2) look at one of your pages in a browser
3) view source and find the bit of code that surrounds the text content you want to control
4) what is the tag? (eg. ? or <h2>?
5) does the tag have something like <p class=”post”> or <p class=”entry”>?6) if so, look in your style sheet for .entry or .post
7) what is the font-size? em? px?
8) modify to suit
9) if you are editing via ftp, then upload the newly edited style sheet. If from the admin screens (templates), save the changes
10) view site and refresh the page. did it change?It is NOT a good idea to just add more rules at the bottom of the page. Between cascade, inheritance and specificity, you could get wildly varied results, particularly if
a) the font size is set in em lengths and
b) the xhtml is writing <br/> instead ofHTH
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: listing posts in certain categories from old to new?I’m thinking you’d use a query on the page to show posts in ascending or descending order as desired? Something like:
if (is_category(4,5))
}else {
?>or something like that…
Look in the Template Tags for queries
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Mind Boggling CSS error/problem, calling all professionals.Hmmm… I saved the page source and the css and opened both in DW. Commented out the first copy of the .post-title-header rule. Saved the page, refreshed and previewed the page and it all looks as it did with both rules in the style sheet.
Why don’t you comment out the first rule, save and upload… then email me or post here and I’ll go take a look to see what’s going on in your actual site?
I’m happy to do that.
do the obvious-> dcaseyATsyncboxDOTcomForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Can I edit WP Theme in Dreamweaver?and btw, it does nothing that is proprietary. that’s completely false. What you are calling proprietary are libitems and templates? don’t use them. I don’t. I use includes (nothing to do with dw). And actually, “layers” as you call them are the same everywhere… those are absolutely positioned elements… in some cases… written inline instead of in a style sheet…
but if you know css at all, you can easily create any positioned element (relative, static, absolute) in DW without any problems.
Like I said, don’t use the widgets if you don’t want to.
it’s just a tool.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Can I edit WP Theme in Dreamweaver?DW8 seems to work fine in code view for me. I cannot figure out how to set up the testing server and https:// prefix to get wordpress to work properly (correct path structures, ftp and dynamic preview) so I cannot open index.php (in my theme) and have the includes and gets_ preview in design view, so I just don’t bother.
but it doesn’t seem to modify the code or anything. I’ve managed to take a working layout (xhtml and css positioning) and divide it up into the various files (header, sidebar, index, footer, home and another column file include) and that seems to work.
Now if I can just get my categories to work with the pvii tree menu I want to use…
But DW works well for me. I could handcode but WHY? DW will add closing tags (or not) as I want, there are hints to not have to type everything… it writes valide xhtml and I can totally add as many snippets of code I want and insert them with a custom keyboard shortcut. I love DW. It’s my skill saw and I wouldn’t want to have to use a hand saw to build anything. But hey, garbage in, garbage out…
it’s a tool. If you know your craft and you learn the tool, it works well. No one says you have to use all the widgets that are included.